Time Passes: On Unfinished Things

Andrew Bertaina

I remember endless summer days as a child–days spent in blistering California heat, roaming through the grass, climbing the towering cumquat tree, holding my finger out to crickets, or letting out a long parabolic rope of pee onto the juniper. Why did the summer days–the crickets chirping, the ice clinking in a glass of lemonade seem to distend, until they fill up large recesses of memory? 

            Like any good essayist, I set out to answer the question of time’s riddle. Like most good questions, it turns out that the answer is multi-faceted and not entirely conclusive. The explanations range from the mathematical to the psychological and neurological. The typical hypothesis is that our young brains are rapidly encoding new experiences, every scent of a rose, every buzz of a fly has the potential to create a new memory. Just this week, my own children were shouting about a bee that had flown into the car, squirming in their seats like wild animals. 

            “That’s not a bee,” I said. “That’s just a fly. And even if it was a bee, they don’t bother unless you bother them.”

            In my experience, the discovery of the bug would have resulted in me rolling down the window and continuing to think about the structure of my day, of logistics on the weekend. To the children, the fly was a novel experience. It wasn’t even a fly. It was a havoc causing bee. 

            The logarithmic explanation also explains our differing perceptions of time. The explanation runs thusly, when you are two years old, a summer is ⅛ of your lived experience. Thus, a summer, or even a day can feel like a long stretch of time relative to the total sum of your life. For an adult of forty, a summer feels like 0.00625 percent. By this explanation, which feels a bit like breaking down whey a joke is hilarious and taking the piss out of it, and this essay, see line one, is pro piss, it makes sense that our experience of time as a child feels elongated and drastically truncated as we age. 

            The last explanation comes from a recent study at Duke University. In this study, it was found that brain degradation contributed to a perceptual difference in how the young and old experience time. Because new brains are much more efficient at processing and encoding information, their is a density to time, a rapid-fire sense that everything is happening all at once, which declines as our brains’ ability encode declines as well. 

            But why discuss time anyway? Isn’t it the job of an essayist to bring time to life, to mention the screened in porch, the loose fence board we all used to sneak under to travel between backyards? I don’t entirely know why I’m fascinated by time. Sometimes I assume that everyone else is as baffled or interested in precisely the same sorts of things I am, but I’ve learned that isn’t true. 

            What is time exactly? A difficult question, and well beyond the scope of what I intend to write as I possess no special knowledge of relativity or quantum mechanics. My investigation involves the substance of how we spend our time, esconsed at a particular moment in time in the twenty-first century. What is time? It is that which passes by in any given American urban life like mine–retrieving the children from school, passing through reams of traffic, pedestrians high-tailing it through crosswalks and bikes vaguely following the laws of traffic, the row of azaleas and coneflowers that line the mulch on my short walk to the gym. Time is that which is spent. Or perhaps spent is the wrong phrase, as though we had a choice in the matter. Time is sitting on the front porch steps, bony butt aching, while the wind rattles the limbs of a distant oak, and the children are away for the night, spending the evening with their mother. But I am also concerned with the oddities of time, the way that it warps around a black hole, the way that it influences an essayist recording the patter of thoughts or how the impressionists recorded its passage by shifting the way that light moved through the trees.   

            The final score in the Oklahoma City vs. Memphis Grizzlies game was 87-81. This fact is a mooring point and perhaps why sports bring me pleasure. Sometimes I’ll find myself between sentences in this essay, brain idling, living in the interstices that comprise most of our lives, and I’ll click back to my prior tab, which affirms the final score of the game was 87-81. This is largely due to the compulsive way I pass time, checking and rechecking tabs on the internet, always with the nagging sense that I’ve missed something. I’ve read that the internet is addictive, in part because we are information seeking creatures, and we’ve now been provided an endless repository to mine for uselessness. Implicit in the prior statement, perhaps problematically, is that our lives should have some use beyond checking the internet for basketball scores and cat memes. This implicit assumption is that our time should be spent meaningfully. Should time be spent meaningfully? And if so, why? Is it because we will all one day be gone? I am troubled by the assumption that time should be well spent because the answers have varied across cultures and time. The Spartans seemed to think it was noble, and perhaps desirable to die in war, the Buddhists in Tibet, to live and die peacefully. 

            Whenever I was told that I was wasting time–playing video games, watching sitcoms–I wondered what time was for. It’s not as though it’s a blunt instrument, not a hammer, nor a wall hanger, nor a puzzle. Its passage is inexorable, strange, and, or so it seems to me, largely contingent on the particularities of personality, identity, and the logic of the culture you belong to. 

            Our lives are linear, even if we don’t always experience them that way. I often spend minutes in mindless reverie, imagining an e-mail I’ll send to a friend I’ve lost touch with, all the while passing the present moment, willfully not attending to it. Even if I imagine my parallel lives, seemingly breaking the wheel of time by moving sideways or backward through it, or if I indulge in memory, my mother’s fiery red hair, a day spent in childhood dropping water on a teeming mass of ants, contemporaneous time still plods inexorably forward. And all our history in time trails behind us like the contrails of a comet—broken marriages, broken fingers, broken promises, a mid-day cup of tea on the Ponte Vecchio. And perhaps that’s the real answer, time is what we make of it rather than what we dream. And yet most of what I do is dream, imagine, search, as opposed to inhabit. 

            What is it that I think I’m missing in the current moment? Why do I keep checking the same tabs over and over, restless as the wind? Reader, I’ve done it just now, in the middle of this thought. Given our current understanding of time and the rules of basketball, it is unlikely that the score of the game will ever be anything but 87-81. Given my understanding of time and the rules of life, I will continue spinning through space on a giant rock, checking the internet for answers to the important questions: how the weather is in Illinois today, what the chances are for a mid-term candidate in the House, what’s a good substitute for buttermilk? I can fill my time with so many questions that don’t approach why I’m unhappy. I needn’t ever stop long enough to ask. The present moment provides an endless distraction to the deeper questions, not a novel thought, but a salient one as I am the sort of person who prides himself on asking deeper questions and even I can barely muster up the attention span of half an hour to ponder much of anything. All the while, the fan is humming, and the children are still lodged in sleep, quiet as God. The children who never seem to need more from life than food, water, entertainment. When do human beings develop an existential nature? 

