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Kadetsky, Elizabeth
The Memory Pavilion (nonfiction): PR22, 29

Kadish, Rachel
Lawrence Weschler’s Vermeer in Bosnia (recommendation): PR12, 65

Kalfus, Ken
Confessions of Zeno, by Italo Svevo (recommendation): PR2, 168

Kalotay, Daphne
Women in Their Beds: New and Selected Stories, by Gina Berriault, and the Tea Ceremony: The Uncollected Writings of Gina Berriault (recommendation): PR11, 31

Kalscheur, Josh
New Dark Ages, by Donald Revell (recommendation): PR31, 101

Kaluza, Kobun
Excerpt from Inert Dementia (theatre): PR14, 193

Kamentsky, Gina
Saga #2 (art): PR28, cover

Kaminski, Megan
The Politics of Play (nonfiction): PR20, 139

Kaminsky, Ilya and Farris, Katie (trans.)
The First Aerial Bombardment, by Serhiy Zhadan (poetry): PR38, 163

Kane, Cindy
Hovering (art): PR30, 50

Kane, Jessica Francis
Night Class (fiction): PR24, 44

Kang, Christopher
Durée (fiction): PR39, 71

Kantar, Annie
For You, A Poem (poetry): PR2, 89
I See My Grandmother Again (poetry): PR2, 90

Karapetkova, Holly
Death and the Four-Year-Old (poetry): PR25, 199
Last Meeting (poetry): PR25, 200
Christmas (poetry): PR25, 201

Karlin, Katherine
The Learning Tree, by Gordon Parks (recommendation): PR28, 152

Kashani, Mehdi M.
The Architect, a play in one act (theatre): PR39, 134

Kasischke, Laura
For the Young Woman I Saw Hit By a Car While Riding Her Bike (poetry): PR26, 86
Atmosphere (poetry): PR26, 89

Kearney, Meg
Penguins (poetry): PR26, 97

Kearney, Simone
A Kind of Ductility (poetry): PR20, 75
Morning (poetry): PR20, 76

Keast, Rob
35.4 Sentences About the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore (nonfiction): PR19, 107

Keck, Sean
The Accidental Stage (poetry): PR23, 89

Keener, Jessica
Moving Waters, Stories by Racelle Rosett (recommendation): PR26, 261

Keisner, Jody
Body Language (nonfiction): PR34, 26

Kelly, Devin
Greyhounds (fiction): PR29, 13

Kemp, Sam
Five Ways to Read a Village (poetry): PR36, 95

Kennedy, Christopher
At Brooklyn Pickle (poetry): PR35, 113
My Strategy (poetry): PR35, 114

Kennedy, Sarah
Color Palette Blue #3 (nonfiction): PR31, 27

Kennedy, X.J.
The Fiction of J.F. Powers (recommendation): PR10, 123

Keren, Ran
Hearing the Text (criticism): PR35, 57

Keyser, Ashley
Ilya (poetry): PR36, 94

Khan, J S
Mine Dont Never (fiction): PR28, 135

The Weather Skwirl™: Weather Eyes (art): PR30, 57

Kilpatrick, Connor
The Late Greats (fiction): PR17, 89

Kim, Eson
Touch (nonfiction): PR21, 57

Kimball, Michael
Excerpts from the Suicide Letters of Jonathan Bender (B. 1967, D. 2000) (fiction): PR12, 155
The Possibilities of Fiction (recommendation): PR21, 164
Big Ray, or Some Things Concerning My Childhood, with an Emphasis on My Father (fiction): PR23, 177

Kimura, Takahiro
Destruction and Construction of the Human Face (art): PR5, 194

King, Dave
In A Strange Room, by Damon Galgut (recommendation): PR23, 144

Kinstler, Dana
Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber (recommendation): PR17, 113

Kippola, Gordon
A Habit from Tikrit + Fleeing Never-Pleasure Island (poetry): PR38, 227

Klass, Perri
Birds of America, by Mary McCarthy (recommendation): PR12, 203

Klein, Michael
Provincetown, 1990 (poetry): PR19, 55
What I’m Going To Do Is (poetry): PR19, 56

