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Underwood, Joyce Ann
Eleanor (nonfiction): PR31, 173

Unruh, Melaine
The Place Called Mother (nonfiction): PR23, 54

Uren, Robert
Omniplanet (fiction): PR26, 77

Uzgiris, Rimas
Recommending King Driftwood (recommendation): PR 23, 189


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Vallance, Sarah
Heart Attack (nonfiction): PR31, 77

Vandenberg, Katrina
Cretaceous Moth Trapped in Amber (Lament in Two Voices) (poetry): PR16, 97
Palinode for Being Thirty-Four (poetry): PR16, 99

Van Aelst, Kevin
Paradigm Shift (art): PR27, cover

van den Berg, Laura
Victor Lavalle’s Big Machine (recommendation): PR20, 127

van Loenen, Rocco
Technical Drawing I (theatre): PR1, 59
Technical Drawing II (theatre): PR1, 77

Van Ouwerkerk, Jo Ellen
Birds Flying Backwards (art): PR29, 42

Van Winckel, Nance
Shortly Before the First Time My Nephew Went to Jail + One of My Cousin’s Photos From the War + Dang It + Ordinary Exchange (nonfiction): PR38, 77

Vasicek, René Georg
Confessions of a Pilsner Drinker (nonfiction): PR14, 179

Vasileff, Jill
Pink Hum (art): PR31, 42

Veltfort, Sophia
Bishop Street (fiction): PR33, 131

Venugopal, Shubha
Lalita and the Banyan Tree (fiction): PR14, 19

Vergano, Cristina
Please Leave When It Is Wise To (art): PR29, 48

Veslany, Kathleen
The Aperture Between Two Points (nonfiction): PR2, 76

Vida, Vendela
Olt, By Kenneth Gangemi (recommendation): PR10, 189

Villareal, Laura
Imagine Us, the Swarm (recommendation): PR39, 201

Villemez, Jason
The First Time (fiction): PR35, 101

Vines, Adam
Charter (poetry): PR23, 71
Floundering (poetry): PR23, 72

Voigt, Jeremy
Freakishly Beautiful Head (poetry): PR26, 190
Out of Sorts (poetry): PR26, 192

Voisine, Don
Dub Stride (art): PR28, 72

Volkman, Karen
Untitled (poetry): PR1, 104
Untitled (poetry): PR1, 105

Volpe, Eugenio
Theater of the Cruel (fiction): PR9, 44

Voras-Hills, Angela
In Which I Hoard the Air Escaping (poetry): PR26, 27
Wait in the Bathtub and It Will Carry You (poetry): PR26, 28

Vorenkamp, Jaclyn Van Lieu
Going Sailing (fiction): PR32, 33

Vu, Thuan
Transients (First Communion) (art): PR29, 43


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Talbot, Kellie
Sputniks (art): PR35, cover

Talusan, Grace
The Start (nonfiction): PR24, 114

Tarkington, Ed
Southern Culture on the Skids (nonfiction): PR9, 108

Taylor, Al
Portrait, Drawings, Sculpture (art): PR2, 29

Taylor, Justin
Student Paper (fiction): PR29, 30

Taylor, Mark C.
L’Entretien Infini (The Infinite Conversation), by Maurice Blanchot (recommendation): PR2, 178

Taylor, Ravenna
Rhyme Scheme V (art): PR28, 74

Teague, Alexandra
A Brief History of Ice (poetry): PR36, 99

Tebbano, Greg
Lights Will Not Illuminate the Exits (fiction): PR39, 35


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sainz, Leslie
Liberation War + On National TV (poetry): PR39, 109

Salesses, Matthew
The Vegetarian, by Han Kang (recommendation): PR32, 125

Salinger, J.D.*
Salinger V. Random House, Inc., 811 F.2D 90 (2nd Cir. 1987) (etcetera): PR9, 193

Salopek, Paul
Missives: Four Ways of Trying to Hold Onto It (etcetera): PR11, 83

Salvatore, Joe
Unhemlech (fiction): PR10, 99

Samelson, Henry
Streaming (art): PR32, cover

Sampsell, Kevin
Love & Trouble, by Claire Dederer (recommendation): PR34, 57

Sandler, Lauren
Hip Hop High: Mainstream Black Culture in the White Suburbs (criticism): PR5, 13

