Paintings – Bascha Mon

Chan Marshall, Author of “Visions of Johanna” – Rick Moody

A Groundhog’s Day – Patrick Duane
I’m Tom Hanks – Mark Leidner
Crushed – Matt Leibel
The Program – PJ Henry
Tornadoes – Andrew Graham Martin
The Loaves – Phoebe Baker Hyde
The Pirate  – Peter Gordon
Hope  – Rebecca Pyle
We Don’t Joke About Such Things  – Neil Serven
Calendar – Maeve Barry
Other Living Things  – Alexander Fredman
Particulation Glitch – J. Paul Stein
The Blue – Mary Helen Specht

The Ways to the Cabin  – Chris Fink
Why She Cried  – Larry Allen Pankey
The Dive Reflex  – Kayleigh Norgord
oung Girls, Like Me  – Nina Semczuk
This Land Is Your Land  – Abbey Cahill
Finding Our Way: On Maps and Mapping  – Priscilla Long
Sunfish – Lynn Eustis
Necessary Things + Cheap Sleep  – Gordon W. Mennenga
Alternative Education – Abigail Carl-Klassen
Feathers in Tar – Joel Long
The Woman in the Factory Who Will Cut the Fish  – Katherine Cart
The High Pass – Frank Light
Pleasant View Drive  – J.A. McGrady
Dr. Pangloss’s Intelligence Quiz  – Debra Coleman
Head on a Swivel – Juliana Gray
The Year We Were Almost Famous – Katiy Heath
Puzzle Box  – Jeff Ewing

Eat and Be Eaten: A Play – Carter St Hogan

Tell Me About the Glaciers – Kaylee Schofield
For John at St. Vincent’s + Adonis + Final Visit  – Cindy Milwe
Learning to Pronounce /L/ + Body Tree – Daniel Ooi
Dusk in March, 755, China, Civil War + Afternoon in the Meadow – J.P. White
Life Poem 2 + Caravaggesque – Elisa Gabbert
Paper Flowers + Paper Cranes + Paper Flowers + Paper Flowers – Brandon Shimoda
Patina + Some Fairly Useless Reflections on Cakes & Pies +
This is Not a Rehearsal – John Dorroh
Soundings + Fable – Sarah Carriger
Getting Lost – Ryan Fitzgerald
Love Canal – Claire Christoff
Too Happy – Luke Bloomfield
Syntax Practice – Hannah Rego
The Fugitive Lands – Christopher Brean Murray
Have I Been Too Much? + The Great Song of the World – Chris Martin
Poem + Room – Sean Singer
Shroud (Ghost Apples) – Sébastien Luc Butler
Little Volcano + Nothing But Time + Metro, North – Jared Harél
Don Juan, + soiled + Midnight Mass – Javier Sandoval
Itch [some sunburned writing] + Bacon Cheese Combo +
Dappled + God Salsa – Benjamin Niespodziany
Elegy + Character Witness + Reluctant Inheritance + Gingko Tree as ASL Interpreter – Beth Ann Fennelly
The Bat – Jeremy Voigt
currents / recurrence – Amelia Bell
Svalbard, Two Days Before Polar Night – Georgia M. Brodsky
April 23, With a Glancing Thought + Begin – Eamon Grennan
The Reverent Spaces of Childhood + The Neighbors Took Down Their Twelve-Foot Skeletons Today – Andrew Hemmert
Trigger Warning + Nostalgia and other risks + between us – Ceridwen Hall