Klemin, Jeremy Alves da Silva
Dalinian Triangle (nonfiction): PR38, 197

Klíma, Ivan
Irena Obermannova (recommendation): PR2, 169

Klink, Joanna
Shooting Star (poetry): PR2, 100
River in Dusk (poetry): PR2, 101

Knapp, Elizabeth
Indelible (poetry): PR11, 13
Uninvited Guest (poetry): PR11, 15

Knight, Karla
Blind View (art): PR26, 34
Simple Sponge (art): PR26, 40

Knight, Lania
Lift Off (nonfiction): PR31, 103

Knight, Michael
Teaching J.D. Salinger (recommendation): PR17, 149

Koch, Peter Joseph
Public Space (fiction): PR34, 81

Kolin, Philip C.
Humani Generis (poetry): PR29, 92

Koniecki, Reverie
Middle Passages (nonfiction): PR38, 211

Konsterlie, Peter
Deep Vision (art): PR26, 45
Indelible Noise (art): PR26, 48

Koven, Suzanne
An Inherited Condition (nonfiction): PR25, 59

Kozma, Andrew
Invader (poetry): PR14, 103
What Is (poetry): PR14, 104

Kreines, Amy
Warnings (etcetera): PR8, 165

Krejci-Papa, Marianna
Sonnet (poetry): PR29, 100

Krimko, Stuart
The Setting Evening (poetry): PR20, 80
Self Portraits (poetry): PR20, 82

Krisak, Len
Winter Exercises (poetry): PR23, 76

Kronovet, Jennifer
A History of Kansas (poetry): PR3, 37
Scenic Overlook (poetry): PR3, 38

Kuo, Alex
The Lunch (fiction): PR15, 85

Kuzmanovich, Zoran, et al.
Lolita A-Z (etcetera): PR7, 151


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Applied Science (art): PR29, 40

Jackson, Colter
Sick (fiction): PR38, 71

Jackson, Jeff
Old Masters, by Thomas Bernhard (recommendation): PR35, 69

Jackson, Major
Indian Song (poetry): PR2, 87
Urban Renewal ix. (poetry): PR2, 88
How to Avoid a Crash (poetry): PR32, 202

Jackson, Thomas
Tulle no. 34_v1, Okracoke Island, North Carolina, 2021 (art): PR40, cover

Jaeger, Lowell
Now That Our Children Are Grown (poetry): PR34, 142

James, Henry
On Turgenev (etcetera): PR7, 183

Janovitz, Bill
The Road, by Cormac McCarthy (recommendation): P18, 15

Janz, Robert
Incut Drawings (art): PR30, 64

Jarman, Mark
The Conversion of the Vikings (poetry): PR29, 96

Jelsma, Jess E.
Remember Us Now, Wandering (nonfiction): PR32, 59

Jemc, Jac
Suicide, by Edouard Levé (recommendation): PR29, 115

Jenkinson, Len
The Museum of Speed (fiction): PR3, 26

Jiaxin, Wang
Glenn Gould trans. by Diana Shi & George O’Connell (poetry): PR28, 169
Meeting Rain, Wutai Mountain trans. by Diana Shi & George O’Connell (poetry): PR28, 171

Jie, Zhong (trans.)
The Leshan Giant Buddha by Tan Chaochun (poetry): PR25, 55
A Sickle by Tan Chaochun (poetry): PR25, 56

Jimenez, Noé
Corolla (art): PR31, 46

Johnson, Samuel
Last Will and Testament (etcetera): PR4, 149

Johnston, Mat
What We Do (fiction): PR7, 100

Jones, Alden
Secret Life, by Michael Ryan (recommendation): PR4, 108
Polite Society, by Melanie Sumner (recommendation): PR9, 170

Jones, Allen Morris
William Faulkner’s “The Bear” (recommendation): PR16, 101

Jones, Ben
The Ancestor’s Tale, by Richard Dawkins (recommendation): PR11, 200

Jones, Jeff
Riven (fiction): PR18, 55

Jones, Matt
Water, Water Everywhere (fiction): PR32, 39

Jones, Shane
Sky, Ladder, Cow, Lantern, Lake, Flowers, Heaven (fiction): PR39, 159

Joseph, Rachel
Stripped (theatre): PR35, 129

Juska, Elise
Sad in New York (fiction): PR38, 81

Juster, A.M.
A Plea to My Vegan Great-Grandchildren (poetry): PR20, 63
My Billy Collins Moment (poetry): PR20, 64


