Northeast Regional

Allison Titus

The train makes a grammar / of our distance / as it glides
up and down / the East Coast. / It’s sunrise. / We’re in the future
of our hearts now. / Out the window: Fever of marsh; /
two deer; / shopping cart toppled / in a ditch beside the tracks.

Allison Titus is the author most recently of Sob Story (Barrelhouse Press) and The True Book of Animal Homes (Saturnalia Press) and has received fellowships from Yaddo and the National Endowment for the Arts. Along with the poet Ashley Capps, she is co-editor of The New Sent(i)ence, an anthology-in-progress of poems that meaningfully engage animality. She works at an ad agency and teaches in the low-residency MFA program at New England College.     

Lights Will Not Illuminate the Exits

Greg Tebbano

You’ve never driven drunk. Sure. And you’ve never texted. And you’ve never fumbled with the touch screen to skip “Changes” on Sabbath IV. And you’ve never nearly dozed off into a guardrail or missed a bend in the road indicated by a thousand yellow arrows. You’ve never crunched up a rabbit real good or swerved to miss a woman fishing the Star Gazette out of her newspaper box for so long you’d have thought she was birthing a calf. You’ve never masturbated behind the wheel, which—actually—you haven’t. This becomes a strange point of pride. Your wife has a funny story about how someone in her high school flipped a van while getting a blow job. It’s only funny because no one died and because she describes this particular blow job as “getting a frosty” since it took place in a cold van with a broken heater. You expect the phrase “getting a frosty” will become less hilarious as you get older. It doesn’t. 

You are a commuter. Each day you drive fifty-four miles round trip. As the calendar and odometer tally it up, this seems to you a slow form of suicide. Slowicide. Although you do not utter this word to others, your inner monologue likes to bandy it about. You commute to earn a living, though life seems quite removed from what you do, which is to buy and resell goods for a national chain grocery store. You live in the middle of a county whose population hasn’t changed in the last couple hundred years. There are no jobs for which you are qualified that match your salary. So you must venture to the city where there is money and take it back to the country, which, when described this way, makes it sound like you rob stagecoaches. 

            When you were a kid and kind strangers asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, you said, a bandit! as if this were a legitimate career. According to your father you began to plan quite seriously for it. First, you’d have to learn how to ride anxious horses and shoot a gun, but most importantly, you’d need to come up with some witty last words for lawmen and filthy rich bankers to mull over as they died in a puddle of blood and bourbon. 

In a winter storm the roads you drive are quick to become impassible. Everyone has four-wheel drive or a good brain in their skull except you. You have front wheel drive and all-weather tires, a term designed to bump the price and inject a little false confidence. Sometimes the road is whittled down to two little horse-and-carriage tracks and finally nothing, snowpack over which you must drive twenty miles per hour, endearing yourself to no one. 

            Your wife berates you for going out in storms, you who must get to your job of national importance at a chain grocery store. 

            In one such storm you are almost killed by a Logicorps truck, a company which, according to your ex-trucker sister-in-law, trains their operators to drive predatorily. Your cabin fills with this truck’s flashing brights, its maddening horn. There is nowhere to go, no shoulder, no plowed pull-offs. You pray for a subterranean ramp to open on the road before you, an emergency exit straight to hell sparing you crushed bones and likely paralysis. So far are you into a death fantasy, you hardly notice the truck is trying to pass. You brace yourself, squint until the road turns dreamy, imagined, as if the world can be fictionalized at your moment of contact with it. 

            When the collision never comes you are both relieved and yet, strangely depressed—how the closest you’ve ever come to death is repairing shingles or driving to work and for the rest of the trip you listen to your heart trying very loudly to communicate something to you without the convenience of a mouth. 

Sometimes you entertain yourself on the road with sexual fantasies, coming out of them abruptly for red lights or deer in the road. You don’t go there explicitly but sort of wander in, like a door in your brain has been left open by mistake and, well, there’s obviously some interesting stuff going on in there. 

            The fantasies are always populated by faceless women—their faces obscured by steamy showers or behind sock and buskin masks, or the women are bent in front of you with no urge to look back. Sometimes your hands are being tied together by stretchy exercise bands given to you by your chiropractor. Sometimes you are blindfolded but watching from a third omnipotent vantage. You realize with a tinge of regret that some of the positions in your fantasies have been appropriated from porn. Now it’s in there, you guess, like an invasive, and there’s not much to be done. You watch porn rarely, but when you do, you find yourself feeling penitent afterwards and end up cleaning the baseboards in the living room or scrubbing away the thin film of black mold that forms over time on the thin ledges around each window. 

            Sometimes your wife is in the fantasies, though she too is faceless. You recognize her by her body. These are the most thrilling, though they seem in and of themselves a reason to go to therapy. At times, the fantasies kick up a level and you find yourself analyzing them as they are happening. Sometimes your lovers are the ones explaining you to yourself: 

            You are not alone in the compartmentalizing of your sexuality. 

            You watch porn but can’t admit you are the kind of person who watches porn.

            It’s not your fault that you’re a man. 

            You conclude your sex drive was probably more important when humanity was barely sentient, trying not to die off as a species. Now it’s more like your appendix—a curiosity from another time that might accidentally destroy you. As much as you hate yourself, at least you’re aware of what you are. Most animals don’t know even that. 

Your commute takes you through several small upstate villages and even a few hamlets. Susan B. Anthony was born in one of them, her house marked with a patinaed placard and candles in all the windows. For no clear reason, you imagine there is a room in said house with a cradle containing her baby bones, which makes no sense as she did not die as a child. You pass this house on Election Day. You pass it every day.

            The largest village you drive through has car dealerships and a national chain grocery store, though not the one which employs you. There are residents of this village you see almost every morning. One is Shorts Guy. Every zip code in America must have one of these. The requirement for becoming your locality’s Shorts Guy is pretty simple: you just have to wear shorts every day including during the winter—through weather statement-worthy wind chills and cold November rains, all while Jack Frost is tip tip tapping at your balls. Often you think about what Shorts Guy’s life is like and try to dissuade yourself from assuming various stereotypes, like he lives with his mom and is really good at chess. Shorts Guy is living a life like you, and it is no better, or less worthy, or anything. Sometimes you see him at the Tractor Supply where he also works for a national chain and his face is round and not unsweet as he listens to some skinny guy crowing on about how his chicken waterer keeps freezing up. It’s December then, and sure enough, there are the shorts. Below the knees he has procured a very thick skin. That, at least, will serve him well. 

You are extra cautious around crosswalks. Your barbaric state does not require you to yield to pedestrians, though it would seem this legislation is forthcoming. In your sunniest mood you will stop at a crosswalk until a car opposite mirrors your deference and an adult minding a stroller may pass. On darker days, you do not stop. You hate this behavior and the hating feeds it, begets it. Your skull becomes one of those wooden puzzle mazes one must tilt this way and that to liberate a steel marble. On such days pedestrians had best stay up on the sidewalks. 

            One morning you encounter a car left awkwardly—half parked, half crashed—off the shoulder of a county highway. A woman appears to be slumped inside, her head hanging limply off the seat rest—how the deceased are depicted on haunted hayrides. You feel a sickness stirring in your belly. This is what is called “obligation.” You park a ways down and walk back to the economy car caked in salty white like a stale pastry. Her coat is unzipped, scrubs underneath, and she hasn’t puked herself or bled out from anywhere so you knock ever so gently on the window. As the woman comes to, her eyes roll hither and yon in their sockets trying to figure out who you are. Apparently, she was on her way home from a double at the hospital and kept nodding off. She thinks, though is not completely certain, that she pulled over. You praise her decision. You find this woman to be at once more rational than you and also more comfortably aloof, the second trait being maybe something you should try. 

            She fishes around in her coat for a cigarette, starts to laugh as it dangles off her lower lip. 

            You probably thought I was dead, she says.

