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Eberlein, Xujun
A Hundred Years at 15 (nonfiction) PR13, 107

Eberly, Paul
Hot Waters (fiction) PR5, 84

Edgar, Natalie
South Ferry (art) PR28, 65

Edwards, C. Ronald
The Coffin Handles Were Stalks of Wheat (nonfiction) PR22, 57

Egan, Jennifer
Questionnaire (etcetera) PR15, 219

Eilbert, Natalie
The True Thought Seems to Have No Author: on Clarice Lispector (recommendation) PR30, 87

Elam, Chris
Introduction to Destruction and Construction of the Human Face, By Takahiro Kimura (art) PR5, 194

Eldridge, Courtney
Becky (fiction) PR2, 35

Ellis, Sherry
Interview with Elizabeth Searle (etcetera) PR8, 199

Ellison, Lori
Creases (art) PR28, 68

Engel-Fuentes, Brian
God on Side (poetry) PR11, 49
So Dirty a Smile (poetry) PR11, 51

Ellsworth-Moran, Nadine
Eighth Floor (poetry) PR29, 102

Eno, Will
Books for Readers and Other Dying People (recommendation) PR2, 164
Two Monologues (theatre) PR4, 39
Excerpt from Gint (An Adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s Peer Gynt) (theatre) PR16, 169

Eprile, Tony
The Radetzky March By Joseph Roth (Joachim Neugroschel, Trans.) (recommendation) PR18, 227
The Revenge Of Umslopogaas (fiction) PR24, 153

Erian, Alicia
Ayiti By Roxane Gay (recommendation) PR27, 101

Espada, Martín
There but Not There (poetry) PR29, 90

Espaillat, Rhina P.
Two Cameos (poetry) PR23, 70

Ettlinger, Marion*
A Conversation (etcetera) PR16, 27

Evenson, Brian
White Square (fiction) PR3, 20


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D’Agata, John
A Genre You Haven’t Loved Enough (recommendation): PR15, 63

Dahl, Elisabeth
In the Bed (nonfiction): PR30, 13

Dahlie, Michael
An Autobiography, by Anthony Trollope (recommendation): PR19, 200

Darc, Cameron
The Face is a Wild Land (fiction):PR41, 37

D’Alessandro, Maria
In Her Place (fiction): PR29, 71

Dalton, Quinn
Various (recommendation): PR15, 197

Dalton, Trinie
Confessions (fiction): PR25, 123

Dameron, Jim
Two Birds (nonfiction): PR8, 97

Danford, Natalie
Shining Examples of Literary Bastards (recommendation): PR20, 117

Daniel, David
A Confederacy (poetry): PR7, 11
Mr. Sweatner’s Parade (poetry): PR7, 12

Daniels, Jim
Screaming Jay Hawkins Esperanto (poetry): PR34, 56

Daniels, Kate
The Diving Platform (poetry): PR29, 97

Danon, Ruth
The Small Perfectly Lidded Copper-Bottomed Cooking Pot (fiction): PR30, 39

Darby, Ann
A Poetics of Risk (etcetera): PR4, 131

Davidson, Karin C.
The Last I Saw Mitsou (fiction): PR25, 69
Let Me (guest folio): PR41, 80

Davies, Tristan
Receipt: Taco Bell (etcetera): PR9, 191

Davis, Alan
The Moviegoer, by Walker Percy (recommendation): PR13, 111

Davis, Carol V.
The Orchard, by Brigit Pegeen Kelly (recommendation): PR17, 133

Davis, Lisa Selin
”The Ordinary Son,” by Ron Carlson (recommendation): PR12, 167

Davis, Olena Kalytiak
The Lais of Lost Long Days (poetry): PR7, 20
Stripped From the Waist Up, Love (poetry): PR7, 21

Dawes, Theodore
Circumstance (fiction): PR31, 13

Dawidoff, Nicholas
A River Runs Through It, by Norman Maclean (recommendation): PR4, 105

Day, Adam
Letters On Space and Hands (poetry): PR20, 51
Hamal (poetry): PR20, 53

Day, Cathy
Pig Boy’s Wicked Bird: A Memoir, by Doug Crandell (recommendation): PR11, 107