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Iagnemma, Karl
Italian Days, by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison (recommendation): PR7, 134

Ibar, Baptiste
Untitled (art): PR29, 46

Ichikawa, Hiro
Paintings & Etchings (art): PR33, 33

Ihara, Nathan
Hitting Harmony (nonfiction): PR8, 100

Inciarte, Rachael
The Woman Who Came From the Garden (fiction): PR26, 179

Innis, Julie
Little Marvels (fiction): PR22, 153

Inverso, Anthony
The Pond (fiction): PR33, 147

Ireland, Perrin
The Dog of the Marriage, by Amy Hempel (recommendation): PR16, 195

Iris, Manuel
Clarification + Scar (poetry): PR37, 76

Ison, Tara
Mendal’s Dwarf, by Simon Mawer (recommendation): PR2, 166

Iyers, Lars
A Literary Manifesto After the End of Literature and Manifestos, or Nude in Your Hot Tub with a Good View of the Abyss (criticism): PR22, 139

Izzi, Matt
The Summer Hannah Wore a Hat (fiction): PR26, 158


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Hadari, Atar
The Passover Weddings (poetry) PR23, 83
Tie a Yellow Ribbon (theatre) PR26, 229
Nothing (poetry) PR34, 136

Hagenston, Becky
Perishables (fiction) PR31, 197

Hagy, Alyson
A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery O’Connor (recommendation) PR13, 93

Haigh, Jennifer
Pizza Man (fiction) PR14, 113

Haines, Lise
Why Did I Ever, by Mary Robison (recommendation) PR6, 157

Haley, Melissa
She, Under the Umbrella, Went (nonfiction) PR11, 171

Halliday, Mark
Frugality (poetry) PR38, 68

Halovanic, Maria
Femmáge (poetry) PR15, 137
Afterimage from a Train (poetry) PR15, 138

Hambleton, Richard
Richard Hambleton: The American Pop Expressionist (art) PR27, 33

Hamburger, Aaron
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L. Frank Baum (recommendation) PR17, 15

Hamilton, Saskia
Room (poetry) PR4, 27
Extend (poetry) PR4, 30

Hampton, Leah
On 17776, A Not-Book by Jon Bois (recommendation) PR39, 25

Handley, Brandi
Adult Education (nonfiction) PR38, 153

Hanning, Jenny
Property (poetry) PR18, 179
Bickford Avenue (poetry) PR18, 180

Hansmann, V.
Goodnight, Moon (nonfiction) PR28, 149

Hanson, Alan
Blessed Holy Fuck (poetry) PR31, 64

Harding, John Wesley (see also Stace, Wesley)
Listerine: The Life and Opinions of Laurence Sterne (etcetera) PR5, 174
The Lost Stradivarius, Moonfleet, and the Nebuly Coat: The Abnormal Responses of John Meade Falkner (recommendation) PR11, 89
Journal: (Unexpurgated) Tour Journal (etcetera) PR16, 221

Hardy, Edward
Apology Number 21, or What You Should Know About the Library (fiction) PR25, 72

Harn, John
Yard Work (poetry) PR34, 117
Jewelry On (poetry) PR34, 118

Harnetiaux, Trish
The Dorsal Striatum (theatre) PR13, 129

Haroutunian, Nicole
Calamity and Other Stories by Daphne Kalotay (recommendation) PR32, 37

Harris, Cris
IIII (nonfiction) PR34, 177

Harris, Kathrin
The Dolphin Lady of Siesta Key (nonfiction) PR27, 171

Harrison, David L.
Q&A Reflections (recommendation) PR26, 29

Harrison, Donald MacLeod
The Golden Brain (fiction) PR21, 91

Harrison, Jeffrey
EFT (poetry) PR32, 188
February Morning (poetry) PR32, 189

Hart, JoeAnn
Cross Creek, by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (recommendation) PR12, 189

Hart, Matt
In Memory of Somebody Else’s Feelings (poetry) PR19, 143
Upon Seeing Again the Thriving (poetry) PR19, 147
Deafheaven Fried Chicken (poetry) PR30, 35
Poem for Robert Bly (poetry) PR30, 37