            I find myself, as I waste away another day on tab after tab, wondering what to do with time. Time, which can be incredibly boring, or stimulating. I can read a book, or stare blankly at a spreadsheet, but time must be passed somehow. Time is oppressive that way, pressing down on the day like gravity on the earth. Perhaps that’s why so many people take pleasure in structure, having time externally defined relieves the pressure of deciding what to do with it. I too live a structured life, two jobs, two children, but I press against the hours, restless as the wind.

            Beyond that, the problem of what to do with time is both existential and intertwined with borgeouise privilege. The ability to even ask the question is concomitant with that privilege.  One of my favorite party anecdotes to share is how the Pirahã people of the Amazon rainforest, one of the last groups of hunter-gatherers spend their time. On average, they spend about four hours a day working and the rest is spent hanging about and exchanging jokes and stories. Would that be enough to fill the hours? Has my relatively privileged life of higher education lead me to priortize information seeking and academic achievements, which don’t even make me happy? Is it plausible that my life is a wast of time? 

            I grew up in a religious family and was given to look for signs that portended the end of the world: Y2K, 9/11, a particularly fierce sunset. There is nothing quite like the surge of feeling that accompanies the probable end of the world, merely because the sun is flaring bright orange over a row of deciduous trees. I’d imagine the world coming to an end, Christ walking down, the heavens unfurling. Now I no longer look at the sky and wonder after glory. I wonder if the corresponding image will look good on Instagram.

            I was raised in a Christian home and attended a Christian college, which means that one of the texts I’ve spent the most time with is The BibleThe Bible is unique in its treatment of time, cramming billions of years, the formation of planets, gases, light, and the redemption of humanity into a scant twelve hundred pages. I’d have thought it would at least take 2,000. It took Proust nearly 4,500 to cover the first few decades of his life. Thus, what The Bible succeeds at is the violent compression of time, which mirrors that of our own beginning. 

            Though The Bible’s compression is admirable, it falls egregiously short where Proust, Woolf, Joyce and others soar—in the depiction of human consciousness. The characters in The Bible are flattened by their lack of interiority. Though their duality is well-expressed. Think of David sending Bathsheba’s husband off to war, so he can have her as his own. Of course, perhaps The Bible falls so far short because it isn’t trying to depict consciouness. In fact, The Bible isn’t a historical document either. It’s a hodgepodge of different styles, poetry, fable, metaphorical, practical instruction, hallucinatory apocalypse, and the stoic tract of Ecclesiastes. 

            But I fear that an essay that goes on too long about The Bible runs the risk of overstaying its welcome. I think that the majority of the times I’ve been drowsy beyond human comprehension has been during overlong sermons. Structurally, the early portions of The Bible rely on parataxis, events are called into life and responded to, be light; there was light. This structure mimics our lives, though admittedly, the scale is a bit different, universe and light switch. 

            In our lives, events unfold like leaves falling from an autumnal tree, one after another. As I noted above, even if we fight this linear reality with stories, jokes, narrative tricks, time still marches forward. We can write a book that moves backward, but we can’t do anything but hurtle forwards ourselves. Who hasn’t felt that life is sometimes this way? As though the rush of days flows past us without the time for us to ever apply meaning? The human mind can only hold an experience in active memory for three seconds before it is filed away or lost to the great empty recess of forgotten things that comprise most of our lives, like the dark matter that holds together the universe. 

            Crucially though, the difference between Biblical time and my current understanding of time is that we are not moving towards anything at all, while The Bible sends the reader moving towards Christ. Thus, lives and linear time should be compressed in order to apply the structural integrity, alpha and omega. Meanwhile, as Proust knows, if all we have is the here and now, and we move toward nothing determinate, then why not expand the details, imbue the ordinary life with rich sensory detail, the fiery red sunset, the blooming jacaranda. 

            Unlike my religious upbringing, I think we just move, not with intent, toward either a Big Crunch, pure compression or toward the Big Rip, a universe too large to sustain anything.

            The Bible also mirrors our lives by decentering of human experience. Not that we consider our lives decentered. In fact, as everyone who has access to the internet has already noted, social media amplifies our belief that we are at the center of the universe. Like Jesus, but without the sandals and crucifixion. But The Bible, like the ocean or the sky, reminds us that our lives are insignificant, and  if the Renaissance was about the flourishing of human grandeur, the Industrial Revolution and the growth of capitalism has been about the flourishing of technologies, capital, and structures that are beyond human control. Our lives are already shaped, as though by God, by the cultural forces into which we are born. And, in a way, our lives still mirror those of Biblical heroes—petty, short, envious, foolish, adulterous, filled with longing for a child, a home, meaning. 

            However, what’s still delayed is the promised redemption of my youth, two-thousand years and counting. And the world suffers through digression after digression—a bombing in Nagasaki, The Peloponnesian war, the death of an unnamed child from malaria, a single butterfly flexing the variegated colors on its back in the garden—waiting forever. 

            As time passes, the weeks in which I’m writing and rewriting this essay, I find myself also working on an essay that I’ve written about trains: wedding trains, trains traveling through Europe, through the walls of limestone caves, the theoretical train that Einstein used to prove special relativity. I think the editing is almost done, but, like the comment from an old writing professor, like the point at the beginning of the universe, more compression is always possible. But I find compression difficult. The Bible, as I’ve detailed above, uses compression as a device to reduce the impact of our lives. And though I agree we are insignificant, like many other thinkers, I think that makes our brevity meaningful. This stance would seem to be contradictory, but I’d submit that much of our lives take place in contradiction, in the space between the spoken word and response. 

            Rather, like the universe now, I want expansion. I want to read an essay that carries within it—all possibilities, all shades of meaning, all worlds of dinosaurs, of squid wandering on land, of Tony Allen making and missing layups, of me, leaving and unleaving my former wife, of the time I was a four at the ballet and laughed gleefully at the children spilling out from beneath a dancer’s voluminous dress, of waterfalls spilling from mountaintops and dynasties crumbling, The Great Wall being erected and Trajan’s column. Imagine an essay that went on longer than Proust, longer than Knausgaard, but that covered every train of thought, from Heraclitus and Euripides to the idle musings of a street sweeper in Paris, 1937, the passing thoughts of a young mother while her children play in the sprinkler in 1958. An essay that reimagines the brevity of human life as beautiful by capturing all of it, every blade of grass, every patch of daffodils. 