On a similar winter day, you come upon a girl walking along this same highway. She is wrapped in a bright blue blanket, her eyes red, and she is clutching a phone desperately to her mouth like the silicone of an oxygen mask. The blanket is not the sort one would keep in the trunk of a car for emergencies or impromptu picnics. It has come, you are sure, straight off the girl’s bed. As you’ve gotten older, you’ve become less adept at gauging the ages of people younger than yourself. She could be sixteen. You think of your wife, who hitchhiked and hopped trains at that age for a chance to visit her divorced father. 

            You think of stopping. 

            Then you consider how this will look—your dark sedan slowing, the window coming down to reveal an interior reeking of venison jerky. What will you say to her, you with your army surplus jacket and your hair wet from a shower, slicked straight back in the style of a comic book villain. 

            Will you ask if everything is okay here? Will you ask if she needs a ride? 

            You cannot stop. You know how your offered hand will be received: as a claw, its talons sharpened, practiced. And so you drive on. In the rearview mirror, you notice the tail of her blanket—still warm, perhaps, from a sleep of dreams—dragging along the dirty ground. 

Lately you’ve been seeing a lot of flags at half-staff. 

            It’s not every flag pole, though enough to make you wonder—which tragedy is being marked by the gesture? You are living in a time when disasters are not separated by weeks or days or even news cycles. Are the lowered flags for those who died at the synagogue, at the nightclub? The razing of Mexico Beach? The California fires? 

            Some of those people died in their cars. They died commuting. 

            You’ve scrolled through pictures of this former place called Paradise, color photos that look black and white from all the ash. Here is the dust you’ve so often heard about, to which you will return. You see a photograph of a torched car leaking something silver and molten, like the blood of a superhero. 

            On one trip home you hear an audio recording made by a family fleeing the wildfire by automobile, presumably on a voice memos app. The father is playing it straight, not a quiver in his delivery as he reassures his son that they will make it out. What choice does he have but to bury his heart as deep as he can dig, lest it rise up into his throat. The mother seconds his confidence, though is audibly less certain, especially when the son reveals that a tree by the roadside is on fire. 

            Oh my god, the son says. Should we pray?  

            You wonder if Moses too said this, in an outtake from Exodus.

            Later you rummage around the internet to find out what happened to the family on the recording. Instead, you find an article about how the wildfire spared an antique car, a model T, though the surrounding property is nothing but a chimney and smoldering detritus. You examine the many photos of this classic vehicle—showroom ready, its glimmering chrome grill—and think to yourself that god is a sick fuck.

If you want to check hockey scores and not risk hip checking a telephone pole, you flip the radio up to ESPN which barely comes in these days. A Christian station nearby on the dial has upped the wattage on their transmitter. You imagine a preacher somewhere asking the parishioners to take a minute each evening and pray for the vitality of the antenna tower. You’d like to be a believer but don’t feel you need more guidance on how to be self-critical. There was a time when you said you were “spiritual,” in circles where this word meant “not an asshole.” You no longer say you are spiritual. 

            Often passengers in your car will inquire about your belief system because of the Lucite Buddha cement-glued to the dash. They are awed by how light is able to shine right through his body. Sometimes at night the Buddha seems to glow inexplicably, though it’s probably only from passing headlights. When things go right, you develop the habit of bumping his little fist, folded as it is over his knee in supreme peace.

            You inherit the Buddha from your friend one summer at the river. As you’re getting out of your car he asks, Hey, do you want this? like it might be a disco compilation CD or mirror dice. Turns out you’re not supposed to throw away a likeness of the Buddha. Somebody at work told him. You could give it to another person or you could put it in a river. He pries it off the dash.

            You aren’t a Buddhist, nor are you religious, but you take the Buddha anyway. Your luck, you think, would take a hard hit from letting a godhead end up in a river.

A few times a year, you commute to work by bicycle. When you show up on the bike twenty minutes late people act like you’re some kind of superhuman. 

            Oh my god, someone will say. How long did that take?

            Yes, it requires will and ambition to bike fifty miles in a day, but it’s not as complicated as performing a tracheotomy, as your co-workers seem to believe. The days you bike in will, hands down, be the best you spend at work that year. You don’t do drugs, so you never go in high. This is the next best thing. You smile and take it as a customer berates you for not having her favorite fat free cake mix in stock. Little does she know, your central nervous system is bathing in a Jacuzzi of dopamine.  

            Halfway to work you usually take a piss break at what is referred to locally as “the Monument.” It marks a turning point in the American Revolution, and one would assume a positive one, for the Continental Army. On one of your rides, you are taken aback—one might even say “accosted”—by an insanely beautiful woman who has jogged up the steep hill to the Monument. You are a little out of sorts, unsettled both by her presence and the fact that you’ve just been relieving yourself on the far side of this national marker. She bends forward out of breath with her hands on her legs. She is embalmed in sweat, and this is how your mind’s eye will record her: as a woman made of glass. 

            She smiles at you and says, Hey. She has a lot to tell you about the sunrise and some questions about your bike. Her enthusiasm is such that you think she must know you. But no, you would not have forgotten her. Probably it’s just the hormone-induced high of exertion—how the two of you are both travelers of your own volition, your legs worn down from their intended purpose, which is not to depress a gas pedal. She is asking about your bike because she wants to get into triathlons but gave birth only a couple months ago and is easing into things. You surprise yourself by saying, Congratulations!

            Afterwards, as you watch her descend the hill, you realize you meant it. In the distance the sun is cresting the far off mountains. You want to preserve this moment in a locket and carry it around with you through the dark days of winter, to open it from time to time as one does the door of a wood stove when the fire has dwindled.

In the car, you endure radio programming. You listen to pop music and DJs with too much reverb on the talk mix, the endless IV of classic rock and if you ever hear Steely Dan again you are going to maybe impale your eardrums with the pressure gauge. You stomach politics, the slow passage of news into history. The real estate bubble. The election of a game show host. You drive your way through a Senate confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court justice, surprisingly rapt. The nominee has been accused of sexual improprieties in his youth, crimes even. You listen to this person defend himself. He sounds like a cook you once worked under, how he would thrash around the kitchen when he couldn’t find his favorite knife. As he rants, you feel he has likely done the things of which he’s been accused because at the heart of every man is a dark seed that contains enough poison to bring down an elephant. You know about the seed because you are a man and you have it. You have rolled it around in the back of your mouth and known from the acrid trail it leaves on your tongue that it is no thing to bite into.

            His accuser has already testified. According to the record, this estimable gentleman sexually assaulted her at a party as a teenager. You are struck by the word “pinballing” which she uses to describe her escape down the unfamiliar staircase to the only known exit.

            As this woman’s life progresses, she does not reveal the details of the assault to anyone, even her husband. The topic is finally broached when, in the process of renovating their home, she refuses to compromise on a single, aesthetically questionable design point: the house must have two front doors. 

            Something about the idea sends a spear all the way through you. Because subconsciously, you too have wished for this: a different door to leave by. One that doesn’t open into a pitfall or a den of lions: a door that is an exit, and not just an entrance into another emergency.

After the incident with the Logicorps truck, you devise a new strategy for winter travel. The plan is not very complicated: go to a bar and wait until the storm’s over. It turns out a couple of colleagues from work think this is a great idea. The older of the two colleagues has had a drinking problem and the younger will likely have one, though who are you to judge? You sit around the oval bar in the lobby of a hotel, a bar you frequent for its proximity to your workplace and the twenty-two ounce mugs they serve at happy hour. 

            The waitresses are young and lovely and couldn’t give a shit about you but smile like they might. You recognize the smile because you wear it every day for nine hours. Despite the heavy lifting you do, these are the muscles that hurt the most—the two that flank the corners of your mouth. 

            You drink as snow continues to fall and watch sports television about teams you don’t care about like the Clemson Tigers. The soft-hearted bartender tells you about what’s in tonight’s sangria. (Cranberries! It’s almost Thanksgiving.) You are consistently the youngest people at this bar, which serves things like sangria and port. You and your colleagues argue about what the hell port is, except maybe stale wine. One rule you have about the hotel bar is you are not allowed to look things up on the internet, but must instead, as in the 1980s, fight about them until someone throws in.

