
Allison Field Bell

We’re in a house in Oakland—Chris’s house. Bicycles and typewriters adorn the living room. The kitchen is cramped and smells of rotting fruit. In the morning, light spills in through the kitchen window casting shadows of the potted herbs that live there. Chris’s bedroom is a mattress on the floor. It’s a desk covered in papers and clothes. It’s one bookshelf with books haphazardly arranged. It’s all rectangles. His room is orange or yellow or maybe it’s white with a maroon wall. It might not be orange or yellow or maroon at all. That might be the light casting its glow against white paint. I know that it’s nighttime, and inside Chris’s room is warm and bathed in a citrus light. Michael is there, and Chris, and me.

Michael is dragging an inked needle across his thigh. It’s a tattoo gun he purchased from someone, and he’s testing it out. Michael’s usual tattoo process is stick-and-poke. He has done this kind of tattoo to my leg: a gnome with a daffodil. The tattoo gun makes my teeth ache. It’s a sound like drilling. It seems to be ripping through his skin. He drags it into an uneven rectangle. Chris and I watch and drink. We’re drinking something with whiskey—this I know. I am almost always drinking whiskey. Approximately a fifth every day. Usually Bulleit. Michael is drinking too, and by the time the rectangle is done, we’re all drunk. Something happens then where Michael wants to kiss Chris and Chris wants to kiss me. And then Chris says he’ll kiss Michael if Michael kisses me. And then we’re all kissing each other and clothes are coming off. I’m asking if this is a bad idea, saying I don’t want it to change things between us.

When I say us, I mean Michael and me. I mean the intensity of the friendship we’ve formed in only a few months. I mean the fact that we live together as roommates platonically, and that we stay up late drinking whiskey and talking about dismantling capitalism. I mean that I love our little cabin in the woods in Arizona and our California road trip. I mean that I don’t want to lose him just because I’m about to fuck him.

He says that everything’s fine. Everything will be fine.

Everything is not fine with me. I’m in the midst of a very dedicated eating disorder. I don’t eat much and I throw up when I eat anything. I have lost three belt sizes in a month. I don’t weigh myself but I imagine the number is under a hundred. I still hate my body. The way my thighs squish out on a chair, the outward curve of my belly. My fat, round face.

In Chris’s room, the scene is chaotic. Chris wants to watch Michael and me. Chris runs to the car to get a condom. Michael and I kiss and it’s comfortable and easy like it’s been happening for years. Our bodies seem to fit together. Or maybe that’s just what Chris says. With Chris and Michael’s bodies in the bed, I am conscious of the smallness of my body. I am obsessed with its smallness. I want it to shrink and shrink and shrink. Until I am just a sliver. I feel powerful in becoming a sliver. I am not powerful.

And then Chris wants Michael to punch him in the face. Or Michael wants Chris to punch him in the face. Either way, someone gets punched in the face, and it’s not me. I am on the sidelines watching violence meet sex. It’s curious and sexy and strange. I’m drunk. I’m with Michael and Chris and we’re all naked. And afterward, we fall asleep together in Chris’s bed.

In the morning, we laugh at each other. Everything seems to be fine. And it is until it isn’t. Until Michael says something later on another night in San Francisco about our friendship being forever changed. And I’m upset and drunk again. And I haven’t eaten. Or what I have eaten, I’ve thrown up. And eventually, I am crying. Crying because I’m afraid of losing Michael. Crying because I already have. Crying so that I ensure I lose Michael. I’m crying, and Michael and Chris leave me in San Francisco with some other friends.

I wake up the next morning and get a ride back to Oakland. In the kitchen at Chris’s house, the three of us sit and prepare an egg dish. I crack eggs into a bowl. One, two, three. I crack and watch the yolks slide around the glass, whole and golden. Michael slices into a bell pepper while Chris cubes a potato. I apologize for being dramatic. I say I was drunk. I say I’m embarrassed and do they hate me now? They insist that they do not, that everything is fine. But Michael is quiet and everything is not fine.