Sadly, this is not that essay. This essay, unlike that dense point of compression, is unlikely to create space and time, gravity and The Milky Way. It is unlikely to create the elements, to set the stars burning and gas giants collecting dust; nor will it set the path of the moon, who’s reflection lies silver on the ocean. Rather, this essay will merely move through space and time, like a train, like a sentence, like an emotion through a solitary Sunday morning of a man’s mid-life malaise, alone, mid-winter, slate sky, the children now sleeping at their mother’s a block away. 

It is now Thursday morning.  Time moves on like the obscenity that it is. 

Once, a mad man shot the President from a hill. Once, the earth had two moons that smashed into each other and one was lost to the vast reaches of space. Once, a child, pink and peach colored, freshly-unwombed, held my finger in her hand. Once, that same little girl read Harry Potter in her small bed, stopping at the scary parts, so I could sit with her as she read. Once, passenger pigeons flooded our sight as though they were ink spilled on pages of the sky. Once, I knelt in a tiny room full of roses and proposed to a woman. Once I lay with my son cradled in the hollow of my chest, warm in sleep. Once, I sat in artificial light, thinking all these thoughts—all the things I’ve left undone, as though finally, years removed from religion, I had become a proper Episcopalian.

All things are full of weariness, Ecclesiastes.

The Pacers now have a 32-22 lead on the New York Knicks. The game is still taking place in the present time. The score will not, barring some catastrophe—the universe ripping itself to shreds, Yellowstone erupting, a meteor hitting the Yucatan Peninsula—remain as 32-22 for an indefinite period of time. It is extremely unlikely, though not impossible, that neither team will score another basket.

I am doubled by the bathroom mirror. I notice, in the reflection of my life, the ghostly shape of a spider threading its way down from the ceiling. And now we are both doubled, looking, I’d imagine, not at one another, but at the reflections of ourselves, the reverse of the way we actually appear. It is a shame that I can only see this reflection and not see instead, the reflection of myself in the eyes of my college roommate when I started dating the girl he had a crush on, or that of my mother this year, when I forgot to call on her birthday, that of my wife as we sat on the porch, and I told her that we should part, that of my brother on the cross-country drive when I said that I hated him. I regret that I cannot show my neighbor, yelling just now, the reflection of his voice, hammering through the walls as he shouts at his daughter. I hope that no one ever writes about me or the shouting I’ve done at my recalcitrant daughter.

            My face has grown weary of itself, or so it seems as I stare. Stare long enough and you’ll be reminded of every psychological thriller, reminded of the way we are all slowly losing our minds. Except my own life tends to be a bit boring: no Spidey sense developing, no face that breaks into a cruel smile revealing a split personality, no aliens emerging from my stomach. No, just the cold and inexorable passage of time, making small outlines at the corner of my eyes, at the edges of my cheekbones, turning and turning the details of my life over like a leaf in a storm, furrowing brow and greying hairs at the temples.

            I wipe the spider away with a Kleenex, this contingent arachnid taken quickly from the world. It is as though, for this brief blip of time, that I am not a contingent creature, who soon will be wiped clear from the mirror of time.

            I try to explain to the spider, who can no longer listen, something of scale. I say the mere fact that I’m able to consider myself in the mirror, to muse over the Big Bang, the feeling of silk—soft as passing rain, the kiss I shared with Sasha in the dark in 1998, the dull ache of my shoulder as I carried the front left of my grandmother’s coffin—reifies my decision to end his/her life. The development of consciousness, up here in the ragged world of skyscrapers, GDP and thrift savings plans, seems to entitle us to so much death dealt without awareness, without understanding, like a drone hovering over a gathering of strangers in the night.

The spider and I didn’t cover much ground. Though perhaps it would have been for nothing anyway. Spiders are notoriously poor listeners, but renowned for their singing, which is lovely and soul-piercing but that cannot be heard by human ears.

My lover and I sit in this city of trees beneath an awning shedding rain, amidst the smell of wet asphalt and petrichor. We are in a silent fight, which gives me space to be alone. I’m thinking about the children, how tender their feet once were. And about the solo trip I took to Spain—the way I found an orange tree behind a chain-link fence and photographed it, thinking the way the light was passing through the fence, illuminating the cracked earth and the dusty limbs of the tree, was somehow a work of art as much as the funhouse of Gaudi’s Parc Guell. There are so many moments I still need to share—that time I was seven and skipped stones on the back of Lindo Channel, that time I sat at my first night in college in Santa Barbara, eight hundred miles from home, talking to Iris about all the things I’d wanted to say in high school within the velvet folds of night, that night I sat among the Eucalyptus and listened to the wind mimicking the ocean, feeling as though my whole life would be full of wonder.

            You see, my lovely reader, I say, as we lean in together, I would like this essay to be about time. And since I can’t expand it to include everything I’d like to. I see now that the best mode is compression. I’d like to compress all these moments down into a single paragraph, a single sentence, a single word, a single letter. I’d like to tell you what I’ve been thinking about these past few months that we’ve been part, that we’ve been together, that have passed since I wasn’t your child anymore, wasn’t your lover, your neighbor, your husband, your friend, the many things I’ve wanted to tell you from three thousand miles away, from across the city, from exactly where you are, without having to say anything at all. I want the quiet compression of things before there was any space before there was any time, only these billions and billions of moments, unborn. 

Andrew Bertaina’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in many publications including: The ThreePenny Review, Tin House, Redivider, Witness Magazine, and The Best American Poetry 2018. More of his work is available at www.andrewbertaina.com.

IMAGINE US, THE SWARM, by Muriel Leung

Laura Villareal

During my teen years and early twenties, I was a total poser. I’d emulate my friends and the media I consumed without much thought while feeling a low-frequency grief, which I now recognize as rooted in my lack of authenticity. I tried too hard to be different—to stand out—to be someone cool and likeable. What I became was a fragment of myself lost in the amalgam created by pieces of everyone I wanted to impress. There’s something about writing poetry that feels authentically mine. I don’t feel inclined to imitate, only to write the truth of the poem and myself. The poets I admire often lean into their style, syntax, verbal landscapes, and experiment. Muriel Leung is one of those writers. 

            After finishing Leung’s debut book, Bone Confetti (Noemi Press, 2016), I couldn’t wait for her second book to come out. Her writing leaves me with a renewed sense of curiosity about what poetry can do and an excitement to continue pushing on the boundaries of the page as she so often does. I’m in awe of the tenderness and rigor of her poetry, especially in her new book Imagine Us, The Swarm (Nightboat Books, 2021) which, as Kazim Ali describes so aptly in his blurb, as a collection of “seven powerful texts that form a constellation of voices, forms, and approaches to confront loneliness, silence, and death.” Each one of the seven sections feels expansive and distinct in their formal variety and subject matter. From footnotes, to ekphrasis, to essays in verse, to the way poems are situated on the page and expand across pages, I find something new to sit and think about each time. Leung covers a number of topics such as gendered violence, Asian American identity, death, queerness, and labor. 