Hartley, Heather
Partner My Partner (poetry) PR14, 59
The Kharma Club (poetry) PR14, 61

Hartnett, Annie
Magical Realism Story Collections for the Trump Era (recommendation) PR33, 61

Harvey, Matthea
The Difference Between the Need for Consistency & the State of Expectation (poetry) PR4, 31
Definition of Weather (poetry) PR4, 32

Harwood, Seth
Fisher Cat (fiction) PR12, 169

Hatcher, Alice
Blood Covenant (fiction): PR40, 129

Hauser, Sarah
Bunny in a Room IV (art) PR30, 52

Hausler, Pete
From Hell, by Alan Moore, Illustrated by Eddie Campbell (recommendation) PR1, 172
Wind, Sand And Stars, by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry (recommendation) PR8, 137
The Wine Went Down in the Bottle: The Passive Beauty of John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat (recommendation) PR25, 86
The Death of Mr. Baltisberger by Bohumil Hrabal (recommendation) PR27, 13
How the 1% Stole America: “Days of Destruction Days of Revolt,” by Chris Hedges and Joe Sacco (recommendation) PR33, 24

Hausler Lew, Zozulka
Beautiful Things (nonfiction): PR40, 49

Hawley, Michael
Allapattah (fiction) PR28, 97

Haymes, Casey
Midday Clusters (fiction) PR38, 251

Hazlewood, Carl E.
About Angels (art) PR25, 33

Healey, Emma
Loan Suite (fiction) PR26, 15

Healey, Steve
God (poetry) PR17, 121
Random Violence (poetry) PR17, 122

Healy, Lorraine
What We’ve Forgotten (poetry) PR16, 25

Hearn, Phil
Chameleon (fiction) PR29, 153

Hearst, Michael
Three Short Stories (nonfiction) PR15, 157

Heffernan, Julie
Self Portrait as Intrepid Scout Leader (art) PR29, 38

Hefner, Marston
Forgetting Everything I Know (fiction) PR36, 129

Heine, Karl
Green Panes—Broken Sky (art) PR28, 67
NO PERMISSION (art) PR36, 33

Heisinger-Nixon, Day
Notes from a Field on Fire + Félix González-Torres– “Untitled” (billboard of an empty bed), 1991 + Multiclausal Exercises in Translation (poetry): PR40, 91)

Hemery, Michael
Paul’s Boots (nonfiction) PR17, 117

Hempel, Amy
Pearson Marx (recommendation) PR1, 16

Hempel, Amy*
A Conversation (etcetera) PR14, 83

Heredia, Oscar Martinez
La Calaca (art) PR29, 47

Hergenrader, Trent
The Mouth of the Volga (nonfiction) PR21, 21

Herman, Molly
Silverpoint Series (art) PR24, 70

Hernandez, Sonne
Floater (art) PR26, 33
Blind-Sided (art) PR26, 35
Showtime on Demand (art) PR26, 38

Hero, Claire
Marginalia (poetry) PR5, 41
Divination (poetry) PR5, 42

Herrington, B. P.
Haunting Those Same Old Places (fiction) PR33, 107

Hershon, Joanna
Mrs. Bridge, by Evan S. Connell (recommendation) PR6, 145

Hess, Michael J.
James Dean Posters on the Wall (nonfiction) PR32, 99

Heti, Sheila
Kurt Vonnegut (recommendation) PR14, 175

Hett, Jim
Jim Hett: They’re All the Same Except They’re All Different (art) PR23, 33

Heyen, William
Apples (poetry) PR29, 84

Hicks, Dylan
Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock (recommendation) PR32, 137

Higgs, Christopher
Hold Your Horses the Elephants Are Coming (nonfiction) PR16, 155

Hilger, Lauren
On Edith Wharton (recommendation) PR34, 127
State Fair + “Diadems–Drop–” (poetry) PR38, 58

Hill, Daniel
Paintings (art) PR8, 34

Hill, Katherine
The Great Shame of Knausgaard’s My Struggle (recommendation) PR29, 139