Later, he will move out of the cabin in the woods in Arizona. He will pack his things and leave while I’m at work. He will be my roommate one day and a stranger the next. His body will forever be part of my body—the tattoo. My body will shrink and shrink until I am hospitalized for dehydration. My body will remember and misremember his body. My body will understand that it loved his body, just not in the way he thought. He thought: sex, love, relationship. My body understood: friendship, roommate.

But for now, we are in Chris’s kitchen making an egg dish. Chris is telling me I’m crazy like him. I’m saying yes to crazy. We’re drinking mimosas or maybe not. Maybe Chris and Michael are drinking beers and I’m already pouring myself a glass of whiskey. Either way, the eggs are in the frying pan, oil snapping. We stand together in the kitchen and watch the eggs solidify. Or maybe Chris and Michael are sitting and I’m watching, or maybe that’s not true at all. Maybe there are no eggs, and we just sit and roll cigarettes and wonder what happens next. 

Allison Field Bell is originally from northern California but has spent most of her adult life in the desert. She is currently pursuing her PhD in prose at the University of Utah, and she has an MFA in fiction from New Mexico State University. Her work appears or is forthcoming in SmokeLong QuarterlyThe Gettysburg ReviewShenandoahNew Orleans ReviewWest Branch, Epiphany, The Cincinnati ReviewAlaska Quarterly ReviewThe Pinch, and elsewhere. Find her at

The Connectivity of Our World – The Sculptures of Susan Clinard

The Face is a Wild Land – Cameron Darc
Snow Day – Siamak Vossoughi
Flame Jumps the Gap – Matthew Gordon
Best True Love Stories – Nikki Barnhart
White Boulders + Husbands – Stephen Mortland
Mulberry Noah Pohl
Badges – George Singleton

Edited by Elizabeth Graver
Untitled – Genevieve DeLeon
Somewhere – Ramona Reeves
Autumn Road – Franklin Einspruch
Let Me – Karin Cecile Davidson
A History of American Comics – Jonathan Todd
No Map Complete – Christine A. Neu
They Don’t Like Emptiness – Will Dowd
The Places I Called Home– Yang Huang

Early Adopters – Andy Gottschalk
Crossing Stitches – Celia Cummiskey
Living Room – Rick Brown
Mike + Immigrant Song + The Procedure – Peter Krumbach
A Peek inside the Ledger – Paula Dimidis
Rectangle – Allison Field Bell
Fragmented Worlds – Natasha Williams

Ad Astra + Graftings – Robbie Gamble
Omnivora + Meadowlands – Haolun Xu
Fluent In + Stay of Execution – Shanan Kurtz
Saturn Street Steps + People also ask: What does it mean if a bird is at your door? – T.S. Leonard

Nextdoor in Colonialtown by Ryan Rivas – Kate McIntyre
Worth the Wait – David Philip Mullins
Muse Found in a Colonized Body, by Yesenia Montilla – Felicia Zamora
Alone, Alone, Horribly Alone: On Jaime Sabines’s Pieces of Shadow – Pablo Piñero Stillmann
Three micro-reviews of inside inside inside by Jo Ianni – C.T. Salazar

White Boulders + Husbands

by Stephen Mortland

White Boulders

They drove to the coast where they booked a room at a motel near the port. The room had green carpeted floors and a pink porcelain sink protruding from the wall next to the bed. They lay together and, after some time, he rolled toward her. Bored and anxious, she received him. They made love on top of the bedsheets. When it was finished, he cleaned himself at the sink which was only a few paces from the bed. 

Hours passed and night turned gray in morning. The world out their window took form and she stirred him. She hadn’t slept at all, or if she’d slept, she slept lightly, never leaving her body, aware, through the night, of morning’s approach. 

They walked to the docks and sat watching, not sure what they were looking for, knowing they would know when they saw it. When nothing changed and no provocation dotted the horizon, he left her to buy a bag of fried, twisted pastries from a German woman manning a cart on the corner. They sat and ate the pastries from the bag until the day was hot and they were joined by old fishermen and young crabbing professionals preparing long boats with cages. 