Day, Dalton
Spring Break At the DMV (theatre): PR36, 57

deBlanc-Knowles, Jaime
Haystacks (fiction): PR26, 121

Decker, Stacia J.N.
Waiting Room (nonfiction): PR6, 127

DeFoe, Mark
Our Friend Karl (poetry): PR38, 240

de Gramont, Nina
Now It’s Clean (fiction): PR10, 161

DeLeon, Genevieve
Untitled (guest folio): PR41, 77

Deloria, Philip
The Perfect Country & Western Song (nonfiction): PR37, 169

Dempster, Brian Komei
Graffiti (poetry): PR5, 37
The Chain (poetry): PR5, 39
Jap (poetry): PR24, 39
’Nam (poetry): PR24, 43

Deutsch, Glenn
So Big Like That (nonfiction): PR30, 187

Dick, Mina Pam
You Are the Robert Walser! (recommendation): PR26, 235

Dickinson, Elizabeth Evitts
Notes from a Suicide (nonfiction): PR29, 49

Dicks, Matthew
The Tale of Despereaux (recommendation): PR30, 187

Dickson, Rebecca
The Faith of Our Fathers (nonfiction): PR12, 191

Dickstein, Morris
Kerouac’s on the Road at Fifty (recommendation): PR16, 163

DiClaudio, Dennis
Scenes from the Life and Times of Little Billy Liver (theatre): PR8, 113

Dickeman, Nancy
Return to Atomic City (poetry): PR32, 194
In the Time of Vanishing Kingdoms (poetry): PR40, 86

Didyk, Laura
Farewell (nonfiction): PR16, 61

Dierbeck, Lisa
Lynne Tillman’s No Lease on Life (recommendation): PR14, 209

Dietz, Maggie
Mediterranean (poetry): PR23, 74
Galilee (poetry): PR23, 75

Dillof, Fay
I Wish It Were Enough to Be— + The Saddest Thing (poetry): PR40, 190

Dimidis, Paula
A Peek inside the Ledger (nonfiction): PR41, 103

Dinerstein, Joel
To Face the Music and Dance (nonfiction): PR19, 87

Di Paoli, Matthew
Worship (fiction): PR21, 87

Dixon, Jonathan
Preston Falls, by David Gates (recommendation): PR25, 202

Doherty, Paul
Six 100-Word Memoirs (nonfiction): PR36, 92

Dolin, Sharon
First Why (poetry): PR10, 79
And How (poetry): PR10, 80

Dolinger, Thomas
An Element of Blank Figuring Pain in Graphic Narrative (criticism): PR32, 75

Donner, Rebecca
Ask the Dust, by John Fante (recommendation): PR9, 172

Donovan, Matt
Sargent Adrift at the Trenches (poetry): PR19, 11
The Owl for at Least a Few Steps (poetry): PR19, 14

Dop, Gary
Mazatlan (poetry): PR24, 127
Learning the Fastball (poetry): PR24, 128

Dorman, Josh
Drawings (art): PR4, 82

Dowd, Kevin
The Iceman Cometh Again (recommendation): PR26, 146

Dowd, Will
The Cave and Its Caveman: First Prophet (poetry): PR17, 79
Seventeen Haiku for the End of the World (poetry): PR17, 81
Reasons to Search for Earth-Like Planets (poetry): PR20, 83
Ascension in the Uffizi Courtyard (poetry): PR20, 84
The Little Things (etcetera): PR28, 31
Sharks in 3D (poetry): PR40, 78
They Don’t Like Emptiness (guest folio): PR41, 85

Downing, Brynn
Whale Fall (poetry): PR34, 59
This Land (poetry): PR34, 61

Doyle, Jacqueline
The Professor’s Chair (fiction): PR33, 101
My Slinky Ex (fiction): PR33, 104