            The older colleague’s keys are on the table. One of the keys, you notice, is in fact half a key. Where’s the other half? you ask him. It broke off in his front door, is the answer. For over a year he has relied on the two disparate halves to marry in the lock and trigger the bolt. You create a scenario for the older colleague, a hypothetical in which he must escape a danger via the compromised front door—muggers or a pack of coydogs. He concedes his front door situation seems risky, but then again, it is just another calculation. It will work until it doesn’t. 

Your drive home confirms you are a genius. The roads have been marginally plowed, but, better still, no one else is driving on them. Yes, you’ve had a couple beers—four beers volume wise—but that was over the course of many hours, not to mention the shrimp cocktail you ordered, having discussed at length how ordering a shrimp cocktail off a restaurant menu as a teen is one of the first great forays into adulthood. Now that the novelty of seafood has worn off, you realize the only reason to order this bawdy and slightly unfulfilling item is to re-live that virgin experience. The over-spilling cup of it. 

            This is what you are thinking about when the creature ambles out into the path of your car. It is not a deer or a bear, but some form of hulking Rodentia, black and thick. You hit it and it seems to hit back, a fanfare of crunching which may be bones or fiberglass or both. It’s a raccoon, you decide, a prehistoric one by the looks of it. You do not stop, though now hear a significant portion of the sedan’s body dragging along the snowpack, punctuated by a clawing sound when the snow yields to pavement and the plastic is free to connect with the concrete. You only have a few miles to go. You will not stop now. You will not put on your flashers and fumble with bungee cords in the cold and dark, though this is one of your defining traits as an American: a false confidence about how to use bungee cords. 

            When you get pulled over you are hardly surprised. The cruiser passes you in the opposite direction and in the rearview you witness a nice piece of stunt driving on the part of the officer—a three point turn without any of the points. 

            You park the car, dig around for your documentation. Your wife has little faith in the law and even less in its just interpretation. You feel lucky she is not sitting to your right, putting you in the position of referee. A female officer approaches along the shoulder. You don’t think you are drunk, though does anyone ever think that? This makes you more nervous

            You greet her as though you might be meeting at a community barbeque. The introduction is too pleasant for this bleak evening. She is not amused. You wait for the question you know is on the way—where are you coming from? You are well-practiced at lying to yourself, but to others, not so much. You prepare to tell her you were at a restaurant. Strangely, it does not come up. Not how much you’ve had, nor where you’ve been—only the fact that when she passed you it looked like the Fourth of July was being observed under the chassis of your car.

            I hit a giant raccoon, you say. 

            In response her mouth makes an unbelieving flat line. She runs your license, and when she returns, leans inside the open window, her eyes coming to rest on the dashboard Buddha who is joyfully pulsing from red to blue and back again in liminal ecstasy.

            So if I keep going that way, I can expect to find this raccoon? she says.

            You nod. You imagine the cop spotlighting the corpse in her brights, its midsection unzipped by your all-weather tires. How it appears to be baring its insides for all to see, throwing open its skin as a flasher would a raincoat. It is out of this corporeal passage, you hope, that a smaller, more vital portion of the raccoon has escaped. 

            She shakes her head at you, though it’s possible you imagine this. In the silence that passes, you sense the officer making a calculation of her own.

            Get home safely, she says at last. 

            You can’t remember who is supposed to leave first at traffic stops. Even though you are free to go, you feel leaden, as though to pull yourself forward against the vectors of gravity and drag will require too much of a currency you’ve already spent. You linger after the cruiser leaves, eyeing desolate snowfields as the wind cinches the skin of your face more tightly over your skull. Although you cannot say why, you are free. Perhaps she has decided that on this night, in this empty theater, there is no one else around for you to hurt besides yourself.

Greg Tebbano is employed as a grocery worker and, occasionally, as an artist. His fiction has appeared in Hobart, Contrary Magazine, Third Point Press, Jet Fuel Review and is forthcoming in Maudlin House and Meridian. He has been a resident at Vermont Studio Center and lives in upstate New York. 


Darina Sikmashvili

Everything in this house was first another’s. I am tired of our bedsheets, frayed from endless wash. I am tired of the green carpet crawling up the hallway, rubbed dull from stains never removed. The owner is a witch, her hair in thick black rubber coils around her eyes. Her crooked mouth, the blistered Romanian it spews. She is hiding the blood and the piss and the ash of this crippled boarding house in the carpet threads. I’ve never once, never once heard a vacuum go off in here.

                        So what is mine? My thoughts, my time to gorge on.

                        The kitchen is a slaughterhouse. The owner keeps the precious cleavers in her room, the blades wide as my thigh and sharp, you needn’t wonder. Always stewing flesh, coaxing the marrow to surface. The patience of a low, slow burn. Blood trapped and blinking beneath oil, blood in the air all afternoon. She spices by smell, by instinct; only a lesser woman would take notice. I ruin a runny egg, serve steak cool to the touch. Over-peppered, undercooked, else scalded to anonymity. My talents must lie elsewhere.

                        I seldom linger past the kettle’s boil and less if she should enter. You and I have so little, so yes, we steal, but what we steal is little. Careful as mice. Still, signs crop up, and endless warnings:


            It is only a week, you say. Two at the most. Only a little longer, bunny. Trust, won’t you?

            Where do you live all day? In interrogation rooms and bars, in ashen women’s dressing rooms. The breast pockets of suits. The alleyway below a fire escape, leading to the detective’s dirty office. Murder, ache, revenge. The keys march on your typewriter, letters pounce on paper, and you live there.

            But I’m out here, pacing a dirty box with a mattress on the floor and a dresser missing the bottom drawer. I rattle in the smoky room while you whisk yourself away. Blinders are a writer’s luxury you have taught me.

            In bed at night, our routine: I listen as you recall the day’s pages. The fantastical detective struggles now with not just the object of his affection but with a brother who has cropped up from the past.

            There’s tension. You’re a marvel to yourself. There’s finally tension.

            All morning nausea threatens up my throat. Retreats. You are perfectly fine, you tell me, though what we have we share down to the crumb. In my illness I am alone. Out of our bedroom window, a plain white sheet of sky.

            A brittle little woman, the house’s only other tenant, has taken a liking to you. And you, you see material. Nothing more tempting than a ruined woman. Sherry in the evenings and late into the night. She is impressed as you predicted she might be:

            A writer! A writer in our little home! Who doesn’t love a mystery?

            You fetch me comfort we cannot afford: mineral water in tiny Italian bottles. Salts to settle the stomach, the brittle woman suggested. An Old-World trick, you’re told. Even the witch owner agrees. The bottles become vases for the daisies you dot our awful room with.

            Settle, bunny, settle. I brought you a book.

            Writer, you are the gestural equivalent of a whimper.

            Midnight I sit in the scalding shower until steam chokes the room. I won’t be doing that again: glancing in the mirror at a woman I want to hide from. Did you notice her? Me but not quite, come with the aching in my stomach, come with the scraping in my throat.

            The money won’t last. You coo—you say we’ll float right through to a parade made in our honor, but I know better. I was to myself before you came, hungry but free. Now, the sound of mice like paper crinkling in the walls. The echo of the telephone in the hallway. Never for you, but hope in the writer is unwavering. Soon they will call. You’ve sent your pages, left your name. Soon they’ll come begging for your book. The money, the fruit.

            Stay, bunny. You will see.

            The pink curtain blooms at night. This is our favorite time. We can see the big orange streetlamp like our very own woozy moon. We take turns keeping one leg on the other, we thank the fan. At night I have your minty mouth against my forehead, your hands, intent. The hammer of the typewriter rests. Cats screech beneath us in the garden, long abandoned. Heat in their bones, the sound of want.

            At night I remember why I agreed to follow you. The way you looked tenderly at me those months ago and said, Don’t hide in these decaying bookstacks, don’t be your mother’s daughter. You are the only person I have ever met who is devoid of armor and I had then more than enough to spare.