They returned to the motel room and made love again. This time it was more hectic than before, and a little cruel. She wouldn’t look at his face and he finished before she felt anything like pleasure. 

Coming out of the bathroom, she saw that he had taken the letter from his bag and was rereading it. He set it on the mattress when he was finished, and she took it up. Her towel fell, bunching around her ankles. She read the letter again for herself. 

“It could be that the dates are wrong,” he said, while she was still reading. 

They didn’t make love that night but sat on the bed watching the television. The black box was bolted at an odd angle in the upper corner of the room. He kept the remote balanced on his bent knee as he clicked back-and-forth between channels. 

The dome of her head pressed against his hip, and before she was asleep, she was thinking about the port, performing lazy mental math with dates. She was prepared to sleep and dream about the waters rising, separating, the waters around the port lifting to swallow everything below and a figure—terrifying and wonderful—riding on the crest of those waters. But when she did finally fall asleep, she didn’t dream at all, and she woke often in the night, afraid the sun had risen without their realizing it.

He bought pastries from the German woman on their way to the water the next morning. They sat at a different dock this time, at its furthest edge, dangling their legs over the side. She broke her pastry and dropped the crumbs in the water for fish or seals to come and grab, but nothing came, and the crumbs grew soggy and sank. He watched the crumbs and looked at her scornfully, but he didn’t say anything. 

Before they left for the coast, they had considered selling their few remaining possessions. Neither of them owned very much worth selling, but it would have secured for them a meager reserve while they waited. At the time this felt faithless and besides, they figured, it would have taken too long to orchestrate.

“We can go to your mother’s if we need to,” he said. “It’s not so far.”

The next morning—their third at the water and nothing changing—she approached one of the men at the port. She had noticed him glancing sometimes in her direction while she sat waiting. 

Going with the man, she didn’t feel like she was losing anything at all. She didn’t yet fully understand her circumstances. What was most unclear to her was why nothing had happened. Time was a little broken now, and her body was a thing that had outstayed its ending. What she did with it, she reasoned, mattered hardly at all. 

The man from the port kept wiping his nose with the back of his hand. The money he gave her felt like pretend money. 

She remembered something she once read about the white boulders of heaven—or maybe it was words from a song. 

When she returned to the motel room, he was watching television again. There was an apple and a banana on the bed beside him. 

“We should eat something healthy,” he said, nodding toward the fruit. 

“Why?” she asked.

On the fifth day, the sky was cloudy and it looked like it might rain. The gray water was nearly the complexion of the sky, so that it looked like one was mirroring the other, but the two were only coincidentally aligned. 

They sat on the dock and studied the currents, or watched movement in the clouds, or stared at the fine line where the water met the sky. It was the fifth day, they thought. And they thought other thoughts like this as well. 

After some time waiting, he went to buy more pastries from the cart on the corner. When he returned with the bag in his hand, she was no longer sitting on the edge of the dock. He stood where she had sat and stared into the water below. The only movement in the water was the water moving against the thick wooden legs of the dock. 


I have seen how mother’s husband looks at me. When I am in the kitchen mixing a salad, or when I pass as he is lounging on the couch, he stares, tight-lipped. He watches my hands as if to see what they’re up to. I pretend not to notice, because that’s how I was raised, but I notice.

When mother is around, it’s a different story. He does husband things for her. When she is in the room, it’s almost as if I don’t exist. He rubs her shoulders, he orders the mess she’s made. He never interrupts. When she returns from the store, he carries her bags inside. 

Mother’s husband practices respectable hobbies like wood-cutting, playing scales on a 12-string guitar, or fiddling with an amateur radio. He is often ready with little surprises. When mother’s in the mood for it, he does other husband things too. 

In other words, he is a good husband and he is, by appearances, mostly dependable. 

Father’s husband never notices anyone but father. He is always following father around, cupping father’s elbow or holding onto the hem of his Oxford. Father’s loafers are always shined and there is never an absence of fresh pressed tobacco in his pipe. Father’s husband is as dependable as mother’s husband, but he never stares and he takes up less space. 

