tutorial: Publishing Workshop

We hire a professional copyeditor for Post Road; she sends me all of her edits in Track Changes and I work with the contributor to arrive at a final product.  Here are some sample copyedits.

As you know, we review proofs repeatedly in search of errors.  With every “round,” I send comments back to the Layout Editor – here’s a sample page of comments.

The industry standard for print-based publishing is Adobe InDesign.  InDesign is a complicated program, but it follows the same logic as other Adobe programs, like Photoshop – it separates its content into layers and separate boxes for images and text.

In demonstrating InDesign, I’ll refer to these files:

For more information about InDesign, you might consult the Adobe website, including the tutorial “How to Make a Postcard in InDesign

Our current printer is Bookmasters in Ohio.