Drager, Lindsey
The Antique Paradigm (theatre): PR30, 89

Dragon, Nathan
Walking (fiction): PR40, 95

Drain, Kim
Famous Cake (fiction): PR13, 85

Dressick, Damian
Three Stories (fiction): PR37, 93

Drakopoulos, Angie
Paintings (art): PR8, 41

Dryansky, Amy
The Bed Was Made (poetry): PR17, 64

Dubie, Whitney
A Vision of India (poetry): PR20, 72

Duff-Strautmann, Valerie
Mark Slouka’s Essays from the Nick of Time (recommendation): PR22, 98

Dumanis, Michael
My Mayakovsky (poetry): PR13, 61
Crime Spree (poetry): PR13, 63

Dungy, Camille T.
Poet, Heal Thyself (nonfiction): PR22, 87

Dunlap, Murray
Alabama (fiction): PR13, 10

Dunn, Meghan
Soap Sirens (poetry): PR15, 91
Advice for a Soap Siren (poetry): PR15, 92

Durham, David Anthony
A Scot’s Quair, by Lewis Grassic Gibbon (recommendation): PR11, 141


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Carins, Scott
Forsaken and Foregone (poetry): PR29, 103

Calhoun, Kenneth
Ultraviolet (fiction): PR27, 107

Cameron, Nora
Sliding Door (fiction): PR23, 65

Cameron, Sheila
Then He Was A Bear (art): PR30, 60

Campana, Joseph
Suite for the Twentieth Century (For Carole Lombard) (poetry): PR16, 37
Suite for the Twentieth Century (For Marilyn Monroe) (poetry): PR16, 43

Cannella, Wendy
Gracilaria, or When She Grows a Whole New Body (poetry): PR40, 84

Cantor, Rachel
Chuliak (fiction): PR19, 125

Canty, Kevin
Robert Walser (recommendation): PR7, 140
Long Stories (etcetera): PR15, 151

Capossere, Bill
Sweet Corn (nonfiction): PR18, 17

Capps, Ashley
Reading an Ex-Lover’s First Novel (poetry): PR12, 187
HWY 51 (poetry): PR12, 188

Carl-Klassen, Abigail
Donna and the Country Queens (nonfiction): PR27, 103

Carlson, Stacy
Six Memos for the Next Millennium, by Italo Calvino (recommendation): PR22, 43

Carr, Emily
Claudia Dey’s Heartbreaker: PR36, 18

Carr, Susan
Burnt Mattress, Birthday Photo (art): PR28, 79
My House with Toothy Cloud (art): PR31, 48

Carrasco, Katrina
The Fields (fiction): PR30, 15

Carter, Joaquin
The Confrontation (art): PR28, 66

Carter, Teri
The Stages of Civility (nonfiction): PR28, 66

Castellani, Christopher
The Life to Come and Other Stories, by E.M. Forster (recommendation): PR8, 151

Casey, Brenna
A Penny and a Nickel (nonfiction): PR19, 79

Casey, Maud
Sister by a River, by Barbara Comyns, The Girl From the Coast, by Pramoedya Ananta Toer (Translated by Willem Samuels), and “Gusev” by Anton Chekhov (Translated by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky): PR14, 217

Cataldo, Jesse
Davey (fiction): PR20, 101

Catherwood, Rhiannon
Rear View (nonfiction): PR30, 27

Castone, Anna
Wanting a Child (poetry): PR14. 207
The Parachute (poetry): PR14. 208

Celt, Adrienne
Wild Dogs, by Helen Humphreys (recommendation): PR30, 151

Cernuschi, Claude
Introduction to Paintings by Mary Armstrong (art): PR7, 66
Introduction to Paintings by Stoney Conley (art): PR7, 73

Chabria, Priya Sarukkai (with Ravi Shankar)
Aandaal: The Autobiography of a Goddess (poetry): PR22, 121

Chace, Rebecca
Books with Pictures (recommendation): PR20, 149
The Periodic Table, by Primo Levi (recommendation): PR26, 227
The Revolution Continues, Why Do You Water the Grass? (nonfiction): PR27, 19

ChaoChun, Tan
The Leshan Giant Buddha (poetry): PR25, 55
A Sickle (poetry): PR25, 56