            I found a book this afternoon. I sat in quiet and I read. That was your remedy, remember. I learned that Old World women would grind glass and mix it into salt to serve to their malicious husbands. Patience is a weapon. 

            What could have caused my illness? I hiss at the owner’s signs, I see the snake of her. What sense in keeping me around? Shards settle in my stomach, in my lungs. I know what I feel; this house is a crime scene, this woman is a murderer.

            When you return with bread and milk, your face flushed like a cherub’s, I drag you to the foot of our bed and whisper my discovery. But you laugh at me as if in the company of others. Your head turns from side to side, your eyebrows carve upwards in disbelief. I know that you are spineless like the weasels in your stories. I know you are afraid that she will kick you out and keep your money.

            Gin bottles grow like wildflowers every morning outside of the brittle woman’s door. You have seen her at night, you tell me, with her heels in her hands, fishing for the lock with her key. Guided her hand, guided her in. A sour room, big and fit for a wilted queen, your eyes took notes, always working:

            Slips, cherry and nude, hung from a dull brass bedpost like shriveled ornaments.

            You type and type, weave her into your pulp fiction. Everything is material, you tell me. I’d like to give you something.

            I take the bottles and a sharpening stone from the kitchen. The hallway closet is full of boxes, the foreign labels I strain all morning to decipher. The owner’s daughter’s baby clothes, her little life packed neatly here. I once belonged to someone in this way. Swaddled, my progress mattered. A doorframe to track the miracle of my bones stretching me upwards. Age four, age six, then nine, a burst. A girl.

            Nightly I crawl behind the boxes and bind my hands with kitchen rags to grind the glass down to a whisper, flakes trapped beneath my fingernails. The owner’s daughter, I know, comes rarely, to reach her mother’s ceiling fans with rags and send dust shrieking into the air. To bicker, to shove old clothes into the closet. When called, the daughter’s husband comes, a handyman. Silent and practiced like prized machinery.

            I watch him in the kitchen, I like to. To press my back against the doorframe, to push against the splitting wood with the heel of my foot until he senses me, and then to busy myself, make like I’m working. His hands are big. A comfort, the way they tug at valves beneath the ancient sink. Wrenches, smutted with his fingers smutted with the pipes’ insides. At the stove, I peek over my shoulder and catch him thinking: running his tongue along the wall of his mouth, see his cheek puff out as if a bug were scattering in there.

            I come with empty glasses and loiter, needy, tuck my hands in my sleeves. An excuse to watch the swell of his ribcage as he breathes the diver’s breath when he is on his back beneath the kitchen sink, squinting at rot.

            No water, he tells me. Wait.

            Yes, I linger. I like to. He lets me. Once, a tiny mouse—brazen, else foolish—had wandered into view and he slammed quick his boot down on the floor. Blood pooled beneath. He flushed an exhale, proud. And something hummed up past my thighs. A terrifying man, a trap built into him.

            He said then, before lifting his boot, look away, and I would not.

            We are both of us now deep in our work. I lace the owner’s salt. Her sugar too. The coffee she takes, ground to powder, the tea she gulps all afternoon. I lace it all and hide my ravaged hands beneath your maroon sweater. My clothes too light, too thin to mask the blood. In your novel you describe a woman, incriminate but irresistible. An implicating creature. What is the detective to do? She’s a poison, a fatal woman. That’s how you tell it and you are sure.

            The owner groans into the phone in feeble English. The weeping daughter stalks the halls and carries bowls of broth, the rank of boiled bone in the kitchen. Even you have grown uneasy, looking over your pages at the door, toward the endless noise. But I race the morning, I let the sun come hobbling up to me, I betray sleep and you don’t even notice. Grind glass inside the bathroom until the doorknob trembles and knocking starts. I work with meaning; I have that now.

            Where we first lived, do you remember? Somebody should have seen us. We were living in a shed in your brother’s backyard. He wouldn’t let us near the warmth. You’d gotten sick and he was scared of what you had, do you remember? The neighbors threw apple cores at us over the fence. You were sick to tears. Sweating and shivering, sweating and shivering. A fever punctured your thinking and you mistook me for another woman then, shouted another woman’s name in your sleep. I draped soaked towel after soaked towel across the rusted lawn chairs and felt my recklessness. Love looked like this: like quarantine I had to break. And still I held your frightened hands. But you won’t look at mine.

            Come night you’re drunk and stewing, a roadblock in the book, right at the curtain draw; an undefinable, mystical pause in your brilliant thinking, a curse on your good fortune. The owner screams like a split pig. Who is supposed to sleep like this? Soon she will cave and ambulances will howl through empty streets. You hover near the typewriter, circling it like a dumb dog on a short leash.

            I roam the house. It’s mine. I roam in night light. The husband comes and takes my hands; I terrify a terrifying man.

Darina Sikmashvili was born in Lubny, Ukraine and raised in Brooklyn, New York. As of fall 2020, Darina is pursuing her MFA in fiction at the University of Michigan. She’s writing a book. Contact her at

Salt Of The Earth

Vi Khi Nao

Sleep is a place where the soul goes to die.

And, sometimes it gets lost on its way to its own funeral. And, this is why we don’t always wake up.

The passenger has recently given a five-star rating to a relatively young Asian man an Uber review, “On time…very nice car…salt of the Earth!” And, half of his life, his sisters did not know that he has always been salty, can’t consume salt, can’t dance in the rain with salt. The brother has atrial fibrillation and has five years to live. After his application for disability had been disapproved, his youngest sister took upon herself to employ him. She took half of her annual check bonus and brought him a relatively brand-new white car. His old car was rusted and old. After he got out of the hospital, he purchased the old Nissan for a grand from the winnings he got at a casino during a family vacation in Florida. Every day he texts his sisters his earnings. In his free time, when he was Ubering people around, he spends his time babysitting his stepbrother. He even got a certificate from the National CPR Foundation for his CPR/AED/First-Aid qualifications. The certificate is valid for two years, which meant, with a life expectancy of five years, he would need two more renewals. His oldest sister lived far away, near a black mountain in the middle of the desert. Once in a while he would send her a link to a few jobs in the vicinity of where he lives. Mainly, jobs that she wouldn’t be qualified for such as being a principal. She has never been around kids and certainly she didn’t know how to be a leader of a specific community nor how to supervise janitors, teachers, students, babysitters, or develop any curriculum. But, he wants her close and she is afraid to be close to him. After all, of all her siblings she felt the closest with him. His mind works differently than the rest of the world: almost like a car that could move or drive backward. He could see the world through the rearview mirror. He could see his whole life behind him and before him. The angle is fixed and steady. Yet, he never academically excels in school. His intense dyslexia makes reading difficult and painfully laborious. Language becomes a jigsaw puzzles except all the edges have been eaten away by an algorithm of shyness and hesitancy. For a long time, he used to be a semi-driver, hauling raspberries and lemons from a distributor to Walmart. His sisters used to ask him about his life on the freeway and how he copes when the road was icy or windy or deadly. He replies, “I hate driving in California. The traffic! The load would take forever.” His sisters asked him once if he liked transporting goods in New York and in hindsight, he couldn’t recall how he responded. He recalls brushing his teeth once. But then ten minutes he would brush again. He doesn’t want the passengers to think that he was not hygienic as his high ratings were very important to him. He is the most on time person he knows.  Not too long ago, his father told his little sister, the one who got the car for him, that she should eat more vegetable and the sister responded to their father with a cold shoulder. Later, in private, he turns to his sister and says, “Out of water, a fish that doesn’t sleep in salt will become spoiled. Just like a child who doesn’t listen to her parents will as well.” And, his sister who has a firm grip on life and its consequences turns to her brother and retorts, “But, I am not a fish. I am bicycle.” Years ago, she used to ride on his back like a bicycle. Her small, chubby legs kicking back and forth, rubbing the shirt of his sides, creating a tenderness that makes him fond and fonder of her. As it seems it is easy to be fond of her. She is kind and generous and understands the law of inertia and the law of commerce really well. Rarely does she fall into the trappings of poetic poise or impulse, which is not fiscally sustainable. Members of his own family may know what salt may mean, but he understands it in a way that makes him want to be a fish grilled from a charcoal smoker: salt and ash of the earth. 