            In Leung’s essay-in-verse “This Is to Live Several Lives,” she writes, “A bee learns to become a Müllerian mimic, dressed as some other creature with a deadlier poison.” Mimicry happens in nature as a tool of survival. For marginalized communities, especially immigrants, the act of assimilation is how to dress as a “creature with a deadlier poison.” In the poem, Leung speaks of its lasting generational impact, particularly in the speaker’s relationship to work learned from their father’s tireless work ethic. In a conversation with T.K. Lê on Nightboat’s website, she says:

“We are comprised of not just our singular knowledge of the world but the experiences of those who came before us, and we inherit their histories too. Even if we did not grow up with it, I do believe that we carry these histories in our bodies, and they become part of our cellular memory. So, yes, not just a singular once but many.” 

            In “A Careful List of All My Failures,” Leung writes: 

            Claire Jean Kim calls it the “field of racial positions,” the arrangement of different bodies along a dying field, vying for the one blade of fresh cut grass. As if none of us are fit for water.

            What the theory of racial triangulation tells us is the distribution of inequities rooted in white dominance. That I could look to you and feel that I am at once lesser and perhaps fortuitous for having earned that small morsel of god.

            To bend so far back, my spine becomes another flag. Of assimilable colors. 

            And I am not even legible to myself. Cannot not even English my way out.

            This passage has been radiating through me since I first read Imagine Us, The Swarm. I continue thinking about “to bend so far back, my spine becomes another flag. Of assimilable colors,” and “and I am not even legible to myself.” Leung weaves in the voices of theorists and academics with such skill. It adds another layer of nuance and complexity to her poems that are already buzzing with emotional texture and intellectual richness.

            Muriel Leung writes with such intentionality, tenderness, and style that it feels like a masterclass. Leung imagines the future possibilities of her communities and encourages them to imagine better together. I’ll leave you with her final words: “We can write out origins / sacred here and renounce the country of our fear. / There is only our singular pulse when we fill the sky.”

Laura Villareal is the author of Girl’s Guide to Leaving (University of Wisconsin Press, 2022). She has received fellowships from Stadler Center for Poetry & Literary Arts and National Book Critics Circle. Her writing has appeared in GuernicaWaxwing, AGNI, and elsewhere.

Daring to Be Different: The Merits of Narrative Ingenuity

David Philip Mullins

My love for fiction has its origins in the fundamentals: voice, characterization, and plot. I don’t expect anything revolutionary or pyrotechnic, only that a narrative has been fashioned with expert skill. Precise, elegant prose; a convincing, engaging protagonist; a compelling, unpredictable storyline—these are more than enough to hold my interest and impress me.

            As a writer, I came of age in the United States during the 1990s, the tail end of minimalism’s reign. Raymond Carver was still in vogue, as were Ann Beattie, Bobbie Ann Mason, Richard Ford, Tobias Wolff. Consequently, the literary style with which I tend to identify, and to which my attention is typically drawn, is realism, without frills. Call me boring, out of touch, but I’ve never been keen on experimental writing, on self-conscious innovation—metafiction, for instance. As Samuel Johnson wrote (albeit wrongly) of Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, “Nothing odd will do long.” So-called “genre fiction,” too, no matter how “literary,” normally turns me off.

            It was unexpected, then, that when I read Glossary for the End of Days, Ian Stansel’s second short-story collection, I was struck by the inventiveness and eccentricity of its premises and frameworks. Stansel’s first collection, Everybody’s Irish, and his novel, The Last Cowboys of San Geronimo, both display his exceptional talent as a storyteller. Glossary for the End of Days does more. Surprising and boldly unconventional, it is a departure from his usual, realist approach.

            In the opening story, “John Is Alive,” it’s 1985 and fifteen-year-old Cal and his cousin Natasha are waiting in line at Tower Records for the midnight release of the new Beatles album. As the story’s title suggests, John Lennon has survived the four bullet wounds from Mark David Chapman’s .38 caliber revolver. (That isn’t a spoiler, though some of what follows in this piece may diminish suspense for a first-time reader of the book.) The narrative’s beating heart is the relationship between Cal and Natasha, and the plot consists of the scenes that unfold during and after their lengthy wait for the album. But the alternate history proves significant. In a poignant twist, Natasha accidentally falls to her death during a rooftop gathering later that night, and in the wake of the tragedy, Cal—the story’s narrator—muses on “other versions of reality.” In the version he gives thought to for many years afterward, Natasha is still dead, “but here John Lennon is also dead because in this one Chapman’s bullets did their job, killed him. Here Natasha and John Lennon meet—after all, if there are other dimensions, who’s to say there isn’t an afterlife too?”

            The story “Someone Interesting I Know: An Interview with My Uncle Chris by Sadie Fenton” takes an intriguing form. It is a transcript of a homework-assignment interview, during which the interviewee, Uncle Chris, reveals and deconstructs the recent rock-climbing death of his grown son’s boyfriend. Though the assignment is Sadie’s, her mother is the one who has transcribed the recorded conversation, and woven into the narrative are the mother’s bracketed comments to Sadie’s teacher, Mrs. Perez. In one such aside—the story’s final, moving lines, a passage charged with subtext—Sadie’s mother wonders whether Sadie should start over and interview someone else, worried that the conversation with Uncle Chris falls short of what was assigned. “But I’m not sure,” she writes. “What do you think? Should we keep plugging away and see what we can make of it? Do we even have a choice at this point?”

            The book’s unconventionality is pleasingly variegated: there is a second-person story; there are two half-page vignettes—“interludes”; there is a short novella. The contents are divided into three sections (the novella occupies all of section two), concluding with the title story, a master stroke. Like “Someone Interesting I Know,” “Glossary for the End of Days” experiments with form. Using an alphabetical list of terms and explanations, the narrator, Abe, chronicles his involvement with a doomsday cult and its murderous, suicidal leader. For example: “G. Guilt. That’s what they say I’m suffering: a type of survivor’s guilt. Like it’s so simple. Like I’m some line in a big shrink’s book.” It is an eerie account, made all the more chilling by the A-through-Z march of it structure.