Hill, Owen
Pike by Benjamin Whitmer (recommendation) PR23, 23

Hiller, Ruth
Trip (art) PR37, cover

Himmer, Steve
The Islands of George Mackay Brown (recommendation) PR25, 196

Hitchcock, Stephen
Mr. Gates Goes to Washington (fiction) PR32, 140

Hoagland, Edward
The Circus of Dr. Lao, by Charles G. Finney (recommendation) PR5, 135

Hobson, Brandon
Red Owl (fiction) PR25, 137

Hoch, James
Gleaners (poetry) PR6, 36
Scarification (poetry) PR6, 37

Hodgman, Jan
Small World (nonfiction) PR4, 46

Hoffman, Alice
Transformations (fiction) PR16, 267

Hoffman, Richard
After Long Silence, by Helen Fremont (recommendation) PR10, 56
Nothing to Look at Here (fiction) PR13, 197

Holder, Jakob
Sumatra Mandheling (theatre) PR18, 109

Holdsworth, Kevin
Moving Water (nonfiction) PR3, 121

Holland, Noy
A Sport and a Pastime, by James Salter (recommendation) PR16, 127

Hollander, David
Whatever Happened to Harlan? A Report From the Field (nonfiction) PR16, 51

Holliday, Frank
David Spiher: A New York Painter (art) PR13, 65

Hollmeyer, Jenn
We Shared a Duplex (fiction) PR23, 18

Holley, Michelle
Caretakers Blues (poetry) PR29, 120
Devil’s Bridge (poetry) PR29, 122

Holman, Virginia
An American Memory and I am Zoe Handke, by Eric Larsen (recommendation) PR8, 135

Holmes, Martha Stoddard
Body Without Organs (nonfiction) PR24, 111

Hood, Ann
First Novels (recommendation) PR11, 47
Crooning with Dino (fiction) PR14, 145
Man’s Best Friend (fiction) PR22, 45

Hoover, Michelle
John Edgar Wideman: The Last Great Radical (recommendation) PR21, 29

Hoppe, Curt
Arturo Vega (Arturo Vega With Portrait) (art) PR29, 33

Horrocks, Caitlin
Travels In Moominvalley (recommendation) PR23, 91

Houlihan, Meghan
The Market (fiction) PR34, 39

Horvath, Tim
Listen Up: Aurally Spinning Through Zadie Smith’s on Beauty (recommendation) PR29, 160

Hosking, Gail
The Abcs of Parting (nonfiction) PR24, 55
Saudade (nonfiction) PR35, 157
Arlington or No Arlington: That is the Question, Or At Least One of Them (nonfiction): PR40, 163

Hossain, Jahangir
Poets Do Not Die (poetry, translated from the Bengali by Lloyd Schwartz with Jahangir Hossain): PR40, 83

Hotchner, A. E.
P. G. Wodehouse (recommendation) PR6, 146

Houle, Adam
The County Fair Building for Animal Husbandry (poetry) PR24, 21
We are Fewer than Before (poetry) PR24, 22

Hrbek, Greg
T’pree (fiction) PR37, 49

Hryniewiez-Yarbrough, Ewa (trans.)
De Se Ipso, by Janusz Szuber (poetry) PR9, 131
New Labors, By Janusz Szuber (poetry) PR9, 132

Huber, K. M.
Visit with a Forgotten People (nonfiction) PR10, 107

Huddle, David
Kent Haruf’s Plainsong (recommendation) PR31, 87

Huey, Amorak
Harmonica (poetry) PR22, 41
Harmonica II (poetry) PR22, 42

Hughes, Mary-Beth
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett (recommendation) PR4, 106

Hummel, Maria
New York Selves: An Elegy (poetry) PR11, 193
God Machine on Adversity (poetry) PR11, 196

Hunt, Jerry
Four Video Translations (theatre) PR10, 33

Huntington, David
Beijing (poetry) PR36, 89

Hurst, Phillip
Hodads in Wonderland (nonfiction) PR38, 47


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Gaitskill, Mary
Peter Pan (recommendation) PR14, 29

Galaviz-Budziszewski, Alexai
An Excerpt from Just Say Goodbye (nonfiction) PR19, 116

Galvin, Brendan
On the Sea of the Hebrides (poetry) PR17, 75
A Late, Aromatic Moment (poetry) PR17, 77
A Sea Piece (poetry) PR17, 78