Vi Khi Nao’s work includes poetry, fiction, film, plays, and cross-genre collaboration. She is the author of the novels: Fish in Exile and Swimming with Dead Stars (Spring, 2022) and the story collections: The Vegas Dilemma & A Brief Alphabet of Torture (winner of the 2016 FC2’s Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize) and of five poetry collections: Bell Curve Is a Pregnant Straight LineHuman TetrisSheep MachineUmbilical Hospital, and The Old Philosopher (winner of the 2014 Nightboat Prize). She was the fall 2019 fellow at the Black Mountain Institute.

Louise Marburg

Double Happiness

Gretchen didn’t know anyone at Evan’s party, and hadn’t expected to, but she’d hoped she might meet some new people, fresh friends to enliven the long winter. She searched for an amiable face in the crowd as she crabbed her way across the wide loft, encountering mouths and noses, necks and shoulders and backs, scents of perfume and stale breath. She hadn’t been to Evan’s place before and was startled by how large it was. They’d met on Tinder two weeks ago. She hadn’t spotted him here so far.

            Her mother had once told her that a good way to start a conversation with a stranger was to ask him or her if they’d met, so when she reached the bar table that had been set up by the kitchen, she blindly turned to the nearest body and said, “Hello, do I know you?” 

            “I don’t know, do you?” said a ruddy-skinned man. He wore a chartreuse silk vest and matching bow tie. Dapper Dan, Gretchen thought. Waiting for a drink on the opposite side of him was another guy whose fine-boned face had the silken quality of Wedgewood figurine. 

            “Oh, maybe not,” Gretchen said, raising her voice above the din. She tried to move toward the Wedgewood guy without being obvious about it.  

            “I’m Bob,” the chartreuse man said. His eyes were small and watchful, the blue of the sea on a sunny day.  She guessed he was in his late thirties.  Older than her, anyway.

            “Gretchen,” she said. She saw the Wedgewood guy pour himself a glass of wine and join two women near a potted ficus tree whose leaves were turning yellow.  He, too, wore a tie, and the women wore dresses. Gretchen had one fancy outfit, a sequined sheath from a vintage store, but the sequins were falling off of it in sparkling strands, and she hadn’t been able to reattach them. The combat boots and artfully torn leggings she’d chosen to wear tonight made her feel like a disaffected teenager.

            “What can I get you?” Bob said.

            Someone else to talk to, she thought. “Just a beer, no glass. I’m Evan’s girlfriend, by the way.”

            “Ah.” He studied her. She wondered what he thought he saw. “How long have you two been an item?” he said.

            “A while,” she said as she accepted the beer. 

            “What’s ‘a while?’” he said.

            “‘A while’ is an amount of time.” 

            He laughed, exposing an overbite. “You’re a cheeky one, aren’t you.”

            Gretchen looked at him for a beat before saying, “I’m not anything, as far as you’re concerned. You don’t know me at all.”

            He raised his hands in surrender. “I’ve been told I’m an ass.”

            “And do you think you are?” she said.

            “Yes, probably, but I have good qualities as well.” He glanced over her head. “I could tell you wished you were talking to that handsome guy who just walked away. I know him, I could introduce you, if you’d like. He’s gay, but that wouldn’t matter to you, since you’re involved with Evan.”

            For a second, Gretchen was speechless. She was pinned where she stood by a woman on one side of her and a man on the other, both waiting to get a drink at the bar. “Touché,” she said. “So how do you know Evan?”

            “We’re brothers,” he said. 

            “Really?  You look nothing alike.” 

            Bob reached out and caught the arm of a passing woman whose red lipstick bled beyond the boundaries of her mouth. She looked at him as if without recognition before bestowing a slow smile. “This young lady doesn’t believe I’m Evan’s brother,” he said.

            “Who else would you be?” she said, and was carried away on the current of the crowd.

            “Why hasn’t Evan ever mentioned you to me?” Gretchen said.

            “You’d have to ask him that,” Bob said.  

            “Well, I would, but I can’t find him in this mob.”

            “He might not be here.”  

            “Of course he is, this is his party.”

            Bob shrugged. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

            All of a sudden she felt defeated. The party’s chaotic atmosphere had developed a sinister edge in her mind, as if a violence of some kind was bound to happen, irrevocable and dire. Evan had told her the party would be casual and small, with only close friends invited. Why had he lied? He’d made her look like a fool. She wouldn’t call him again, she thought. If he called her, she wouldn’t pick up. Their relationship didn’t amount to much, as they’d only slept together three times, but she thought she had a right to be angry. “I’m leaving now,” she said. 

            “Good idea,” Bob said. “I know a bar that’s a lot of fun. We could go there.”

            How did become we? she thought. “What’s so fun about it?”

            “It’s called Double Happiness, in Chinatown—do you know it? It looks like it’s been dug out of a cave, and they have a flaming drink called a Dragon’s Breath. They serve dumplings and things, too, if you’re hungry.” He turned his head slightly and looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “My treat,” he said.

            Gretchen was in fact very hungry, but only had six dollars, thirty-two cents, and a maxed-out credit card in her wallet. She barely made ends meet as a freelance graphic designer, a career she’d come to New York to pursue, starting as a lowly assistant at a design firm and eventually going out on her own. She was failing at it in increments. Fewer jobs came her way every year. But she had become so bored with the work that it didn’t matter to her anymore. “Sure, why not,” she said. 

            “Fantastic!” Bob tucked his arm into hers. She hesitated, scanning the crowd one more time for Evan. “I won’t tell Evan,” he said. “We hardly ever talk anyway.”

            “Maybe that’s why he never mentioned you,” she said. But she hadn’t told him anything about her family either. They really hadn’t talked much. So far, all they’d done was meet for a quick drink somewhere and go back to her place for sex.

            “He and I don’t get along very well,” Bob said. He made a boohoo face, like a clown’s. 

            She almost accused him of using her just to piss off his brother, but so what if he was? Double Happiness awaited. 

The taxicab stopped beside a waist-high berm of gray snow pocked with yellow melts of pee. Gretchen climbed over the snow like a goat, holding her arms out for balance; Bob got out of the cab on the opposite side and made a careful detour through a clear space in the curb. He took them down an iron stairwell to an unmarked door where the odor of urine combined with disinfectant cleaner was nearly overpowering. 

            Inside, the place was dim, lit only by glowing candles. The walls appeared to be made of rocks—real or faux? Gretchen wondered—and the ceiling was a low, mud-colored dome. Several small tables and mismatched chairs surrounded a long chrome bar. A number of alcoves, obscured by bead curtains, appeared to have been gouged out of the facing wall. A tall Chinese man wearing a tuxedo led them to an alcove with a red, soda fountain-style booth inside that looked like a relic from the fifties. Drawings and initials and random words were carved into the Formica surface of the table. From a speaker above the bar came a woman’s voice singing a twanging, plaintive song.  

            Bob murmured something to the man, who nodded and disappeared. There seemed to be no one else in the place. Maybe it was an after-hours spot, Gretchen thought. It was only half past nine.

            She reached out and touched the wall. It really was made of rock. “How do you know this place is called Double Happiness if there’s no sign outside?”

            “I know because a friend said so,” Bob said as he shucked his wool overcoat. “It’s a phenomenon known as word of mouth.” He gave her a bright look. “So. Here we are. Tell me everything.”

            “Everything about what?” she said. 

            “About yourself!” he said. “Let’s start with where you’re from.”

            “Here,” she said. “New York.”

            “No, you’re not.”

            “How can you tell?”

            “You have a Midwestern accent, for one thing, and you don’t look like a New Yorker. There’s something wide-eyed about you.”

            “I’m not wide-eyed. I’m almost thirty.”

            “No, that kind of look never goes away, even when you’re old and jaded.”