I have two husbands for myself, but no one knows about the second. They know about the first husband because he has been with us for nearly as long as I can remember. The second I keep behind the house. The two husbands look almost identical, so I sometimes let the second husband masquerade as the first so long as he is careful not to speak or do anything that would warrant unwanted scrutiny. I have the two husbands, and I might have a third with the way mother’s husband looks at me. 

Sometimes mother feels the need to pull me aside and have a talk. She has a colossal sense of duty and it extends to her love for me. When she pulls me aside to have a talk, she quizzes me about my friendships or asks if I am happy in my current situation. If she can think of nothing to say or ask me, she tells me to play my clarinet and listens to hear how I am progressing musically. Inevitably during these pulled aside talks, I catch her staring past, looking out the window into the yard where maybe her husband is standing staring back. I notice that she is no longer listening to my answers or to my playing on the clarinet, but I don’t say anything because that’s how I was raised. There are other ways of getting her attention, like hitting a sour note or brushing her knee with my own.

I could say something to mother during one of these talks. I could say something about the way her husband stares. Even if she didn’t believe me, saying it would make her look closer and then she would notice for herself. But mother is old and she has only the one husband. It would be cruel for me to make her suffer.  

Stephen Mortland‘s writing has appeared in NOON Annual, New York Tyrant, Fence Magazine and elsewhere. He lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

Best True Love Stories

Nikki Barnhart

I was on the subway when the child called me. It was a strange number, but I always picked up for strange numbers then: at any given time, I was texting a steady stream of different men off dating apps, and I never saved their names. I was training myself to understand how disposable other people were—for a long time I had thought it was just me that could be disposed of. I called this training self-care; I thought what resulted from it was called growth. I was always supposed to meet one of these disposable people in a bar someplace, and sometimes things went somewhere, but usually they did not. It didn’t matter; what mattered was that I could always trick myself into feeling like my life was moving forward in one direction or another. 

I was stuck between stations, suspended right before the point where the train rose up and went above ground for a stretch. This was how the subway, as an appendage of the city at large, would remind me of its dominance and my inconsequence, precautionary measures it imposed over me just in case I ever came close to forgetting what the order was. I knew this was the price I had to pay for asking to take shelter inside of it, to be contained within it. 

So I was confined to waiting, that swampy sludge of a place my surge of dates was designed to circumnavigate, and I thought the unidentified caller came as a savior to pull me out of it. “Hello?” I answered, and I heard a warbly voice on the other end, a child speaking like they had been speaking for a very long time and it was me and not them that had called in. It was my own language but still I could not understand what was being said—there was a half-formedness to it, interspersed with giggles and tufts of breaths. “Mom?” said the child, finally. It was the only word I could comprehend. “No. I’m not your mother,” I said, and felt sad to do so, even though it was true, in this instance and beyond it. I was someone who had determined early in life that they never wanted children of their own and remained sure of that in a way I was not sure of anything else. There was silence after that, the line between us immediately cut, and whatever connection I had with this stranger was now gone. I could call the number back if I really wanted to, but why would I when it was clear that I was not who the child was looking for, and nothing would ever change that essential fact. We would continue on with our parallel lives, indefinitely, and I mourned their momentary overlap. 

The area code on my call log read Phoenix, AZ. This happened to be the city where my own mother was, with a man I did not know. She had first met him years ago, when they were children, and then spent fifty years living without him until they collided once more at her grammar school reunion six months before. To make up for what they now thought of as half a century wasted, their togetherness was cemented quickly over cross-country phone calls and two interchanging visits—too quickly for me to realize its magnitude until she sold our house and moved to the desert to be with him. We had not talked much since then. I was a remainder of a life that was evidently past. 

 “You don’t understand what it’s like to be running out of time,” she told me when she told me everything else.  

“You have a life and I have my own life,” she said, later.  

“You left me first,” she said, later still. “You’ve spent your whole life leaving me.” There hadn’t been much after this. 