Chapman, Maile
A Love Transaction (fiction): PR1, 33

Chariott, Katherine Lien
Self-Portrait, Number 1 (nonfiction): PR20, 97

Chasin, Alexandra
By’m Bye (fiction): PR18, 153
An Altered Book, by Cara Barer (recommendation): PR28, 172

Cheever, John*
Index: Characters from the Stories of John Cheever (etcetera): PR11, 149

Chelotti, Dan
Eating a Devil’s Lunch with Aleksandar Ristovic (recommendation): PR26, 49
I Love You, Joe Ceravolo + Sweet Venus + Feldspar (poetry): PR38, 132

Cherington, Charles
The Villagers (nonfiction): PR37, 161

Chibka, Robert
What Ray Had (fiction): PR33, 75

Chinquee, Kim
Body Language (fiction): PR16, 183
Balloons and Clowns and Popcorn (fiction): PR16, 184
Mash (fiction): PR16, 185
How Do you Roll + I’m Still A Little Sassy (nonfiction): PR38, 137

Choi, Ayn S.
A Dangerous Woman (art): PR29, 34

Choi, Susan
John Dollar and Eveless Eden, by Marianne Wiggins (recommendation): PR12, 13

Chopan, Jon
The Cumulative Effect (fiction): PR19, 189

Choundas, George
Fun With Paper (nonfiction): PR36, 131

Church, Steven
Apology to Henry Aaron (nonfiction): PR5, 111
A Letter to the Bionic Man (nonfiction): PR 5, 113

Chute, Hillary
”I Said I’m Not Yr Oilwell”: Consumption, Feminisms, and Radical Community in Bikini Kill and “Riot Girl” (criticism): PR1, 185

Clabby, Paul
Bat (art): PR26, 36
Sods (art): PR26, 37

Clarke, Brock
Charlotte (fiction): PR40, 87

Clarke, Jaime
Desperately Seeking Pacino (etcetera): PR1, 143
Five Essential Modern Short Stories (recommendation): PR3, 72
Morvern Caller, by Alan Warner (recommendation): PR8, 161

Clements, Marcelle
Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert (recommendation): PR10, 73

Clinard, Susan
The Connectivity of Our World (art): PR41, 17

Clinch, Jon
More Real Than Reality: The Frozen Art of Alistair MacLeod (recommendation): PR16, 219

Cline, Emma
Golden State (fiction): PR20, 11

Clompus, Bradley
Periphery (poetry): PR36, 151

Cloutier, Martin
Bright Shiny Things (fiction): PR26, 51

Cochran, Robert
Bethlehem in Indiana: The Obstetrician Instructs His Son (nonfiction): PR37, 11

Cockey, Tim
Time’s Witness, by Michael Malone (recommendation): PR9, 174

Cockrill, Mike
The Newspaper Reader (art): PR29, 36

Coffin, Jaed
The Sound of Waves, by Yukio Mishima (recommendation): PR17, 83

Cohen, Andrea
The Size of It (poetry): PR32, 181
Jehova (poetry): PR32, 182
Rabbit Hole (poetry): PR32, 183
Bootstraps (poetry): PR32, 184
Pebble (poetry): PR32, 185
Chair (poetry): PR32, 186

Cohen, Leah Hager
A Long and Happy Life, by Reynolds Price (recommendation): PR11, 53
The Dreariest Art, or Why I Write Book Reviews (nonfiction): PR22, 81

Coig, Luis
Paintings (art): PR20, 33

Colburn, John
In Sales (poetry): PR10, 13
Past the Bitter End (poetry): PR10, 20

Cole, Lori
On the Aesthetic Agenda of the Antiwar Movement (criticism): PR7, 57

Collins, Billy
Animal Behavior (poetry): PR26, 85

Collins, Christian (trans.)
Other Suns (fiction): PR35, 120
The Planet Earth (fiction): PR35, 121
Seasons (fiction): PR35, 122

Collin, Michael
Drop It (theatre): PR9, 139

Collins, Wilkie
Reprint: My Miscellanies. A Petition to the Novel-Writers (Communicated by a Romantic Old Gentleman) (etcetera): PR14, 159