            “Okay, I’m from Cleveland, but I’ve been living in the East a long time. I went to art school in Philadelphia.”

            “But you’re not an artist, are you,” he said with a certainty she found annoying.

            “I am, too. Sort of.” She told him what she did for a living. 

            “Sounds as if you hate it,” he said.

            “What I hate are clients who don’t know what they want,” she said. “I show them designs and they don’t like any of them, but they can’t ever tell me what they do want. It’s infuriating.”

            “Most people don’t know what they want.” 

            “I know what I want.”

            “Oh, yes? What do you want?”

            She traced the marks on the table with her finger. “To be happy.”

            “That’s too generic. Everyone wants to be happy, or so they say. What, specifically, do you want?”

            There were so many things she wanted but couldn’t have that she had to take a minute to search the inventory stacked up in her mind. “I want a leather jacket I saw in a boutique in the Village.”  

            He shook his head. “Objects don’t count, particularly clothes. I’m talking about things like wanting to be a doctor, or wanting to live abroad, wanting to build a house with your own hands.”

            “Build a house with your own hands?”

            “I had an uncle who talked about doing that. Sadly, he never did.”

            “So, what do you want?” she said.

            “I’m not going to tell you until you tell me.”

            She regarded him through narrowed eyes. “Maybe it’s none of your business.”

            “Meaning you don’t know,” he said. “I have a friend who tells fortunes. She’s scarily accurate. You don’t have to know what you want; she tells you what you’ll get.”

            The bead curtain parted with a muted clatter. The Chinese man put a wide-bowled, long-stemmed glass on the table and produced a sparkler from his breast pocket. He lit the sparkler and touched it to the pink liquid in the glass. The surface of the liquid flickered yellow before the flame gathered momentum and flared. Even as she leaned away, Gretchen could feel its warmth.

            The flame died as quickly as it had come to life. The man handed them long plastic straws and disappeared once more. Gretchen dipped her straw into the drink. It tasted like raspberries and lemonade. 

            “Oh, it’s cold! I didn’t expect that. Delicious, what’s in it?” 

            “Cointreau? Vermouth? Lighter fluid?” Bob said. “Some things should remain a mystery.” 

            Again, the bead curtain parted. The man put a bamboo dumpling steamer on the table and gave them each a small bowl of noodles. Hungrily, Gretchen dug in with a pair of chopsticks, holding the bowl up to her chin. Bob toyed with his food, sucking up noodles one by one.  When Gretchen’s bowl was empty, she took a draw of the Flaming Dragon. She smiled at Bob. “Good stuff. Packs a punch.”

            “I knew you’d like it here,” he said. “Not everybody does.”

            “No, I can imagine, it’s not exactly the Plaza. Anyway, we just met, so how could you have known what I’d like?” She was hoping he’d say something complimentary. She couldn’t remember the last compliment she’d received. She wanted to be told she was special in some way by a man other than her father, who had believed since her birth that she would conquer the world and refused against all evidence to be convinced otherwise. Bob asked her questions, at least. Most men only wanted to talk about themselves. She checked her phone. There were three texts from Evan: where r uwhere r u, and an angry face emoji. The first text had come in an hour and a half ago, the emoji in the past three minutes. Oh, fuck off, she thought as she put the phone back in her purse. 

            The man brought another Flaming Dragon just as Bob finished the dregs of the first one. Again, the flame whooshed up.

            “It’s less exciting the second time,” Bob said. “But the third time is absolutely thrilling.”

            Gretchen felt the familiar elation, bright and crisp, that preceded the slide into drunkenness. She took the lid off the steamer and maneuvered her chopsticks around a dumpling. “I like you,” she said. “You’re nothing like Evan.” 

            “You didn’t like me at first,” Bob said.

            “I can’t remember if I did or not. That was a long time ago.”

            Bob checked his watch, a thin gold disk fastened around his wrist by an alligator band. “Oh, yes, ages ago. But the night is still young. What shall we do next?”

            She took a long sip and left a swallow in the glass. “I’m not sleeping with you.” 

            “No, of course not. I wouldn’t presume. I have a girlfriend, anyway. Anemone Villeneuve. She lives in Far Rockaway, in a house on the beach. She’s visiting her aunt in St. Lucia for the week, or she would be sitting where you are right now.”

            “I don’t believe a word of what you just said. Anemone Villeneuve. What a preposterous name.”

            “Jean Smith, then.”

            “Too plain. How about Maya? I’ve always liked that name.”

            “Maya Fiorello,” he said. “Italian on her father’s side, Mexican on her mother’s.”

            “She sounds nice,” Gretchen said. “I hope you’ll be very happy.”

            “Hey, there’s a stand of Citi Bikes a block away,” he said. “Let’s get a couple of them and ride over to my friend’s, have our fortunes told.”

            “It’s like two degrees outside,” she said.  

            “Oh, don’t be a sissy,” he said.

            “Okay, but can we have another Flaming Dragon first?”

            As if he’d heard her, the man reappeared.

            “Woo hoo!” Gretchen said as the drink flickered, then flared.

She hadn’t ridden a bike since she was a teenager and felt wobbly on it at first, but after a couple of blocks she found her bearings and cruised along behind Bob through the deserted streets of the Lower East Side. Metal shutters had been pulled down over the shops, though the windows of the apartments above them were bright. She had lived in New York for almost eight years, yet she was unfamiliar with this part of town. They passed fabric stores and lighting wholesalers, a small museum devoted to the history of tenements; every now and then she caught sight of a bridge, either the Williamsburg or Manhattan, she didn’t know which. The streetlights seemed dimmer than they were uptown, the darkness between them deeper. A rat scurried in front of her bike, so big she mistook it for a cat.

            “I’m freezing!” she shouted. 

            “I know!” Bob said. “Isn’t it great?” He took his hands off the handlebars and crossed his arms over his chest. The end of his scarf fluttered over his shoulder. He looked like a boy showing off. Then he grabbed the handlebars again and pedaled standing up. Gretchen breathed heavily as she tried to keep pace, sweating inside her parka. Finally, he pulled up in front of a narrow brownstone and took his phone out of his coat pocket. “It’s me!” he said in a delighted voice. “Yes, right downstairs.”

            A window three flights up slid open. “Hiya!” said the silhouette of a woman’s head as a tin can on a string descended. Bob caught the can and fished out a key. Gretchen followed him up a flight of steps and waited for him to open the building’s door. The foyer was lit by a flickering fluorescent tube, but the stairway was almost too dim to see. She hung onto the banister, watching her step as she went. The key in the tin can business had seemed like something out of an old movie. She lived in a building where you buzzed people in.  

            “Maybe I’ll go,” she said. She turned around but was afraid to walk down alone.

            “No!” Bob said. “This is the best part.”

            “The best part of what?” she said.

            A woman leaned over the banister above them. When they reached the landing, Bob said, “Elaine, meet Gretchen. Gretchen, Elaine. Elaine is one of my oldest friends.” Elaine was very fat. Her flossy platinum hair framed her face like a cloud. She wore an orange terry cloth bathrobe and a pair of cheap terry scuffs. 

            “Welcome,” she said with a regal sweep of her hand. Coming in from the dark landing, Gretchen squinted against the yellow light cast by a globe-shaped ceiling fixture. The furniture, what little there was, looked as if each piece had originated from a different house. “You sit there,” Elaine told her, indicating a red leather ottoman. “You,” she pointed at Bob, “can sit anywhere you like.” She waddled over to a kitchenette and busied herself with something. Gretchen could hear her humming. She returned a minute later with a demitasse of coffee held on the flat of her hand. She offered the coffee to Gretchen. Puzzled, Gretchen took a sip. The cup was only half full, and the coffee was lukewarm and bitter. Elaine took the cup from her and turned it over onto a handkerchief in a saucer. The remainder of the coffee seeped through the fibers of the white fabric, staining it brown to its edges. She sat down on a filthy chintz-covered chair, turned the cup upright and peered inside it. 

            “What are you doing?” Gretchen said. Everything about being here was too weird to be fun. She wished she hadn’t agreed to come.