I was confused by these statements, felt trapped under the weight of their accumulation, because my mother and I had been etched together since my birth, stitched tighter after my father’s death when I was fifteen. I had no siblings; for so long it was just the two of us, and she made sure I knew it. After I moved out and before I talked to strangers, it was her I spoke to every day. She’d call me and ask what I was doing. “I just woke up a little while ago,” I’d say often, as she tended to call in the mornings. “And what have you done since then?” she’d say. “I want to know everything.” 

I had never been to Phoenix, or Arizona, or even to the Southwest, but it was one of those places that still seemed occupy an archetypal home inside of my mind—I admired it for that, for having such a vivid sense of self it outpoured into the collective consciousness. I pictured cacti, rocks scattered across sand, and overpowering light spread over a seemingly endless horizon. I could see how that kind of landscape, capable of mirage, could seem appealing to my mother, who had always been obsessed with her own finitude. 


There was one stranger in the shifting menagerie I maintained who I had been corresponding with for months, but we had yet to actually meet. He messaged me every day without fail, but never initiated moving things beyond the virtual, so I didn’t either. Our conversations were remarkable only for their consistency, our chain of texts the longest in my phone. He would always start the conversation, and always one of two ways, with good morning or just hey, interchanging sporadically. At first, I had tried to decipher this back-and-forth, like it was maybe some sort of code, for a while hoping it was, but then gave up. He—or what I understood him as, over the ether—seemed like a person wholly uninterested in subtext and its nuances.

I would return the greeting and he would then ask me how I slept, or how I was feeling that particular day, and I would talk about being tired, or the weather, or my commute, and he would respond with the same sort of things in return. I was fascinated by the apparent endless permutations of small talk, how mundanity contained an infinite number of slight variations within it. Our texts were always interspersed hours in between each other, so there was very little pressure to respond in a timely fashion, or even at all—I liked the time-release nature of whatever our relationship to each other was. His texts gave me a sense of consistency when I felt like everything else was rushing away from me. 

I shared an apartment with two roommates, but they both had partners and were rarely home, because they had other places, other options, besides it. I worked a solitary job as a transcriptionist, where I listened to other people speak all day for a living but never to me directly. Sometimes it felt like a lot of pressure to catch all that was being said, to not let any word or utterance fall through the cracks of preservation, and convey it all for what it was and not just what I thought I had heard. In other words, I was lonely in my life, but lonely seemed too neat a word for what I was feeling: its contours navigable, familiar. I felt lost inside of something that only seemed to grow beyond recognition, larger and larger beyond anything I could have fathomed. 

Before my mother met the new man, I used to take the train home on weekends, watch the city’s staggered dissolve into the country from fingerprinted windows. She would meet me at the station, waving to me from the platform in the crunchy, cricket-laden dusk. We’d drive thirty more minutes to our lakeside town, and I’d walk back into the house where I grew up and feel myself descend back into the smallness of my life before I left the first version of it behind. Since my father’s death—one that was called honest by my mother, her definition being that he did not want to stop doing the thing that would drive him to an early grave, his love for his fatal vice rendered somehow pure—the house he built us carried on his legacy, his essence. The house became my father, embodying his best intentions at stability, at sheltering us. When I was back there, I was with my family. And now that was gone too. 


When I was thirteen, I had written some boy’s name on my bedroom wall, reinforced it over and over again in permanent marker against a time-warped and slightly jagged terrain, and then this boy had gone on to break my heart in the usual, predictable ways. In search of a can of paint and a brush to erase him, I found a fallen screwdriver in the overstuffed utility closet. On a piece of paper taped to its handle was my mother’s name—Marie—followed by another name—Turner—which was not our last name, nor her maiden name. This was startling for many reasons, not the least of which being my mother did nearly nothing for herself, and certainly nothing that would require a screwdriver.

The house my father had built us was a five-room cabin that hovered over uneven ground by the ugly side of the lake. He spent his life building other houses all day, so my mother’s job could be, as she said, to take care of me. It felt less like taking care than living alongside; we did everything together like best friends would—that’s what she told me I was to her. Whenever we got into a fight, she would ask me, “can we be friends again?” 