Gann, Kirby
Les Abandonnées (fiction) PR31, 111

Garbe, Megan
Snow Leopards (art) PR30, 54

Garcia, J. Malcolm
Relief: Afghanistan, 2001 (nonfiction) PR9, 99

Garden, Joe
What it is by Lynda Barry (recommendation) PR27, 27

Garvey, Caitlin
Clutter (nonfiction) PR30, 67

Geer, Brad
Elegy for a Cousin (nonfiction) PR31, 133

Gellings, Adam J.
Gravel Road (poetry) PR32, 53
The Gymnastics Teacher (poetry) PR32, 56

Genest, Jennifer
What Guy Says No? (fiction) PR32, 63

George, Diana
Paternity Within the Limits of Reason (fiction) PR4, 67

George-Warren, Holly
Joe Klein’s Woody Guthrie: A Life (recommendation) PR31, 75

Gerard, Christian Anton
Defense of Poetry 1 (poetry) PR27, 29
Defense of Poetry 2 (poetry) PR27, 31

Gerard, Mira
Nocturne (art) PR29, 39

Gerstler, Amy
Headless, by Benjamin Weissman (recommendation)PR8, 144

Giannelli, Adam
Dark Daisy (poetry) PR24, 63
The Lingering (poetry) PR24, 64

Gibson, Dobby
Vertical Hold (poetry) PR12,201
The World as Seen Through a Glass of Ice Water (poetry) PR12,202

Gifford, Barry
The Ciné (fiction) PR5, 79
The Rose of Tibet, by Lionel Davidson (recommendation) PR6, 144
Holiday From Women (fiction) PR10, 75

Gilberg, Gail Hosking
Plan of a Story That Could Have Been Written if Only I Had Known it Was Happening (nonfiction) PR1, 119

Gilbert, Jaclyn
The Woman in the Barn (fiction) PR31, 89

Gilsdorf, Ethan
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe by Charles Yu (recommendation) PR24, 139

Ginsberg, Debra
Green Darkness by Anya Seton (recommendation) PR26, 25

Girdish, Jen
The Impossible Return (nonfiction) PR19, 135

Gitterman, Debra
Baggage Claim (poetry) PR15, 107
Those Were Desert Years (poetry) PR15, 108

Glassberg, Roy Ira
Overture: A Riff on the Sin of Despair (theatre) PR19, 165

Glassgold, Peter
E.R.B. and the Red Planet (recommendation) PR26, 193

Glazer, Michele
Clench (poetry) PR32, 199
Peony (poetry) PR32, 200

Glenn, Josh
Sincerity (nonfiction) PR37, 145

Glick, Jeremy Martin
Collateral Damages: Contexts for Thinking of the Liberation of Jamil Abul Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown) (criticism) PR4, 12

Gold, Elizabeth
Sacramento (poetry) PR32, 135
Big Meteor Storm Heading Our Way (poetry) PR32, 136

Goldberg, Kim
Birthday (nonfiction) PR16, 49

Goldberg, Len
Journal: Black Rock City Journal (etcetera) PR16, 133

Goldberg, Myla
Bruno Schultz and Bohumil Hrabal (recommendation) PR3, 66

Goldberg, Tod
Report: Vegas Valley Book Festival (etcetera) PR12, 183
The Laws of Evening, by Mary Yukari Waters (recommendation) PR16, 179

Goldman, Connie
Shift VI (art) PR31, 44

Goldstein, Ellen
Lantern Festival (nonfiction) PR26, 185

Goldstein, Naama
“The Bound Man,” from Ilse Aichinger’s The Bound Man (recommendation) PR12, 181

Goldstein, Yael
Spin, by Robert Charles Wilson (recommendation) PR16, 95

Gomez, Eddie P.
Moments Of Clarity (nonfiction) PR36, 73

Gonzalez, Elizabeth
The Reclamation Specialist (fiction) PR18, 39

Gordon, Donna
Blood Moon (fiction) PR34, 11

Gornick, Lisa
Pity (fiction) PR28, 83

Gottschalk, Andy
Early Adopters (nonfiction) PR41, 11

Gracey, Michael
Night Crawlers (nonfiction) PR35, 33

Grae, Tanya
In Elixir (poetry) PR32, 71
Rewind (poetry) PR32, 72

Graedon, Alena
César Aira’s an Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter (recommendation) PR30, 32