Santos, Richard Z.
On One Hundred Years of Solitude (recommendation): PR38, 65

Sardy, Marin
Disintegration, Loops (nonfiction): PR26, 65

Saroldi, Anna
Solo A Metà (poetry): PR 34, 164

Saterstrom, Selah
Divinatory Experiment, A Selection from Installation #9: Revenge of the Nerds: Ideal Suggestion (Love) (fiction): PR25, 89

Saunders, George
Questionnaire (etcetera): PR14, 219

Savelyev, Simon
The Disappearing Wife (fiction): PR28, 190

Savitch-Lew, Abby
Boombox and Neon Flowers (fiction): PR18, 21

Saweda, Yalie
Memorializing Nia Wilson: 100 Blessings (poetry): PR39, 101

Scalise, Mike
Writing Him Off (nonfiction): PR15, 201

Scanlon, Elizabeth
Closing Time (poetry): PR5, 43
Quarry (poetry): PR5, 44

Scapellato, Joseph
Father’s Day (fiction): PR20, 57

Shaefer, Rick
Rhino (art): PR30, 55

Schaeffer, Alicia
The Tapping In 1L (fiction): PR30, 143

Schaffzin, Eliezra
Once In Cuba (nonfiction): PR22, 93

Schappell, Elissa
The Selected Letters of Dawn Powell, 1913-1965, As Edited by Tim Page (recommendation): PR12, 160

Scheffler, Adam
The Butterfly House + Climate Change (poetry): PR38, 109

Scheibe, Amy
Nox, by Anne Carson (recommendation): PR20, 181

Scheid, Liz
What They Don’t Tell You About Breast-Feeding (poetry): PR16, 259
What I’m Not Telling You (poetry): PR16, 260

Schilpp, Margot
The Bone People, by Keri Hulme (recommendation): PR4, 118

Schireson, Peter
Cauliflower Soup (poetry): PR23, 25
Storm Damage (poetry): PR23, 26

Schleifer, David
The Best Way to Get Good Taste (criticism): PR19, 49

Schlossberg, Linda
”Gorilla, My Love” (recommendation): PR26, 163

Schmidt, Heidi Jon
Futility, by William Gerhardie (recommendation): PR9, 161

Schmidtberger, Paulstrong>
A Class Act (nonfiction): PR27, 81

Schmoll, Ken Rus
Responsibility, Justice, And Honesty: Rehearsing Edward Bond’s Saved (theatre): PR3, 51

Schneider, JL
God’s Child (poetry): PR30, 47
Sunday Solstice (poetry): PR30, 48

Schrank, Ben
All Souls Day, by Cees Nooteboom (And Other Books That Yearn) (recommendation): PR6, 151

Schubach, Alanna
Raw Material (fiction): PR20, 131

Schuller, Kyla
The Americans Who Matter: Micheal Moore’s White Liberal Racism in Bowling for Columbine (criticism): PR9, 11

Schulman, Audrey
Pippi And Mr. Hyde (recommendation): PR25, 13

Schutt, Christine
The Artist and His Sister Gerti (fiction): PR6, 91

Schutz, Lacy
Introduction to Daniel Hill: Paintings (art): PR8, 34 The Water and The Weakened Link (poetry): PR17, 97

Schutzman, Steven
The Bank (theatre): PR 11, 119

Schwabe, Liesl
Blue Window (nonfiction): PR8, 108

Schwartz, Julia (art): PR28, 71

Schwartz, Lynne Sharon
A Treatise on Shelling Beans, by Wieslaw Mysliwski, Translated by Bill Johnston (recommendation): PR28, 20

Shwartz, Matthew
The Island Itself, by Roger Fanning (recommendation): PR18, 203

Schwartz, Mimi
A Vine of Roses (nonfiction): PR30, 113

Scott, James
How We Looked (fiction): PR21, 65
The Sisters Brothers by Patrick Dewitt (recommendation): PR25, 147

Scott, Susan Still
Fish Head (art): PR31, 47

Scott, Timothy
Herrenvolk (fiction): PR32, 113

Searle, Elizabeth
Black Tickets Then and Now (recommendation): PR4, 120
Libretto: Tonya and Nancy: The Opera (etcetera): PR12, 139

Searle, Elizabeth*
Interview (etcetera): PR8, 199

Sebree, Chet’la
Joy Priest’s Horsepower (recommendation): PR38, 241

Seigel, Andrea
Behind the Attic Wall, by Sylvia Cassedy (recommendation): PR12, 217