My mother chose to spend our days luxuriously, languorously sprawled out in bed watching old movies or reading discarded library books—because she liked owning things but not paying for them—on the back deck that overlooked the lake. Her chosen reading materials were field guides on bird-watching even though she hated being in the woods, hand-sized paperback classics that smelled like rust, and home and living magazines full of circled recipes she never made, and dog-eared suggestions on how to improve your home’s organizational capacity or its overall potential for containing your life, running out inside of it.

“You’re old enough now for me to tell you, I suppose,” my mother said when I presented the screwdriver to her. She was sitting on the floor of the room she shared with my father but that was much more hers, painting her nails bright pink while watching the classic movie channel. She was constantly either putting paint on her nails or taking it off, and the room always smelled acrid, toxic; my stomach hurt whenever I entered. I did not know how my father could stand it. “I was married before your father,” she told me, to a man named Elijah, which for some reason sounded to me like a pilot’s name, or at least an air traffic controller—something airborne and adrift—but he was just a regular business man, she said. He was much older than her, and he had been one of her customers when she was working as a waitress at the fancy restaurant inside of a regionally famous resort in the mountains, not far from where we lived now. 

A few weeks before she met him, she had gone to a psychic in the village who told her that she would be traveling frequently in the near future, flying all over the world, that she would live in a big house, with a big dog. “That’s impossible,” she had told the psychic, and explained her deep fear of airplanes—the only time she had been on one it had nearly crashed, and she swore never again. “I’m a waitress,” she said, “I live in a tiny room in a boarding house that doesn’t allow dogs.”

But then Elijah came into the restaurant and told her that he would change her life—that’s how he asked her out. He was very tall and spoke slowly and moved as if he was sure of the world, and had always been, and this sureness made the world bend right back to him. As the psychic foretold, he was someone who traveled frequently for his job and he would bring my mother with him, so I suppose my hunch towards flight had been somewhat correct. He brought her to places as disparate and far flung as Geneva, Budapest, Buenos Aires—places that she would have never otherwise seen. His sureness made her feel, finally, unafraid, and towered over her anxiety. “Nothing is going to happen to you,” he said, and she believed him, without question. This was what she was looking for in love, she realized—a shrinking of the parts of herself that were too loud. They soon married, and he bought her that house, and that dog. 

“Our story was published in a magazine, in fact,” she said, reaching under the bed where she kept her mountains of old issues, casting them across the room until she reached one at the bottom, yet another monthly rhapsodizing the supposed art of housekeeping, published five years before I was born. “They were having a contest for best true love stories, in 500 words or less, and I won.” She showed me the article, the text aligning against a picture of her and this strange man, backlit in a strange city. His face was obscured by the sun. I could only see the outline of it. She was small next to him with her eyes half-closed, mouth open in laughter. My mother was still beautiful in a way I would never be, although I could see in old photographs that her beauty used to be even more intense, but never more so than this photograph. I remember being scared looking at the picture, partly because of the severity of her beauty but mostly because I was beginning to realize that there were likely many other things I did not know about my mother, this stationary, constant creature, familiar in her acetone reek. 

“What happened to him?” I asked. 

“He left me for someone else,” she said. “Maybe multiple someones. That’s usually how things end in this life, I’ve found,” she said. She placed the magazine back under the bed, and began burying it once again underneath all of the others, the motions smooth like an assembly-line between her own hands. Once the magazine was firmly back in its place, she told me she submitted the story after the man left her, but before the divorce was finalized. “Why would you do that?” I asked. 

She shrugged. “It was a good story,” she said. “Just because it was over didn’t mean it wasn’t a good story. I think that contest is the only thing I’ve ever won.”

I must have looked stricken, because she went on to say, “You know, sometimes I think it’s for the best. It can get tiring living with the same person for years. Living with their idea of who you are. It can be hard to get them to think of you in other ways, once they’re used to thinking of you as one thing.”

I didn’t know what she meant then; I didn’t know what other ways of myself could exist. I was afraid to see what they might be, or if I would like them. 