Grandbois, Peter
All or Nothing at the Fabergé (fiction) PR11, 93

Granfield, Mary
Goddess (fiction) PR38, 61

Gratch, Tracey
Way Back (poetry) PR34, 129

Graver, Elizabeth
A Good House, by Bonnie Burnard; and Blindness, by José Saramago (recommendation) PR5, 134
Introduction, Guest Folio PR25, 67

Graves, Michael
Balloons (fiction) PR24, 121

Gregorchik, Vanessa
Duality of Race: Examining Adrian Piper’s Work Through the Lens of Biracialism (criticism) PR39, 183

Griesemer, John
Ernest Hebert (recommendation) PR5, 127

Griffith, Michael
The Dangerous Husband, by Jane Shapiro (recommendation) PR10, 29

Griffo, Michela
Paintings and Drawings (art) PR9, 66

Grimm, Mary
War and Peace as Hypertext (recommendation) PR12, 81

Grinnell, Max
Treasure Island: An Appreciation (recommendation) PR20, 61

Gritsman, Andrey
Overheard: Wake Up New York City, September 2001 (etcetera) PR10, 21

Grodstein, Rebecca
Evan S. Connell’s Mrs. Bridge (recommendation) PR18, 29

Gross, Gwendolen
Stones For Ibarra, by Harriet Doerr; and Of Kinkajous, Capybaras, Horned Beetles, Seledangs, and the Oddest and Most Wonderful Mammals, Insects, Birds, and Plants of Our World, by Jeanne K. Hanson and Deane Morrison (recommendation) PR8, 155

Grubin, Eve
The Nineteenth-Century Novel (poetry) PR7, 13
The Nineteenth-Century Novel II (poetry) PR7, 14

Gumbs, Alexis Pauline
plot + girl with cornrows holding hands with stalk + bird of paradise (poetry, with photographs by Pauline McKenzie): PR40, 68

Gurney, Melissa Hunter
The Woman and the Watcher (nonfiction): PR40, 175

Gwartney, Debra
Hunger (nonfiction) PR30, 109

Gylys, Beth
Riding in the Back (poetry) PR30, 139
Pin Oak (poetry) PR30, 140


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Fagan, Ellen Hackl
Seeking the Sound Of Cobalt Blue— PR37, 17 Paintings 2016-2018 (art)

Fallon, Peter
A Winter Wound (poetry) PR26, 94

Faries, Chad
Third Street. Stambaugh, michigan: Late Spring, 1972 (nonfiction) PR7, 48

Farrell, Charles
Things I Couldn’t Fix (nonfiction) PR19, 95
How I Work (KO 0) (nonfiction) PR27, 49
Jimi Hendrix Could Never Have Played This (nonfiction) PR37, 131

Farris, Katie and Kaminsky, Ilya (trans.)
The Correct Approach by Regina Derieva (poetry) PR38, 164

Farris, Katie and Kaminsky, Ilya (trans.)
[Night. Street. Lamp. Drugstore] by Aleksandr Blok PR38, 165 (poetry)

Fath, Lauren
Haystacks (nonfiction) PR24, 169

Fazio, Joseph
A Local Myth (fiction) PR25, 71

Febos, Melissa
Manual De Zoología Fantástica (recommendation) PR27, 135

Feinberg, Ezra
Is Psychoanalysis too Serious? (criticism) PR25, 27

Feitell, Merrill
“Sonny’s Blues,” By James Baldwin (recommendation) PR11, 143

Feldman, Ezra Dan
Lydia Davis’s “Happiest Moment” and the Convoluted Temporalities of Very Short Fiction (criticism) PR31, 187

Ferrell, Carolyn
A Visit to the Antipodes (recommendation) PR32, 145

Ferrell, Monica
After a Rest: Palimpsest (poetry) PR9, 133
Echo Digression (poetry) PR9, 135