Semanki, David
Cinéma Vérité (poetry): PR11, 145
Double Feature (poetry): PR11, 147

Seven, Joseph
Ralph in Shadows (art): PR29, 35

Seward, Scott
Why Baltimore House Music is the New Dylan (criticism): PR3, 85

Sexton, Adam Reid
The Centaur by John Updike (recommendation): PR27, 167

Shankar, Ravi
Cape Sagres to Lisbon and Back Again (poetry): PR19, 31
Surface Tension (poetry): PR19, 32

(with Priya Sarukkai Chabria)
Aandaal: The Autobiography of a Goddess (poetry): PR22, 121

Shapiro, Janice
Slow Days, Fast Company: The World, The Flesh, and L.A. by Eve Babitz (recommendation): PR21, 63

Shapiro, Norm
Henry Hitchings’ The Secret Life of Words: How English Became English (recommendation): PR18, 117

Shattuck, Jessica
The Stories of John Cheever (recommendation): PR11, 139

Sheehy, Hugh
On Akutagawa’s Kappa (recommendation): PR26, 183

Sheffield, Derek
Song of Argos (poetry): PR26, 96

Shelby, Ashley
A River in Charleston (nonfiction): PR5, 115

Shepard, Jim
The Invention of Truth, by Marta Morazzoni (recommendation): PR2, 177

Sheppard, Gary
Accompaniment (fiction): PR29, 141

Sheridan, David M.
Infrared (poetry): PR38, 185

Sherman, Rachel
Homestay (fiction): PR2, 57

Shi, Diana (trans.)
Glenn Gould by Wang Jiaxin (poetry): PR28, 169 Meeting Rain, Wutai Mountain by Wang Jiaxin (poetry): PR28, 171

Shields, David
Life and Art (etcetera): PR2, 147

Shindler, Polly
Spaces (art): PR34, 65

Shippy, Peter Jay
Cellist (poetry): PR7, 24
Dogs Resembling Their Owner (poetry): PR7, 25

Shirley, Skye
Daughters of a Boardinghouse Keeper (poetry): PR23, 77

Sholl, Betsy
Still Life with Light Bulb (poetry): PR26, 109
Poco a Poco (poetry): PR26, 110

Shonk, Katherine
”The Return,” by Andrei Platonov, from The Return and Other Stories (recommendation): PR9, 165

Shteir, Rachel
Anatole Broyard’s Kafka was The Rage (recommendation): PR26, 117

Shutan, Suzan
Flock (Detail) (art): PR28, 80
TIC (art): PR31, 36

Siasoco, Ricco Villanueva
Dandy (fiction): PR28, 200

Siegel, Gail
Falling Objects: Chicago (etcetera): PR10, 191

Siegel, Robert Anthony
The Magic Box (fiction): PR11, 178
Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness in the West, by Cormac Mccarthy (recommendation): PR15, 139

Siegel, Zoë
Images of Sculptures and Drawings (art): PR2, 19

Silver, Douglas
Way of the Dog (fiction): PR38, 111

Simmons, Alessandra
The Bridges are on the Ground (poetry): PR22, 159
Chord & Hem (poetry): PR22 160

Simon, Jeremy
How to Reach Me: A Manual (nonfiction): PR2, 70

Simonds, Sandra Isabel
Rare Children (nonfiction): PR17, 49

SSimonian, Kate Osana
Witness (fiction): PR33, 51

Sinor, Shara
Ghost of Ten (nonfiction): PR13, 56

Sitler, Helen Collins
On Inis Mór (nonfiction): PR38, 69

Skloot, Floyd
Elliptical Journey (nonfiction): PR24, 102

Skurtu, Tara
Camel in the Room (poetry): PR32, 191

Slater, Tracey
Journal: Erasing Gender: A Woman’s Journey Through Men’s Lockup (etcetera): PR13, 23

Salvin, Julia
Maile Chapman (recommendation): PR1, 167
Dream Trailers (fiction): PR13, 173

Smidt, Remy
Bells (fiction): PR31, 137

Smith, Cary
Lucy Mink: Strangely Familiar Places (art): PR24, 76
Pointed Splat #2 (art): PR28, 73