            “I’m studying your grounds,” Elaine said. “Isn’t that why you’re here?”

            Bob stood at the window, spying on the people in the apartment across the street. He turned and said, “Elaine is a psychic, I told you that. She reads coffee grounds.”

            “I’ve never met a psychic,” Gretchen said. “How do I know you’re real?”

            “I’m sitting here in front of you,” Elaine said with a laugh. “How much more real do you want?”

            “I mean a real psychic,” Gretchen said.

            “That you can’t know,” Elaine said. She gazed inside the cup. 

            Gretchen was fascinated by Elaine’s lack of vanity, the way she sat like a Sumo wrestler with her gigantic legs spread, the crotch of her white underpants displayed.  There was a full-length mirror on the wall by the door.  Did she check her reflection before she went out?  How much would a person have to eat to get so fat? 

            “Ah hah,” Elaine said. “I see a man with a mustache. He’s all right, but you’ve had a misunderstanding. A missed connection. He likes you more than you think.” Gretchen frowned. Evan had a mustache, but so did a lot of men. “You won’t be here much longer,” Elaine went on. “I’d say less than a year.”

            Gretchen gasped. “Why? What’s wrong with me?”

            Elaine looked up. “Nothing’s wrong with you. I mean you won’t be in New York much longer.”

            “Where will I be?”

            Elaine shrugged. “Somewhere you’ve lived before.”

            “I don’t believe you,” Gretchen said.

            “Suit yourself,” Elaine said. “So, the mustache guy. You’ve misjudged him. No, not him, exactly, but something around him.”

            “Why do you keep talking about him?” Gretchen said. 

            “I don’t know,” Elaine said. “I’m only reading what I see. Home! You’ll be going home.”

            “No way,” Gretchen said. She put her hands over her ears.

            Elaine looked at Bob. “You’ve brought me a doubter.”

            Gretchen felt her face go hot but resisted the urge to cry. In her mind’s eye she saw her mother doing laundry in the laundry nook at home—efficiently separating the lights from the darks, measuring out fabric softener—then saw herself dragging a bag of dirty clothes down to her building’s basement laundry room only to find that the machines were out of order, or she didn’t have the right change, or she’d forgotten the detergent. She could easily get work in Cleveland. She’d have the élan of coming from New York. Whenever she went home for a visit, her high school friends treated her like a celebrity. 

            “I don’t know what I want,” she wailed. “I used to know, but it didn’t work out. Why doesn’t anything fucking work out?” She had at one time imagined herself as the owner of a successful design studio. She would have worn dramatic eye makeup and mannish black clothes and had a “partner” rather than a husband, because being married would have been one of the many conventions she would have thrown off like an unfashionable coat. Her fantasy even extended to what breed of dog she would have: an Italian Greyhound, delicate and sleek, outfitted with a silver collar. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “Evan has a mustache. Do you think I’m meant to be with him?”

            “Hard to say,” Elaine said. “It might be too late.” 

            Bob sat on the couch and rested his elbows on his knees. His dust-colored hair had been flattened against his head by his cap. “Gretchen, listen to me. Evan wasn’t at the party tonight because he didn’t give the party. It was given by a friend of mine.”

            “But why would Evan say it was his party?” Gretchen said. 

            “He didn’t,” Bob said. “You went to the wrong party.”

            Gretchen attempted to absorb this. “That sounds like a riddle. But where is Evan?”

            “Presumably at his place, wondering where you are,” Bob said. “Give me your phone. Do you have his address in there?”

            “Why would you need his address?” Gretchen said as she handed over her phone. “I don’t understand at all.”

            “Here it is,” Bob said after scrolling through her contacts. “The party you went to was at 420 West Broadway. Evan’s address is 420 East Broadway.”

            “Fourth floor,” Gretchen said.

            “Yes,” Bob said. “But the wrong address. Do you understand what I’m saying? Why don’t we go there now.”

            “What are the odds of that happening?” Elaine said. “What are you up to, Bob? This poor girl is too drunk for your shenanigans.”

            “But you and Evan don’t get along,” Gretchen said. “I don’t want to be involved.”

            Bob bit his lip. Elaine examined her fingernails, which were a rich vermillion and unusually long. 

            “Gretchen, I’m not really Evan’s brother. I only said I was, I don’t know why. It seemed funny at the time. I’ve never met the guy.”

            “Ha ha, sure,” Gretchen said.  She looked at Elaine. “No, wait, seriously?”

            Bob took her hand and pulled her to her feet. “Thanks, Elaine,” he said.

            Elaine heaved herself out of her chair. “Yeah, okay. Bring someone sober next time.”

Leaving the Citi Bikes in Elaine’s foyer, Bob hailed a cab on Delancey, where the traffic whizzed back and forth on two lanes. “Call Evan,” he said, handing Gretchen her phone.

            “I think I need to throw up,” she said.

            Bob rolled down her window. “Do it out there, if you have to,” he said. “But for God’s sake keep quiet or the cabby will kick us out.” He took her phone and tapped Evan’s number, then handed the phone back to her. 

            She frowned. “Says the voice mailbox is full.” 

            “Fine, we’re almost there anyway.”

            “Why does this cab smell like bubble gum?” she said. “Hey, do you like me, Bob? Can we be an item?” She leaned into him and put her head on his shoulder.

            “Why not,” he said in tired voice. “But let’s find Evan first. Right here is fine,” he told the driver. “You can leave us at the corner.” He handed the driver a twenty, and hustled Gretchen out of the car. 

            “But if we’re an item, I don’t need Evan,” she said. “I don’t care about him anymore.”

            “Then you should tell him that,” Bob said. He took her arm and began walking. The street was dark and deserted except for a cafe at the end of the block. Far beyond, the lights of uptown cast a halo in the sky.  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have lied to you.”

            “Why did you?” Gretchen said.

            “Because I’m an ass,” he said. “I told you that.”

            “Listen, why haven’t you said anything nice to me? You haven’t said one nice thing.” She stumbled on a break in the sidewalk. “Stop, you’re going too fast.”

            He stopped. “What nice thing do you want to hear?” 

            Every nice thing, she thought. An avalanche of compliments. “Obviously if I tell you it doesn’t count.”

            After a moment’s thought, he said, “You’re a good sport.”

            “Are you kidding me? You can lie your head off about everything, but you can’t bring yourself to give me a better compliment than that?  I don’t think you’re so great either.” 

            She pushed his gloved hand off her arm and walked away without him. The neighborhood was many blocks from her own, in a corner of the city she’d never known, but she knew she would recognize something eventually, a street or a building: a landmark.

Louise Marburg is the author of two collections of stories:, No Diving Allowed (Regal House Publishing, 2021), and The Truth About Me (WTAW Press, 2017), which was named by the San Francisco Chronicle and Entropy as a best book of 2017. Winner of the Independent Press Book Award for the short story, The Truth About Me was also shortlisted for the William Saroyan International Prize for Writing. Her stories have appeared in NarrativePloughshares, STORY, and elsewhere. She lives in New York City with her husband, the artist Charles Marburg.

The Diptera

Douglas Mac Neil

Dear God, 

            I have thought about writing to you for some time now. The problem I keep coming back to is that you are omniscient. You have read this letter before I have written it. But I think also, that you knew Saint Augustine’s Confessions before he wrote them down, before he made them. In the world of the flesh, sometimes the need of the restless heart overrides the intellect of the brain. Beyond the needs of the heart there exists a place in my mind where I feel that you have been waiting for me to write this letter to you, and it is with this in mind that I do write to you. I have so many questions, but that is not why I am writing to you. You have heard my questions. You have listened to my petitions in my days gone past. As you listen to them in this very moment. And I know that you will hear them in the days that have not yet dawned. And I am so grateful for that.