Ferrer, Elizabeth
Yolanda Petrocelli (art) PR22, 65

Field, Miranda
Birth Mark (poetry) PR2, 85
Cock Robin (poetry) PR2, 86

Fierro, Julia
On Immunity by Eula Biss (recommendation) PR30, 198

Fifield, Hillary
The Last Date (fiction) PR35, 75

Finkelstein, Norman
Excerpt (poetry) PR21, 11
Decision (poetry) PR21, 12

Fitch, Janet
The Memory Room, by Mary Rako (recommendation) PR5, 133

Fitzgerald, Adam
The Argument (poetry) PR20, 88
Proud Hand (poetry) PR20, 90

Fitzgerald, F. Scott*
Contract for The Great Gatsby (etcetera) PR1, 152

Fix, Nicole
Genetic Disorders (fiction) PR18, 121

Fleishman, Rachel
Anchored (nonfiction) PR38, 33

Fleming, Colin
Chix and Quarters (fiction) PR27, 179
Hang it on the Limb (fiction) PR32, 149
The Last Field (fiction) PR38, 39

Flint, Austin
Eeva-Liisa Manner (recommendation) PR1, 161

Flock, Elizabeth
The Cheating Gene (nonfiction) PR30, 95

Flook, Maria
Inside the Sky: A Meditation on Flight, by William Langewiesche, and Stick and Rudder: An Explanation on the Art of Flying, by Wolfgang Langewiesche (recommendation) PR8, 142
Twenty Questions (etcetera) PR12, 219

Flores, Libby
Two Tons of Manure (fiction) PR29, 117
Flores-Williams, Jason North Dallas Forty, by Peter Gent (recommendation) PR9, 164
The Dinner Party (theatre) PR12, 71

Fluger, Marty
Directing Grand Guignol (theatre) PR1, 61
Composing for Grand Guignol (theatre) PR1, 78
Flynn, Nick Amber (poetry) PR1, 90
Statuary (poetry) PR1, 92

Foix, J.V.*
Four Short Poems, trans. Susan Lantz (etcetera) PR9, 205

Foos, Laurie
Donald Antrim’s The Afterlife (recommendation) PR14, 57
Forbes II, Sabina Woman, Thaw (art) PR29, 45

Ford, Katie
It’s Late Here How Light is Late Once You’ve Fallen (poetry) PR5, 30
Elegy to the Last Breath (poetry) PR5, 31

Ford, Kelly J.
Emily Wilson’s Translation of The Odyssey (recommendation) PR35, 123

Forhan, Chris
Blizzard + Dying Words (poetry): PR40, 171

Fortini, Franco
Traducendo Brecht (poetry) PR4, 28

Fortini, Franco*
Translating Brecht,trans. John P. Welle (poetry) PR4, 29

Fountain, Carrie
Jornada Del Muerto (poetry) PR19, 163
Late Summer (poetry) PR19, 164

Fox, Sarah
Shadow of the Valley (poetry) PR5, 32
How to Get the Love You Want (poetry) PR5, 35

Foy, D.
Dirt (nonfiction) PR21, 159

Franco, James
Film Sonnet (poetry) PR27, 17
Film Sonnet (poetry) PR27, 18

Frank, Elizabeth
Bales Rondo (nonfiction) PR21, 155

Frank, Rebecca
Local Carnival (poetry) PR18, 207
Morgan The Blessing of the Animals (poetry) PR18, 209

Franklin, Emily
Literary Feasts (recommendation) PR17, 31

Franklin, Tom
True Grit, by Charles Portis (recommendation) PR7, 145

Freeman, Cal
If in New York Near Torok’s Grave (poetry) PR36, 96

Freeman, Ru
Half & Half: Writers on Growing Up Biracial+Bicultural (recommendation) PR18, 177
America is Having a Revolution (poetry) PR35, 115
Solitary (poetry) PR35, 116
Double Bluff (poetry) PR35, 118

Fried, Daisy
Tony Hoagland’s Hard Rain (recommendation) PR18, 49

Fried, Seth
The Work of Stanley Elkin (recommendation) PR24, 175

Friedman, Lori Yeghiayan
Voo Hunting (nonfiction) PR35, 171

Froid, Daniel David
The Story of “The Story of the Two Sisters” (fiction): PR40, 107

Frumkin, Rebekah
Monster (fiction) PR16, 201

Funkhouser, Margaret
Estimated Drift (poetry) PR6, 34
Its Owners Became a Dim (poetry) PR6, 35

Furr, Derek Lance
Yellow Pajamas (nonfiction) PR8, 93