            If Glossary for the End of Days were nothing more than an assemblage of quirks and contrivances, the stories would be mere gimmickry. Rather, it is a collection long on the expert skill I mentioned earlier—its prose precise and elegant, its protagonists convincing and engaging, its storylines compelling and unpredictable.

            It will not only hold your interest; it will impress you as well.

David Philip Mullins is the author of Greetings from Below, a collection of stories, and The Brightest Place in the World, a novel, which won the Nebraska Book Award. He is a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, and his work has appeared in The Yale Review, The Massachusetts Review, New England Review, Cimarron Review, and elsewhere. He has received fellowships and awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, Yaddo, the Nebraska Arts Council, and the Nevada Writers Hall of Fame. He teaches at Creighton University. 

On 17776, A Not-Book by Jon Bois

Leah Hampton

Books, especially novels, are magic rectangles, tidy story boxes we can open and fall safely into at any time. Ain’t it cozy here? Either in hardcopy or as mobile downloads, the relatively firm structure(s) of the novel remind us of a story’s separateness from daily life, and thus of its power. Self-contained, predictable, yet containing multitudes. One volume, or one file, of adventure. Regardless of how strange or experimental they can sometimes be, novels are reliable and trustworthy, even the ones that don’t employ traditional elements. A book is an infinite box, but still a box; even if it hits us hard in the feels, or even if it’s disorganized or poorly written, it’s not going to fuck with us too much. 

            Exceptions prove rules, however, and every now and then a unique book breaks this cozy reading relationship. On these rare occasions, a novel can fuck with you very much indeed. In my experiences such books are hard to find, and sometimes they are not books, but a true and total surprise that breaks my brain and challenges me to reexamine my relationship with the very concept of storytelling. 

            My favorite not-book is Jon Bois’s online speculative novella 17776, otherwise known as “What Football Will Look Like in the Future,” hosted on the website SBNation. (Just Google “football in the future” and it’s always the first hit.) Describing this piece is genuinely difficult: 17776 is absolutely not a novel, and yet somehow it is. It does not have a plot, or traditional characters, nor is it composed, at least not entirely, of text. There are also no panels or other graphic novel components. 17776 does not, if I really think about it, even technically exist. You cannot buy it—access is free. You can’t hold it as you would a book, or give it a form in your mind. The best identifier for this work is, I suppose, to call it an “experience.” 

            What happens with 17776 is this: Someone—let’s say an acquaintance, perhaps a small, odd-looking woman whom you sometimes see at the bakery, for this was my experience—sends you a link. Her email says simply, “You should read this; very cool!” You click the link, and it takes you to a seemingly standard-issue online news article about football. Football? You think, my small, odd friend knows I hate sports; what on earth am I looking at?

            Just as you are about to shrug and click away, your laptop melts. 

            By which I mean the screen. . .sort of. . .dissolves, in a way you’ve never seen before. Everything goes black. You’re certain it’s malware, or maybe a brain aneurysm. 

            And then you meet Nine. 

            Nine is a satellite. A robot of sorts, but not a very good one, because Nine has a lot of feelings and can’t do anything robotic. Nine lives in deep space and has been floating alone out there for thousands of years. You sit with Nine for a very long time, and nothing happens. Truly, sincerely, nothing happens.

            Until Nine meets another abandoned satellite. Then another. Soon the satellites, all these little floating space machines who are very funny and sad and full of some remarkable force other than life, begin to talk about life, about love, and about the strange question of how humans in the year 17776 keep themselves occupied way down there on Earth. 

            The answer is football. In the distant future, when author Jon Bois says we humans will become immortal, invincible, and extremely bored, we will play football. 


            That’s it. That’s the book. Or, rather, not the book. Through a series of “chapters” that employ embedded YouTube videos, fake Google Earth maps, amateurish illustrations, and also fart jokes, color-coded space squabbles, and mass-delusion love affairs with a twelve-thousand-year-old lightbulb, Jon Bois reimagines the very idea of the novel, and of life itself. The magic box is busted wide open, and this destruction makes you laugh, then weep, with wonder. Bois also recently released a sequel, 20020, which takes the non-story of his non-novel even further. 

            Perhaps I’ve told you too much, ruined the surprise. But, no; that’s not possible. The premise of 17776 is nothing special, really, and knowing its format ahead of time doesn’t make it any easier for you to anticipate or comprehend. It’s dumb and simple and wildly brilliant, and it doesn’t have a beginning or end, so there are no spoilers. It’s a wasted afternoon, with no grand design or fancy literary ambitions. Bois himself claims he created 17776 merely “for fun.” 

            But I promise, it changes you, this experience. Remember, I hate football, and I’m not a huge sci-fi buff, either. Yet here I am, recommending a sci-fi football non-boxed non-book thing, as if my own life, my own love of story, depended on it. However hip or old-school you may be in your reading choices, whatever your fiction wheelhouse is, 17776 takes you out of it in a way you never knew you needed. If you’re a writer, it will help you see new possibilities for genre- and form-busting in your own work. I’ve recommended this not-book to many people, and their reactions have ranged from annoyance to childlike rapture. No matter how the experience strikes them, everyone admits they have never “read” anything like 17776 before, which to my mind can only be a good thing. They also say it rejiggers their understanding of what novels can do and be.   

            And of course everybody falls in love with the lightbulb. Because no matter who you are, if you look closely enough at it, a weird, delicate thing will always break your heart. 

Leah Hampton is the author of F*ckface and Other Stories (Henry Holt). Her work has appeared in Guernica, McSweeneys Quarterly Concern, Electric Literature, Ecotone, and elsewhere. She currently serves as creative writing fellow in residence at the University of Idaho.

Northeast Regional

Allison Titus

The train makes a grammar / of our distance / as it glides
up and down / the East Coast. / It’s sunrise. / We’re in the future
of our hearts now. / Out the window: Fever of marsh; /
two deer; / shopping cart toppled / in a ditch beside the tracks.

Allison Titus is the author most recently of Sob Story (Barrelhouse Press) and The True Book of Animal Homes (Saturnalia Press) and has received fellowships from Yaddo and the National Endowment for the Arts. Along with the poet Ashley Capps, she is co-editor of The New Sent(i)ence, an anthology-in-progress of poems that meaningfully engage animality. She works at an ad agency and teaches in the low-residency MFA program at New England College.     