Coman, Carolyn
Why I Write for Children (nonfiction): PR22, 84

Comer, Carrie St. George
Morbidezza (poetry): PR17, 141
La Lingua (poetry): PR17, 145
Past the Bitter End (poetry): PR10, 20

Conley, Stoney
Painting (art): PR7, 73

Connelly, Shannon
The Kin-Der-Kids, Little Orphan Annie, and Masters of American Comics (criticism): PR15, 49

Connor, Jackson
Rara Avis: How to Tell a True Bird Story (nonfiction): PR16, 249

Conti, Wayne
Travel, Travel (fiction): PR38, 13

Conway, Patrick
How It’s Done: A Criminal Defense Investigator at Work (nonfiction): PR27, 63

Cook, Kenneth
Easter Weekend (fiction): PR5, 95

Cooley, Martha
Blaise Cendrars (recommendation): PR2, 160

Cooper, T
Sex and [Auto] Genocide: The Sluts, by Dennis Cooper & Swimming to Cambodia, by Spalding Gray (recommendation): PR13, 126

Cope Suzanne
The Boys of My Youth, by Jo Ann Beard (recommendation): PR31, 61

Copperman, Michael
The Possibility of Ocean (nonfiction): PR18, 197

Corbett, William
Introduction to Josh Dorman Drawings (art): PR4, 82
Sheedshead Bay, by Ed Barrett (recommendation): PR4, 124

Corcoran, Olisa
Shouting Obscenities at George Bush the Younger (nonfiction): PR3, 126

Cording, Robert
Shame (poetry): PR17, 61
Evolution (poetry): PR29, 94

Corral, Eduardo C.
All the Trees of the Field Shall Clap Their Hands (poetry): PR13, 169
Our Completion: Oil On Wood: Tino Rodriguez: 1999 (poetry): PR13, 170

Cortez, Sarah
Aquarium (poetry): PR29, 99

Cotler, T. Zachary
House With A Dark Sky Roof (poetry): PR17, 63

Cowen, Tom
The River Roux (nonfiction): PR40, 13

Cowgill, Erin
Nations Cup (art): PR12, 33
Match 2 (art): PR26, 39
Colorado Paris I (art): PR26, 41
Room (Cadiz, Spain) (art): PR26, 44
Running the Ball (art): PR30, 58

Cox, Elizabeth
Strong Opinions, by Vladimir Nabokov (recommendation): PR11, 81

Cox, Irene
R. damascena (fiction): PR40, 103

Coyle, Bill
Field Notes (poetry): PR34, 140

Craig, David
Here Begins the Prologue to the Life of Blessed Anthony (poetry): PR29, 83

Craig, Hannah
After Reading About Cannibals (poetry): PR18, 115
World, You Need More Calcium (poetry): PR18, 116

Crane, Hart*
Guggenheim Application (etcetera): PR14, 63

Crane, Kate
Sea Monsters (nonfiction): PR7, 31
A Woman in Brine (nonfiction): PR24, 20

Cravens, Astrid
The Water and the Weakened Link (art): PR17, 97
Hurricane Esp (art): PR28, 70

Creighton, Trevor
Poker (fiction): PR38, 229

Crews, Harry*
Anthology of Blurbs (etcetera): PR6, 186

Crucet, Jennine Capó
Getting Lost in the City with Edward P. Jones (recommendation): PR18, 149
Everyone’s Invited: Homicide Survivors Picnic, by Lorraine M. López (recommendation): PR29, 69

Cummings, Don
The Winner (theatre): PR25, 111

Cummiskey, Celia
Crossing Stitches (nonfiction): PR41, 135

Curtis, Rebecca
The Sweater, The Pair of Shoes, and The Jacket (fiction): PR3, 13

Curtis, Rebecca
Animal Communication Intensive (fiction): PR37, 61

Cutter, Weston
Saint Rust (poetry): PR21, 157
Saint Say It (Over and Over Again) (poetry): PR21, 158

Czyniejewski, Michael
Victor (fiction): PR15, 163


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Bacon, Amber Wheeler
Kaw-liga (nonfiction): PR36, 21