            Today I am sitting here in this Jesuit house by the north Atlantic thinking about you in all I see, in all I hear, in everything I touch, and in everything that touches me. I am here on a spiritual retreat. The entire world is waiting with bated breath for better days in 2021. We are more than a year into the Covid-19 pandemic. The political turmoil within the nation seems to be coming to a breaking point. In it all I am getting older, but I am not sure if I am getting wiser? This January the 17th will mark the 30th anniversary of the first Persian Gulf War. To mark this anniversary, I am taking a vow of silence to last from the beginning of the conflict to the end. It is a total of six weeks of silence in the dead of winter in New England, in the midst of a pandemic. God, what am I thinking? Part of this journey in silence and memory has brought me to this retreat. Here is a house transformed in contemplative silence. The voice of Father Bob at Mass is the only human voice that I hear each day. 

            Seasons of darkness are in full bloom. The ground blanketed in white is resting under the gunmetal skies that flow unceasingly over the earth in this revolution of winter, and I have come to you for help. I knew this day was coming but how it dawned took me by surprise. It is the month of my father’s birth, now passed from this earth. It is the month of my parents wedding anniversary. This year it would have been 57 years, if Dad had not died in March. Mom, trapped in her small apartment in an elderly public housing complex for the poor, marked the absence of the anniversary alone. And in all this season of darkness my mind returns to the war, to my youth, and to the journey in faith that you have witnessed. Arriving to this destination, I am consumed by a poverty of spirit, broken in grief, stricken and trapped in depression, and circling defeat in the self-imposed isolation of silence. And if it ended today, how would I end?

            It amazes me, God, how I have been so convinced at various times that I was right, that I was making the right choices, and that I was doing the right thing. Only to later find out that I was so wrong. Wrong in my thoughts, in my ways, and in my choices. It has been 39 days since I have spoken to anyone outside of work. I was going to start my vow of silence on the anniversary day when the war started, but you brought me to silence on January the 12th to coincide with the anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti. As always, you were right. I will never forget the feel of the ground moving under my feet on that day. Nor, will I ever forget the sound as thousands of voices started to cry out to you. If I had not been running out of a building at the time that sound would have frozen me still. The thing is that it not only echoed across the island in that moment, but it continued through the night a chorus of terror, prayers of pleading, screams of grief. Natural destruction unfolding in front of me, around, and under me. Balanced against the designed destruction through the war all of those years ago, and I have not forgotten how you delivered me out of the fires of Kuwait and how you have held me safe ever since. In my thoughts right now, it is occurring all over again. And all I can offer it is the silence of my voice in contrition for the suffering my eyes have seen.    

            And as we enter into the season of Lent, I think of how Jesus was driven into the desert after hearing your voice, God. Days of temptation and silence repeat. I recall how I lost myself in a desert all those years ago. And now silence is returning to me. In the quiet, I meditate on those desert days in a winter war. I think of the path of Christ and where I have found it and lost it. It is a choice of faith and I have chosen to believe. It is in my belief, in this faith, that I have found the only true comfort that I have ever known. God, I do not know what is right and what is wrong anymore. I fight the doubt that breathes in my chest. Knowing the sideways spin of the world in sin and my hand in it all. I continue to wander this world searching for the redemptive moment, knowing I will never find it. The conflict in the human journey leaves no one untouched. Knocking on the door of the church, God, hear my heart, pity this sinful soul who has been so right and so wrong in so many ways, and please, God, hear my prayers that seek understanding and forgiveness for all these failings of mine.  

            Last night as I wrote, this fatigue was overtaking me. I made my bed in the Jesuit House.  A single bed on a simple frame with a crucified Christ over my head. With ocean waves breaking in the near distance, I found sleep.

            God, this morning I watched the sun rise over the eastern shores. The play of light and noise in the waking dawn of silence is really something to behold. In the last week, I struggled about coming here. The anxiety of traveling has risen, and I can’t suppress it. I thought about the quote from Hunter S. Thompson: “Buy the ticket, take the ride.” I thought about it when I was driving here, wanting, desperately wanting, to turn around, but I am taking the ride. Sitting this morning in a solarium, I watched the waves move to the shore, noticing some rolling in softly, quietly, and disappearing. I watched others form in the distance, raging towards the coast. The sea rose blue to white with an aqua green crushed between the waters, coming apart at the height. And I think of you, God, in all of this. I see the waves moving in visible motion. The clouds currently in imperceptible motion. The sun rising over the planet spinning around it, time passing, and where am I in it all? I feel like I am perceptually moving in it all. But under and in what direction am I traveling and to what destination? God, am I on the right course? Am I doing the right thing?

            Watching the waves in the solarium, as I was eating breakfast today a fly landed on the table directly in front of me. We are far into winter, and I have not seen a fly in sometime. Like many people, I have an aversion to them, with a default reflex to try and swat it and kill it, but not this time. The Diptera stood on the table rubbing its front legs together and then washing them over its head. The visit lasted for all of one to two minutes before he took flight. The faint buzz, the sight of this insect, brought my mind back to Basra. In the marshlands of southern Iraq, we had found them, or rather, the Diptera had found us. I would never have been able to understand the power of this insect without that experience. Thousands upon thousands, likely hundreds of thousands of them, populated and controlled the marshes. At night, if you were brave enough to enter the tent in the red light of war, you could see the ceiling was covered with the Diptera and it was moving. The sound was not a buzzing, not a humming; it was an operated chainsaw with an amplification of madness and soon the sound of fear enveloped me. As they covered the tent, so too did they cover my body. I recall trying to eat one of the MREs, and as I removed a spoonful of food from the package, ten flies were on top of it. I shook the spoon, shook them away, and brought the spoon rapidly to my mouth, but not before two or three of them had returned and landed on the spoon. I ate them. It was unavoidable. At first, I tried not to. I tried to separate them with my tongue and then I tried to spit them out. That effort only made me feel sick. With the next bite, I shooed them away with my other hand, but they returned by the time the spoon made it to my mouth. I placed the food very close to my mouth and tried to cover the food with my hand, but it made no difference. They are on it, crawling on my hand and on the food package, and getting inside of it. I started to eat faster and the next bite the same thing, until I just started chewing and swallowing. Worrying, irrationally that they would lay maggots in my stomach if I did not kill them in my mouth, I started chewing them thoroughly.  And God help me, I asked for you to help me in those moments as I ate them, and as I kept on eating them. And I recall how the nausea would lessen with each day. At night, if I could sleep, and we tried, I often woke with them walking across my closed eyelids, crawling into my open mouth. I would wake up spitting them out, slapping my face, screaming, especially when they were crawling on my ears, but it made no difference. Ten seconds later more were landing on my face. We stayed in the marshes for weeks. We stayed until we no longer heard them, until we no longer saw them, till we no longer tasted them. I think now that it was one of the first acts of penance for our part in the war. We consumed the Diptera that fed off of us.  It was a special kind of hell in this world, manifest in the burning oilfields of Kuwait and now in the plague-ridden marshes of southern Iraq. The bill of violence was coming due. My body nourished by the tasteless, dehydrated food as my soul filled like an empty shell in blackness that lies beyond description. And this morning, this simple, beautiful creation of yours, God, brought me back to the marshes of Southern Iraq. And I was reminded, and I remembered, and for that I am so grateful.

            I am trying to focus on the presence of you in my life, God. It is part of the reason why I am here in this Jesuit house. It is also a search for peace with the past, with the present, with the future. The capacity to focus in silence is difficult. My mind drifts. Until a simple fly brings me back into the heart of madness in the marshes of Iraq, and maybe it is okay. I think that it is okay. I keep rechanneling my thoughts when I go off track, but I fall back. As I think about it all, I see that you were with me in the marshes, as you were with me in Haiti. In all of this I look for you, as I have looked always for you. I see you in ways and places that are only visible to an eye of faith. I recognize the designer in the design. I hear your voice in the voice of man. I see blessings in deliverance, in perseverance, in tests of faith provided from you to me. God, as I close this letter I want to say thank you for not abandoning me in my hours of need. Tonight, I sleep with a less restless heart knowing that you are with me.

Douglas Mac Neil is an ER Nurse Practitioner and Gulf War veteran. This is his first published story.