Lights Will Not Illuminate the Exits

Greg Tebbano

You’ve never driven drunk. Sure. And you’ve never texted. And you’ve never fumbled with the touch screen to skip “Changes” on Sabbath IV. And you’ve never nearly dozed off into a guardrail or missed a bend in the road indicated by a thousand yellow arrows. You’ve never crunched up a rabbit real good or swerved to miss a woman fishing the Star Gazette out of her newspaper box for so long you’d have thought she was birthing a calf. You’ve never masturbated behind the wheel, which—actually—you haven’t. This becomes a strange point of pride. Your wife has a funny story about how someone in her high school flipped a van while getting a blow job. It’s only funny because no one died and because she describes this particular blow job as “getting a frosty” since it took place in a cold van with a broken heater. You expect the phrase “getting a frosty” will become less hilarious as you get older. It doesn’t. 

You are a commuter. Each day you drive fifty-four miles round trip. As the calendar and odometer tally it up, this seems to you a slow form of suicide. Slowicide. Although you do not utter this word to others, your inner monologue likes to bandy it about. You commute to earn a living, though life seems quite removed from what you do, which is to buy and resell goods for a national chain grocery store. You live in the middle of a county whose population hasn’t changed in the last couple hundred years. There are no jobs for which you are qualified that match your salary. So you must venture to the city where there is money and take it back to the country, which, when described this way, makes it sound like you rob stagecoaches. 

            When you were a kid and kind strangers asked what you wanted to be when you grew up, you said, a bandit! as if this were a legitimate career. According to your father you began to plan quite seriously for it. First, you’d have to learn how to ride anxious horses and shoot a gun, but most importantly, you’d need to come up with some witty last words for lawmen and filthy rich bankers to mull over as they died in a puddle of blood and bourbon. 

In a winter storm the roads you drive are quick to become impassible. Everyone has four-wheel drive or a good brain in their skull except you. You have front wheel drive and all-weather tires, a term designed to bump the price and inject a little false confidence. Sometimes the road is whittled down to two little horse-and-carriage tracks and finally nothing, snowpack over which you must drive twenty miles per hour, endearing yourself to no one. 

            Your wife berates you for going out in storms, you who must get to your job of national importance at a chain grocery store. 

            In one such storm you are almost killed by a Logicorps truck, a company which, according to your ex-trucker sister-in-law, trains their operators to drive predatorily. Your cabin fills with this truck’s flashing brights, its maddening horn. There is nowhere to go, no shoulder, no plowed pull-offs. You pray for a subterranean ramp to open on the road before you, an emergency exit straight to hell sparing you crushed bones and likely paralysis. So far are you into a death fantasy, you hardly notice the truck is trying to pass. You brace yourself, squint until the road turns dreamy, imagined, as if the world can be fictionalized at your moment of contact with it. 

            When the collision never comes you are both relieved and yet, strangely depressed—how the closest you’ve ever come to death is repairing shingles or driving to work and for the rest of the trip you listen to your heart trying very loudly to communicate something to you without the convenience of a mouth. 

Sometimes you entertain yourself on the road with sexual fantasies, coming out of them abruptly for red lights or deer in the road. You don’t go there explicitly but sort of wander in, like a door in your brain has been left open by mistake and, well, there’s obviously some interesting stuff going on in there. 

            The fantasies are always populated by faceless women—their faces obscured by steamy showers or behind sock and buskin masks, or the women are bent in front of you with no urge to look back. Sometimes your hands are being tied together by stretchy exercise bands given to you by your chiropractor. Sometimes you are blindfolded but watching from a third omnipotent vantage. You realize with a tinge of regret that some of the positions in your fantasies have been appropriated from porn. Now it’s in there, you guess, like an invasive, and there’s not much to be done. You watch porn rarely, but when you do, you find yourself feeling penitent afterwards and end up cleaning the baseboards in the living room or scrubbing away the thin film of black mold that forms over time on the thin ledges around each window. 

            Sometimes your wife is in the fantasies, though she too is faceless. You recognize her by her body. These are the most thrilling, though they seem in and of themselves a reason to go to therapy. At times, the fantasies kick up a level and you find yourself analyzing them as they are happening. Sometimes your lovers are the ones explaining you to yourself: 

            You are not alone in the compartmentalizing of your sexuality. 

            You watch porn but can’t admit you are the kind of person who watches porn.

            It’s not your fault that you’re a man. 

            You conclude your sex drive was probably more important when humanity was barely sentient, trying not to die off as a species. Now it’s more like your appendix—a curiosity from another time that might accidentally destroy you. As much as you hate yourself, at least you’re aware of what you are. Most animals don’t know even that. 

Your commute takes you through several small upstate villages and even a few hamlets. Susan B. Anthony was born in one of them, her house marked with a patinaed placard and candles in all the windows. For no clear reason, you imagine there is a room in said house with a cradle containing her baby bones, which makes no sense as she did not die as a child. You pass this house on Election Day. You pass it every day.

            The largest village you drive through has car dealerships and a national chain grocery store, though not the one which employs you. There are residents of this village you see almost every morning. One is Shorts Guy. Every zip code in America must have one of these. The requirement for becoming your locality’s Shorts Guy is pretty simple: you just have to wear shorts every day including during the winter—through weather statement-worthy wind chills and cold November rains, all while Jack Frost is tip tip tapping at your balls. Often you think about what Shorts Guy’s life is like and try to dissuade yourself from assuming various stereotypes, like he lives with his mom and is really good at chess. Shorts Guy is living a life like you, and it is no better, or less worthy, or anything. Sometimes you see him at the Tractor Supply where he also works for a national chain and his face is round and not unsweet as he listens to some skinny guy crowing on about how his chicken waterer keeps freezing up. It’s December then, and sure enough, there are the shorts. Below the knees he has procured a very thick skin. That, at least, will serve him well. 

You are extra cautious around crosswalks. Your barbaric state does not require you to yield to pedestrians, though it would seem this legislation is forthcoming. In your sunniest mood you will stop at a crosswalk until a car opposite mirrors your deference and an adult minding a stroller may pass. On darker days, you do not stop. You hate this behavior and the hating feeds it, begets it. Your skull becomes one of those wooden puzzle mazes one must tilt this way and that to liberate a steel marble. On such days pedestrians had best stay up on the sidewalks. 