Baggott, Julianna
Mary Morrissey, Olena Kalytiak Davis, and Marisa de los Santos (recommendation): PR5, 132

Baker, Aaron
Notebook (poetry): PR6, 27
Bones (poetry): PR6, 30

Bakerman, Nelson
Wildwood (art): PR3, 96

Bang, Mary Jo
A Selection (recommendation): PR4, 98

Barber, Jennifer
Judenplatz (poetry): PR26, 99
Cabin (poetry): PR26, 100
Say What You Will (poetry): PR40, 64
Farmhouse Room (poetry): PR40, 65

Barkan, Ross
Flutter Flake (fiction): PR24, 33

Barnes, Rusty
O Saddam! (fiction): PR15, 129

Barnhart, Nikki
Best True Love Stories (fiction): PR41, 89

Barot, Rick
Self-Portrait as Video Installation (poetry): PR9, 128
December Sonnet (poetry): PR:9, 130

Barrodale, Amie
Chendru (fiction): PR26, 239

Barter, Christian
People in History (poetry): PR13, 51
The Devil’s Party (poetry): PR13, 52
The Turn They Have Taken from Bye-Bye Land (poetry): PR23, 147

Barton, Emily
Marly Youmans’s Catherwood (recommendation): PR31, 23

Bassiri, Kaveh
Notebook of Answers (theatre): PR23, 131

Bauer, Carlene
Dignifying the Slog (recommendation): PR29, 80

Bauer, Douglas
The Goodlife, by Keith Scribner (recommendation): PR1, 157

Bazzett, Michael
Another Day (poetry): PR27, 106

Beach, Jensen
Drought (fiction): PR36, 49

Beam, Alex
Various (recommendation): PR6, 155

Beard, Jo Ann
Seven Books in Seven Days (recommendation): PR24, 149

Beck, Lisa
Hidden Place (art): PR23, cover

Beck, Sophie
Cut to the Chase (nonfiction): PR13, 209

Beeber, Steven Lee
”Dirty Wedding” (recommendation): PR26, 138

Beeder, Amy
Botany Notes (poetry): PR9, 121
No Child Will Choose It (poetry): PR9, 122

Beilin, Caren
Meet Me at the Hedge, My Love (fiction): PR21, 49

Belcher, W.B.
”A Town of Accreted Myth”: Lauren Groff’s The Monsters of Templeton (recommendation): PR31, 49

Bell, Allison Field
Rectangle (nonfiction): PR41, 153

Bell, Currer (see also Brontë, Charlotte)
Note: Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell (etcetera): PR15, 99

Bell, Matt
Kamby Bolongo Mean River, by Robert Lopez (recommendation): PR20, 99

Beller, Thomas
Karoo, by Steve Tesich (recommendation): PR3, 65

Bellows, Nathaniel
Nan (fiction): PR14, 89
The Bookshop, by Penelope Fitzgerald (recommendation): PR15, 11

Bergin, Josephine
The Single Girl Goes to Town, by Jean Baer (recommendation): PR9, 178

Bergman, Megan Mayhew
Out of Africa, by Isak Dinesen (recommendation): PR25, 24

Bergstrom, Elizabeth Hart
In the High Prairies (fiction): PR37, 33

Bernard, April*
Interview (etcetera): PR7, 169

Berne, Suzanne
Sisters by a River, by Barbara Comyns (recommendation): PR11, 169

Bernier, Nichole
Crossing to Safety, by Wallace Stegner (recommendation): PR25, 52

Bibbins, Mark
Hiatus (poetry): PR1, 87
By the Time (poetry): PR1, 88

Bickford, Ian
Introduction to Angie Drakopoulos: Paintings (art): PR8, 41

Bierce, Ambrose
Excerpt from the Devil’s Dictionary (etcetera): PR2, 119

Bird, Peter
It’s Like Being Raised in the Wild, But with More Style (nonfiction): PR2, 67

Birdsall, Bill
A Rude Awakening from Dreams of Termitopia (nonfiction): PR37, 156

Birkerts, Sven
Various (recommendation): PR1, 159
Reminiscence: Joseph Brodsky (etcetera): PR8, 166