Smith, Charles
Dan Shea (recommendation): PR1, 168p>

Smith, Curtis
How to Remember the Dead (nonfiction): PR23, 19

Smith, Laura, Steadham
What We Gained in the Winter (fiction): PR34, 147

Smith, RJC
Uh-Oh, Love Comes to Town (fiction): PR 37, 181

Smith, Suzanne Farrell
The Pearl (nonfiction): PR25, 185

Smith, Tracy K.
A Hunger So Honed (poetry): PR7, 15
Self-Portrait as the Letter Y (poetry): PR7, 17

Smithee, Alan
The Strange, Entertaining, and Sometimes Behind-the-Scenes Story of Cleo Birdwell and Don Delillo (etcetera): PR2, 105

Snediker, Michael
O. Henry (recommendation): PR3, 70

Snyder, Laurel
The Simple Machines (poetry): PR6, 43
Happily Ever After (poetry): PR6, 44

Sohail, Mahreen
The Dog (fiction): PR33, 19

Solar-Tuttle, Rachel
Words—Lean, Lyrical, Authentic—Bring Children From Shadows (recommendation): PR8, 157

Solms, Liz
In Jamaica (nonfiction): PR26, 22

Sorrentino, Christopher
Light While There is Light, by Keith Waldrop (recommendation): PR14, 105

Soth, Alec
Untitled 04, Bogotá (art): PR19, cover

Soto, Renee
At the Drive-in Volcano, by Aimee Nezhukumatathil (recommendation): PR17, 168

Sousa, Brian
Just Kids by Patti Smith (recommendation): PR28, 56

Sowder, Michael
Dinner and a Movie, Green Canyon, Utah (poetry): PR23, 86
That June Morning (poetry): PR34, 137

Spackman, Elizabeth Senja
Unheimlich (Not at Home) (poetry): PR19, 121
After the Sex, Smile or Something Like it (poetry): PR19, 122

Spalding, Lavinia
Teaching Korea (etcetera): PR4, 134

Spark, Debra
Size Matters (recommendation): PR15, 213

Spatz, Gregory
Mermaid (fiction): PR38, 167

Spece, Joseph
Yes, but Tenderness Becomes Me Best—A Sort of Dyingness (poetry): PR17, 73

Spencer, Bailey
Iphigenia, Ascending (poetry): PR32, 198

Spiher, David
Paintings (art): PR13, 65

Spiotta, Dana
Trance, by Christopher Sorrentino (recommendation): PR14, 43

Sprague, Devon
Trash and Bastard Out of Carolina, by Dorothy Allison (recommendation): PR22, 151

Stace, Wesley (see also Harding, John Wesley)
Listerine: The Life and Opinions of Laurence Sterne (etcetera): PR5, 174
The Lost Stradivarius, Moonfleet, and The Nebuly Coat: The Abnormal Responses of John Meade Falkner (recommendation): PR11, 89
Journal: (Unexpurgated) Tour Journal (etcetera): PR16, 221

Standley, Vincent
Travelogue (fiction): PR8, 71

Stanforth, Sherry Cook
Interpreting the Passage + Of Course (poetry): PR37, 96

Starke, Jonathan
I Probably Let Some of it Slip Once (nonfiction): PR20, 179

Stattmann, Jon
Trial by Trash (nonfiction): PR11, 39

Staudinger, Christopher
Winter House (nonfiction): PR27, 74

Stienbach, Meredith
Silver Jingle Bobs, The Importance of (fiction): PR21, 109

Stender, Oriane
Endless Column (art): PR28, 77

Stenson, Peter
We Smoked in Silence (nonfiction): PR21, 139

Stern, Amanda
De Profundis by Oscar Wilde (recommendation): PR23, 194

Stevens, J. David
Obituary (nonfiction): PR36, 147

Stevens, Kelsey
The Locals (art): PR30, cover

Steward, D.E.
Desembre (fiction): PR6, 118

Stitch, Guillermo
The House (fiction): PR38, 139

Stine, Alison
Three Months, No Kidding (poetry): PR7, 26
Salt (poetry): PR7, 27

Stinetorf, Alice G.
Lynx (fiction): PR29, 55

Stone, Bianca
Pavor Nocturnus with Relativity (poetry): PR20, 85
Someone Will Have to Tell You (poetry): PR20, 85