            One morning you encounter a car left awkwardly—half parked, half crashed—off the shoulder of a county highway. A woman appears to be slumped inside, her head hanging limply off the seat rest—how the deceased are depicted on haunted hayrides. You feel a sickness stirring in your belly. This is what is called “obligation.” You park a ways down and walk back to the economy car caked in salty white like a stale pastry. Her coat is unzipped, scrubs underneath, and she hasn’t puked herself or bled out from anywhere so you knock ever so gently on the window. As the woman comes to, her eyes roll hither and yon in their sockets trying to figure out who you are. Apparently, she was on her way home from a double at the hospital and kept nodding off. She thinks, though is not completely certain, that she pulled over. You praise her decision. You find this woman to be at once more rational than you and also more comfortably aloof, the second trait being maybe something you should try. 

            She fishes around in her coat for a cigarette, starts to laugh as it dangles off her lower lip. 

            You probably thought I was dead, she says.

On a similar winter day, you come upon a girl walking along this same highway. She is wrapped in a bright blue blanket, her eyes red, and she is clutching a phone desperately to her mouth like the silicone of an oxygen mask. The blanket is not the sort one would keep in the trunk of a car for emergencies or impromptu picnics. It has come, you are sure, straight off the girl’s bed. As you’ve gotten older, you’ve become less adept at gauging the ages of people younger than yourself. She could be sixteen. You think of your wife, who hitchhiked and hopped trains at that age for a chance to visit her divorced father. 

            You think of stopping. 

            Then you consider how this will look—your dark sedan slowing, the window coming down to reveal an interior reeking of venison jerky. What will you say to her, you with your army surplus jacket and your hair wet from a shower, slicked straight back in the style of a comic book villain. 

            Will you ask if everything is okay here? Will you ask if she needs a ride? 

            You cannot stop. You know how your offered hand will be received: as a claw, its talons sharpened, practiced. And so you drive on. In the rearview mirror, you notice the tail of her blanket—still warm, perhaps, from a sleep of dreams—dragging along the dirty ground. 

Lately you’ve been seeing a lot of flags at half-staff. 

            It’s not every flag pole, though enough to make you wonder—which tragedy is being marked by the gesture? You are living in a time when disasters are not separated by weeks or days or even news cycles. Are the lowered flags for those who died at the synagogue, at the nightclub? The razing of Mexico Beach? The California fires? 

            Some of those people died in their cars. They died commuting. 

            You’ve scrolled through pictures of this former place called Paradise, color photos that look black and white from all the ash. Here is the dust you’ve so often heard about, to which you will return. You see a photograph of a torched car leaking something silver and molten, like the blood of a superhero. 

            On one trip home you hear an audio recording made by a family fleeing the wildfire by automobile, presumably on a voice memos app. The father is playing it straight, not a quiver in his delivery as he reassures his son that they will make it out. What choice does he have but to bury his heart as deep as he can dig, lest it rise up into his throat. The mother seconds his confidence, though is audibly less certain, especially when the son reveals that a tree by the roadside is on fire. 

            Oh my god, the son says. Should we pray?  

            You wonder if Moses too said this, in an outtake from Exodus.

            Later you rummage around the internet to find out what happened to the family on the recording. Instead, you find an article about how the wildfire spared an antique car, a model T, though the surrounding property is nothing but a chimney and smoldering detritus. You examine the many photos of this classic vehicle—showroom ready, its glimmering chrome grill—and think to yourself that god is a sick fuck.

If you want to check hockey scores and not risk hip checking a telephone pole, you flip the radio up to ESPN which barely comes in these days. A Christian station nearby on the dial has upped the wattage on their transmitter. You imagine a preacher somewhere asking the parishioners to take a minute each evening and pray for the vitality of the antenna tower. You’d like to be a believer but don’t feel you need more guidance on how to be self-critical. There was a time when you said you were “spiritual,” in circles where this word meant “not an asshole.” You no longer say you are spiritual. 

            Often passengers in your car will inquire about your belief system because of the Lucite Buddha cement-glued to the dash. They are awed by how light is able to shine right through his body. Sometimes at night the Buddha seems to glow inexplicably, though it’s probably only from passing headlights. When things go right, you develop the habit of bumping his little fist, folded as it is over his knee in supreme peace.

            You inherit the Buddha from your friend one summer at the river. As you’re getting out of your car he asks, Hey, do you want this? like it might be a disco compilation CD or mirror dice. Turns out you’re not supposed to throw away a likeness of the Buddha. Somebody at work told him. You could give it to another person or you could put it in a river. He pries it off the dash.

            You aren’t a Buddhist, nor are you religious, but you take the Buddha anyway. Your luck, you think, would take a hard hit from letting a godhead end up in a river.

A few times a year, you commute to work by bicycle. When you show up on the bike twenty minutes late people act like you’re some kind of superhuman. 

            Oh my god, someone will say. How long did that take?

            Yes, it requires will and ambition to bike fifty miles in a day, but it’s not as complicated as performing a tracheotomy, as your co-workers seem to believe. The days you bike in will, hands down, be the best you spend at work that year. You don’t do drugs, so you never go in high. This is the next best thing. You smile and take it as a customer berates you for not having her favorite fat free cake mix in stock. Little does she know, your central nervous system is bathing in a Jacuzzi of dopamine.  

            Halfway to work you usually take a piss break at what is referred to locally as “the Monument.” It marks a turning point in the American Revolution, and one would assume a positive one, for the Continental Army. On one of your rides, you are taken aback—one might even say “accosted”—by an insanely beautiful woman who has jogged up the steep hill to the Monument. You are a little out of sorts, unsettled both by her presence and the fact that you’ve just been relieving yourself on the far side of this national marker. She bends forward out of breath with her hands on her legs. She is embalmed in sweat, and this is how your mind’s eye will record her: as a woman made of glass. 

            She smiles at you and says, Hey. She has a lot to tell you about the sunrise and some questions about your bike. Her enthusiasm is such that you think she must know you. But no, you would not have forgotten her. Probably it’s just the hormone-induced high of exertion—how the two of you are both travelers of your own volition, your legs worn down from their intended purpose, which is not to depress a gas pedal. She is asking about your bike because she wants to get into triathlons but gave birth only a couple months ago and is easing into things. You surprise yourself by saying, Congratulations!

            Afterwards, as you watch her descend the hill, you realize you meant it. In the distance the sun is cresting the far off mountains. You want to preserve this moment in a locket and carry it around with you through the dark days of winter, to open it from time to time as one does the door of a wood stove when the fire has dwindled.