Bitetti, Kathleen
Introduction to Michela Griffo: Paintings and Drawings (art): PR9, 66

Bjorklund, Patricia
Simply Natural (fiction): PR9, 30

Black, Alethea
”Are You Making Fun of Me?” (recommendation): PR22, 137

Black, Jamie
Horse Latitudes (fiction): PR40, 53

Black, Sophie Cabot
The Stray (poetry): PR6, 32
Pulling Into Morning (poetry): PR6, 33

Blackman, Andrew
Finding My Way Home (nonfiction): PR17, 165
Death by Preservation (nonfiction): PR34, 143

Blackwell, Gabriel
The Foundation Pit, by Andrei Platonov (recommendation): PR30, 129

Blair, Sheila
Why Veiling? (art): PR17, 33

Bland, Chloe
Bargain Donuts (fiction): PR5, 108

Block, Stefan Merrill
Lights, Camera, Lesson (recommendation): PR23, 123

Bloom, Jonathan
Why Veiling? (art): PR17, 33

Bochan, Toby Leah
Why (fiction): PR4, 68

Bockman, Jeffrey M.
City Storms (nonfiction): PR7, 52

Boesky, Amy
Introduction: Writing the Body: Creative Nonfiction (nonfiction): PR24, 81

Boggs, Belle
Winter Reading: Jane Brox’s Brilliant (recommendation): PR21, 147

Bohince, Paula
The Gospel According to Lucas (poetry): PR14, 177
The Gospel According to John (poetry): PR14, 178

Boice, James
Sanctuary, by William Faulkner (recommendation): PR23, 63

Bolin, Chris
Annapolis (poetry): PR19, 77
View (poetry): PR19, 78

Bolz, Stefan
Woven Dreams—On Robert Lamont (recommendation): PR34, 109

Boobar, James
Tour: The Dostoevsky Walk (etcetera): PR11, 17

Booker, Brian
The Boardwalk (fiction): PR12, 121

Borden, Sarah Gardner
The Peacock Spring, by Rumer Godden (recommendation): PR24, 30

Borders, Lisa
What’s It All About? A Novel of Life, Love, and Key Lime Pie, by William Van Wert (recommendation): PR9, 168

Bottum, Joseph
Saro’s Love Song (poetry): PR20, 69

Boudinot, Ryan
Losing the Virginity of Time: The Literary Coordinates of Bruno Schulz and Isaac Babel (etcetera): PR8, 193

Bourgeois, Louis E.
A Long Time Ago It Rained (nonfiction): PR12, 15

Boutell, Amy
Your Translator, My Brunette (fiction): PR23, 125

Boyd, Rebecca
Who I Was Supposed to Be: Short Stories, by Susan Perabo (recommendation): PR2, 158

Bradway, Becky
Blood and Luck (nonfiction): PR12, 211

Braffet, Kelly
Dorothy L. Sayers (recommendation): PR25, 183

Brattin, John
The Beloved Chicken (art): PR30, 56

Braunstein, Sarah
”A Loud, Lonely Cry for Happiness”: The Late George Apley, by John P. Marquand (recommendation): PR22, 26

Braver, Adam
Excitable Women, Damaged Men, by Robert Boyers (recommendation): PR12, 119
Conversation: Amy Hempel (etcetera): PR14, 83
Conversation: Phillip Lopate (etcetera): PR15, 21
Conversation: Marion Ettlinger (etcetera): PR16, 27

Braverman, Melanie
Jane Hamilton (recommendation): PR4, 101

Braziatis, Mark
If Laughter Were Blood, They Would Be Brothers (fiction): PR18, 163

Breckenridge, Zak
Thinking/Cartooning (criticism): PR28, 40

Breen, Susan
Robert Creeley’s Collaborations (recommendation): PR1, 170

Brelsford, Michael
Duct Tape (fiction): PR33, 27

Bremser, Wayne
Matthew Barney Versus Donkey Kong (criticism): PR10, 113

Brennan, Valerie
Peanut Gallery (art): PR24, 65

Brimhall, Traci
A Love Letter for Love, An Index (McSweeney’s Poetry Series) (recommendation): PR24, 37