Stone, Laurie
“When I Expect to Achieve Nothing, Ideas Come” — Édouard Levé, Autoportrait (recommendation): PR35, 45

Stone, Nomi
Kill Class (poetry): PR35, 168
On the 4th of July (poetry): PR35, 169
Creation Myth (How Role-Players Came to Speak) (poetry): PR35, 170

Stoneking, Jason
Suicide and Marrowfat Peas (nonfiction): PR32, 161

Strand, Mark*
A Conversation (etcetera): PR16, 118

Strayed, Cheryl
When the Farmer Clutches the Rake: Writing the Real (nonfiction): PR22, 90

Strayer, Julia
The Goldfish (fiction): PR30, 169

Strempek Shea, Suzanne
Reading the Future: Twelve Writers from Ireland in Conversation with Mike Murphy, Edited by Cliodhna Ni Anluain (recommendation): PR13, 37

Stubbs, SM
Uncertainty + Sparring After Sunset (poetry): PR39, 95

Stumpf, Jason
Proof (poetry): PR11, 105
The Lesson of the Birds (poetry): PR11, 106

Sukrungruang, Ira
Spotlighting (nonfiction): PR12, 83

Sullivan, Felicia C.
The Business of Leaving (fiction): PR6, 94

Sullivan, Mary
The Holy Bible: King James Version (recommendation): PR5, 145

Suzuki, Naoe
Splendor of Amazing Boys, Girls, and Animals (art): PR18, cover

Swofford, Anthony
Gerhard Richter’s Motor Boat (First Version) [Motorboot (Erste Assung)] (poetry): PR13, 17
Nine Rhythms in Nine Days: A-Frame Near Sisters, Oregon (poetry): PR13, 18

Szporluk, Larissa
Barcarole (poetry): PR1, 100
Sensilla (poetry): PR1, 102

Szuber, Janusz*
De Se Ipso, Trans. Ewa Hryniewicz-Yarbbrough (poetry): PR9, 131
New Labors, Trans. Ewa Hryniewicz-Yarbbrough (poetry): PR9, 132


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Wade, Barry K.
Winter Sky (fiction): PR21, 127

Wagoner, David
The Other Man (poetry): PR26, 113
Spending the Night (poetry): PR26, 114
The Categorical Imperative Poem (poetry): PR26, 115

Waite, Urban
The Lost World (recommendation): PR25, 57

Waldman, Ayelet
An Ice Cream War, By William Boyd (recommendation): PR14, 17

Waldrep, G. C.
Lullabye for My Sister (poetry): PR12, 163
Feast of All Wounds (poetry): PR12, 164
Die Fledermaus (poetry): PR16, 191
Sisyphus in Paradise (poetry): PR16, 192

Waldron, Nicola
Afterbirth (nonfiction): PR33, 15

Walker, Nicole
Drought-Tolerant Tamarisk (Tamarix) Aphylla (nonfiction): PR17, 133

Wallace, Eric J.
The Child Shaman (fiction): PR25, 167

Wallaert, Josh
Upcountry (fiction): PR26, 251

Walsh, William
Recommending “First Love” By Samuel Beckett (recommendation): PR21, 55

Wamsted, Jay
Sticks and Stones (nonfiction): PR38, 243

Ward, Nicholas
The Backyard (nonfiction): PR28, 115

Warf, Robert
Wreckage (nonfiction): PR39, 65

Warloe, Constance
Introduction to From Daughters & Sons to Fathers: What I’ve Never Said (etcetera): PR2, 129

Warrell, Laura K.
Becoming Abigail, By Chris Abani (recommendation): PR28, 235

Warren, Robert Burke
Cloud Atlas By David Mitchell (recommendation): PR32, 73

Warren, Suzanne
The Raspberry King (fiction): PR33, 136

Washington, Thomas
Have You Read My Manuscript? (nonfiction): PR9, 83

Wasow, Oliver
Hay (art): PR24, cover

Waters, Lindsay
Rebuilding Aesthetics From The Ground Up (criticism): PR20, 21

Watson, Brad
Willard and His Bowling Trophies, A Perverse Mystery, By Richard Brautigan (recommendation): PR10, 159