In the car, you endure radio programming. You listen to pop music and DJs with too much reverb on the talk mix, the endless IV of classic rock and if you ever hear Steely Dan again you are going to maybe impale your eardrums with the pressure gauge. You stomach politics, the slow passage of news into history. The real estate bubble. The election of a game show host. You drive your way through a Senate confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court justice, surprisingly rapt. The nominee has been accused of sexual improprieties in his youth, crimes even. You listen to this person defend himself. He sounds like a cook you once worked under, how he would thrash around the kitchen when he couldn’t find his favorite knife. As he rants, you feel he has likely done the things of which he’s been accused because at the heart of every man is a dark seed that contains enough poison to bring down an elephant. You know about the seed because you are a man and you have it. You have rolled it around in the back of your mouth and known from the acrid trail it leaves on your tongue that it is no thing to bite into.

            His accuser has already testified. According to the record, this estimable gentleman sexually assaulted her at a party as a teenager. You are struck by the word “pinballing” which she uses to describe her escape down the unfamiliar staircase to the only known exit.

            As this woman’s life progresses, she does not reveal the details of the assault to anyone, even her husband. The topic is finally broached when, in the process of renovating their home, she refuses to compromise on a single, aesthetically questionable design point: the house must have two front doors. 

            Something about the idea sends a spear all the way through you. Because subconsciously, you too have wished for this: a different door to leave by. One that doesn’t open into a pitfall or a den of lions: a door that is an exit, and not just an entrance into another emergency.

After the incident with the Logicorps truck, you devise a new strategy for winter travel. The plan is not very complicated: go to a bar and wait until the storm’s over. It turns out a couple of colleagues from work think this is a great idea. The older of the two colleagues has had a drinking problem and the younger will likely have one, though who are you to judge? You sit around the oval bar in the lobby of a hotel, a bar you frequent for its proximity to your workplace and the twenty-two ounce mugs they serve at happy hour. 

            The waitresses are young and lovely and couldn’t give a shit about you but smile like they might. You recognize the smile because you wear it every day for nine hours. Despite the heavy lifting you do, these are the muscles that hurt the most—the two that flank the corners of your mouth. 

            You drink as snow continues to fall and watch sports television about teams you don’t care about like the Clemson Tigers. The soft-hearted bartender tells you about what’s in tonight’s sangria. (Cranberries! It’s almost Thanksgiving.) You are consistently the youngest people at this bar, which serves things like sangria and port. You and your colleagues argue about what the hell port is, except maybe stale wine. One rule you have about the hotel bar is you are not allowed to look things up on the internet, but must instead, as in the 1980s, fight about them until someone throws in.

            The older colleague’s keys are on the table. One of the keys, you notice, is in fact half a key. Where’s the other half? you ask him. It broke off in his front door, is the answer. For over a year he has relied on the two disparate halves to marry in the lock and trigger the bolt. You create a scenario for the older colleague, a hypothetical in which he must escape a danger via the compromised front door—muggers or a pack of coydogs. He concedes his front door situation seems risky, but then again, it is just another calculation. It will work until it doesn’t. 

Your drive home confirms you are a genius. The roads have been marginally plowed, but, better still, no one else is driving on them. Yes, you’ve had a couple beers—four beers volume wise—but that was over the course of many hours, not to mention the shrimp cocktail you ordered, having discussed at length how ordering a shrimp cocktail off a restaurant menu as a teen is one of the first great forays into adulthood. Now that the novelty of seafood has worn off, you realize the only reason to order this bawdy and slightly unfulfilling item is to re-live that virgin experience. The over-spilling cup of it. 

            This is what you are thinking about when the creature ambles out into the path of your car. It is not a deer or a bear, but some form of hulking Rodentia, black and thick. You hit it and it seems to hit back, a fanfare of crunching which may be bones or fiberglass or both. It’s a raccoon, you decide, a prehistoric one by the looks of it. You do not stop, though now hear a significant portion of the sedan’s body dragging along the snowpack, punctuated by a clawing sound when the snow yields to pavement and the plastic is free to connect with the concrete. You only have a few miles to go. You will not stop now. You will not put on your flashers and fumble with bungee cords in the cold and dark, though this is one of your defining traits as an American: a false confidence about how to use bungee cords. 

            When you get pulled over you are hardly surprised. The cruiser passes you in the opposite direction and in the rearview you witness a nice piece of stunt driving on the part of the officer—a three point turn without any of the points. 

            You park the car, dig around for your documentation. Your wife has little faith in the law and even less in its just interpretation. You feel lucky she is not sitting to your right, putting you in the position of referee. A female officer approaches along the shoulder. You don’t think you are drunk, though does anyone ever think that? This makes you more nervous

            You greet her as though you might be meeting at a community barbeque. The introduction is too pleasant for this bleak evening. She is not amused. You wait for the question you know is on the way—where are you coming from? You are well-practiced at lying to yourself, but to others, not so much. You prepare to tell her you were at a restaurant. Strangely, it does not come up. Not how much you’ve had, nor where you’ve been—only the fact that when she passed you it looked like the Fourth of July was being observed under the chassis of your car.

            I hit a giant raccoon, you say. 

            In response her mouth makes an unbelieving flat line. She runs your license, and when she returns, leans inside the open window, her eyes coming to rest on the dashboard Buddha who is joyfully pulsing from red to blue and back again in liminal ecstasy.

            So if I keep going that way, I can expect to find this raccoon? she says.

            You nod. You imagine the cop spotlighting the corpse in her brights, its midsection unzipped by your all-weather tires. How it appears to be baring its insides for all to see, throwing open its skin as a flasher would a raincoat. It is out of this corporeal passage, you hope, that a smaller, more vital portion of the raccoon has escaped. 

            She shakes her head at you, though it’s possible you imagine this. In the silence that passes, you sense the officer making a calculation of her own.

            Get home safely, she says at last. 

            You can’t remember who is supposed to leave first at traffic stops. Even though you are free to go, you feel leaden, as though to pull yourself forward against the vectors of gravity and drag will require too much of a currency you’ve already spent. You linger after the cruiser leaves, eyeing desolate snowfields as the wind cinches the skin of your face more tightly over your skull. Although you cannot say why, you are free. Perhaps she has decided that on this night, in this empty theater, there is no one else around for you to hurt besides yourself.

Greg Tebbano is employed as a grocery worker and, occasionally, as an artist. His fiction has appeared in Hobart, Contrary Magazine, Third Point Press, Jet Fuel Review and is forthcoming in Maudlin House and Meridian. He has been a resident at Vermont Studio Center and lives in upstate New York.