Brink, Elizabeth
I Am Charlotte Simmons, by Tom Wolfe (recommendation)

Brink, Jolene
Matisse In Norwegian Museum Once Nazi Loot, Family Wants Returned (poetry): PR26, 177)
Catachresis (poetry): PR26, 178

Britton, Loren
Lay On My Chest (art): PR31, 34

Brontë, Charlotte (see also Bell, Currer)
Note: Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell (etcetera): PR15, 99

Brouwer, Joel
And the Ship Sails On (poetry): PR8, 24
Beckett’s Endgame (poetry): PR8, 25

Brown, J. Camp
Arnold Schultz Tells the Hug-Eyed Boy (poetry): PR27, 121

Brown, Jason Lee
My Older Brother, June Bug (poetry): PR16, 165
Name I Will Never Forget (poetry): PR16, 166

Brown, Jericho
Track 4: Reflections as Performed by Diana Ross (poetry): PR15, 9
Track 1: Lush Life (poetry): PR15, 10

Brown, Peter
Since It’s You (fiction): PR7, 89

Brown, Rick
Living Room (nonfiction): PR41, 33

Browne, Jenny
Twin Cities, No Sign (poetry): PR5, 27
Before (poetry): PR5, 29

Browne, Nickole
Ontogeny (poetry): PR15, 159
Straddling Fences (poetry): PR15, 161

Brownell, Mia
Still Life With Lost Migration (art): PR26, cover

Brunner, Edward
Extending Harry Crosby’s “Brief Transit” (etcetera): PR3, 179

Buchbinder, Jane
Murmurings (fiction): PR28, 23

Buckley, John F. (with Martin Ott)
Rallying in Rhode Island (poetry): PR21, 26
Duologue in Delaware (poetry): PR21, 27

Bumas, E. Shaskan
Commute (fiction): PR36, 97

Burbank, Jennifer
Late Afternoon (art): PR30, 53

Burt, Stephen
Cathedral Parkway Subway Gate (poetry): PR4, 25
Our Summer Jobs (poetry): PR4, 26

Butler, Blake
List of 50 (11 of 50): Worm Loop (nonfiction): PR19, 71
List of 50 (25 of 50): Doppelganger (nonfiction): PR19, 74

Butler, Robert Olen
Mikhail Bulgakov (recommendation): PR16, 35


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Zabalbeascoa, Julian
The Zulo (fiction): PR22, 13

Zafris, Nancy
Writing Lessons in Peggy Rathmann’s Good Night, Gorilla (recommendation): PR26, 74

Zahm, Amelia
Becoming Invisible (nonfiction): PR33, 63

Zailckas, Koren
In Youth Is Pleasure, By Denton Welch (recommendation): PR21, 83

Zaiman, Elana
Psalm For Rafi (nonfiction): PR11, 111

Zambrano, Tara Isabel
The Speed of Living + Mother, False (poetry): PR38, 129

Zinn, Peter
A Little Triage (nonfiction): PR19, 187

Zucker, Alex (trans.)
Angel Station, By Jachym Topol (etcetera): PR1, 131


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Yapp, Margaret
The Light The Light The Light The Light (One) + The Light The Light The Light The Light (Two) (poetry): PR38, 75

Yatchmenoff, Diane
Renunciation (fiction): PR38, 187

Yang, Jeffrey
Google (poetry): PR15, 195
Kelp (poetry): PR15, 196

Yang, June Unjoo
Gentility (fiction): PR4, 63

Yarbrough, Steve
Larry McMurtry’s the Last Picture Show (recommendation): PR10, 155

Yoder, Charles
Al Taylor (recommendation): PR2, 180
Tree Rings (art): PR28, 76

Yoon, Paul
On the History of a Backgammon Board (fiction): PR12, 206

York, Kyle
Here (Or Having Found Godot) (theatre): PR30, 153

Yoshikawa, Mako
Revisiting Old Flames of Literature (recommendation): PR6, 153

Young, C. Dale
The Effects of Sunset (poetry): PR1, 106
Requiem (poetry): PR1, 107