Watterson, Zachary
Open Late Hours (nonfiction): PR23, 167

Webster, Kerri
I Am Become a Blunt Instrument (poetry): PR35, 11

Weinberger, Eliot
At the Sign of The Hand (etcetera): PR9, 188

Weitzel, Wil
How to Sleep With Lions (fiction): PR29, 125

Welle, John P. (trans.)
Translating Brecht, By Franco Fortini (poetry): PR4, 30

Weller, Anthony
The Works of Robert Dean Frisbie (recommendation): PR12, 151

Weller, Sam
The Illustrated Man, By Ray Bradbury (recommendation): PR15, 147

Wells, Brandi
Gather the Daughters By Jennie Melamed (recommendation): PR36, 23

Wheeler, Theodore
Uwe Johnson (recommendation): PR33, 105

Wheelock, Jennifer
Talking Faith With A Friend (poetry): PR31, 142
Regarding His Alzheimer’s (poetry): PR31, 144

Whitcomb, Katharine
Early Medieval (poetry): PR11, 202
Dream On His Birthday (poetry): PR11, 206

White, Derek
Coati Mundi (fiction): PR11, 207

Whiteside, Jim
Cento (poetry): PR29, 151
Saudade (poetry): PR29, 152

Whitney, Kim Ablon
Ann Patchett (recommendation): PR31, 183

Wickenden, Andrew
Story (fiction): PR127, 151

Williams, Dawn
Directing Grand Guignol (theatre): PR1, 61

Williams, Diane
Well-To-Do Person (fiction): PR6, 103
My First Real Home (fiction): PR16, 247

Williams, E. Genevieve
Solstice 6 (art): PR26, 42
Solstice 7 (art): PR26, 47

Williams, Greg
Blue Angel, By Francine Prose (recommendation): PR12, 199

Williams, Jenny D.
Baho! By Roland Rugero (recommendation): PR34, 175

Williams, Tyrone
How On Earth (poetry): PR25, 99
Wah Wah (poetry): PR25, 100

Williamson, Sean
Fever On Good Friday (fiction): PR37, 193

Wilson, Jason
What Is the Color of Hope In Haiti? (etcetera): PR3, 168

Wilson, Jonathan
Chiara (fiction): PR28, 225

Winn, Tracy
Cynthia Morrison Phoel’s Cold Snap (recommendation): PR21, 153

Winthrop, Elizabeth Hartley
Dirt Music, By Tim Winton (recommendation): pr14, 81

Wisdom, Alison
What Can a Ship Do for an Island? (fiction): PR34, 169

Wise, Marie Gray
Pennsylvania School of Ballet Closes Due to Snow + About Girls Standing On Steps (poetry): PR37, 117

Wisniewski, Mark
Calculus (poetry): PR14, 37
Land (poetry): PR14, 40

Wolff, Rebecca
Mamma Didn’t Raise No Fools (poetry): PR2, 96
A Good Idea, But Not Well-Executed (poetry): PR2, 98

Wolos, Gregory J.
The Wild Pandas of Chincoteague (fiction): PR27, 89

Wood, Ann
The Road to Los Angeles, By John Fante (recommendation): PR14, 215

Wood, Monica
We Need to Talk About Kevin, By Lionel Shriver and George Eliot’s Later Novels (recommendation): PR13, 179

Woodward, Angela
Carnality (fiction): PR31, 166

Woodward, Kristine
Knox Martin – Woman: Black and White Paintings (art): PR21, 33
Richard Hambleton: The American Pop Expressionist (art): PR27, 33

Worden, Olivia
Delivery (fiction): PR30, 179

Wormser, Baron
Fictional Essay: John Berryman, B. 1914 (etcetera): PR13, 95
Southern California Ode (1969) (poetry): PR26, 101
Climate (poetry): PR26, 103

Wright, Carolyne
Betty Carter at the Blue Room (poetry): PR27, 157
Dixie White House Photo (poetry): PR27, 159
Not On My Resume (poetry): PR35, 193
Don’t Tell the Flies (poetry): PR35, 195

Wright, Charles
W. G. Sebald (recommendation): PR2, 179

Wunderlich, Mark
Device for Burning Bees and Sugar (poetry): PR8, 13
It’s Your Turn to Do the Milking, Father Said (poetry): PR8, 15

Wuori, G. K.
The Home for Wayward Clocks By Kathie Georgio (recommendation): PR27, 177

Wurth, Erika T.
Brandon Hobson: The Cherokee Novelist Who Quietly Kicked Off the Fifth Wave In Native American Fiction (recommendation): PR38, 97