I wondered how many people had read her best true love story in the magazine, her failed romance frozen in its apex, and what these readers had felt from it. I wondered if it inspired something like hope in any of them—hope to keep waiting, that love was real, that there was such a thing as fate. Was that hope false if they didn’t know the end of the story—or was that just how hope worked, a match that served to light something else, not to stay lit on its own accord? 

My father, by contrast, was an honest man, as my mother said. So honest, that he didn’t conceal his rumbling anger, or his need to drink himself into a stupor when he got home from work. To my mother, this was transparency, some kind of virtue, and she taught me to view it that way as well. When my father got too drunk and started breaking things like vases of my mother’s  flowers or framed pictures of us without him in them, my mother would hide us in their bedroom, locking him out, and say to me, “he’s just being very honest.”


After I learned about him, I couldn’t stop thinking about Elijah Turner. I would search his name on the internet in the school library, and get many matching results: there were Elijah Turners all over the country, and the world too; I became despondent at the abundance of Elijah Turners, how they outnumbered me. I realized I didn’t know though if my mother’s Elijah Turner was even still alive, if he had been so much older than her. 

There was a pay phone in the hallway of my middle school, which seemed exotic to me, a relic from a nearly-bygone era I could observe dissolving all around me. Whenever I passed that pay phone, I would think that’s where I would call Elijah Turner, if I could ever determine which one was the right one, because I was never alone in my house, even though I didn’t know what exactly I’d say. I hated him, of course, for hurting my mother, but it was strange that this person was half of what I could have been, and I didn’t know whether or not to grieve for that possible version of myself that was not quite myself. Thirteen and the screwdriver marked the start of the bog I would slowly sink into over the course of the rest of my life, pulled under by the desire to be anyone other than who I turned out to be. 


Soon after I found the screwdriver, I got my period for the first time at school. I had learned what was coming from my teachers; they had been prepping us for it for several years, a looming event of the body I had gained admission to when I was born. They told us one day we would find blood, but they didn’t say it would be so much, and so I thought something was very wrong the day it came. I went to the nurse’s office and told her I was worried I might be dying, but she told me that I was only just beginning. I told her I felt pain and she called my mother to come pick me up. When she did, she sobbed all the way home. “I’m just beginning,” I repeated the nurse’s words back to her. She cried harder. “That means I’m beginning to end,” she said. 


I never did call Elijah Turner, but I realized the middle school’s pay phone had a number of its own, inscribed underneath the receiver, and so when I got my own cell phone a year later (for emergencies, as my mother said), I programmed its number inside and sometimes I would call the pay phone and see who picked up: usually no one did, but sometimes someone answered, some teacher or janitor, always confused, out of breath. I would always hang up, because I never really wanted to talk to anyone, just see who, if anyone, would answer. I liked to call it at night sometimes, just to picture it ringing in the empty dark building. 

I realized recently I still had the number in my phone’s address book, that it gotten transferred from phone to phone as I grew older, and I tried calling it, alone in my room in the city. I knew no one would pick up, and if they did, it could never be who I wanted it to be: myself on the precipice of the rest of my life. But it didn’t even ring—it had finally been disconnected. 


One day alone in my apartment, when the consistent stranger texted me in the morning asking how I was, I told him. Feeling very, very sad, I said, and laid it all out: My mother moved across the country to live with a strange man and is not answering any of my calls. It felt like only a step above talking to myself. 

It was the first time our communication had broached the quotidian, but the stranger surprised me by being an attentive and empathetic listener. Wow, he said, that’s a lot to be dealing with. I’m really sorry you’re going through that.

Thank you, I wrote back. That’s nice of you to say. 

You’re welcome, he said. I’m here to listen, if you want. 

Our messages answered each other in succession, in a way they never had. I watched the cursor blink for a moment. 

What do you think I should do? I asked. I was open to any kind of answer, from anyone, from anything. And he seemed to have them; he seemed to know. 

Do you know his name?

I bet you could find his number online. 

You could call him and ask to talk to your mom. 

I did know the man’s name—my mother had told me: Cyril Parker. Later that night, I searched his name online the way I used to search for Elijah Turner, but this time I knew his city. Cyril Parker, I typed, Phoenix, Arizona. There was only one. 

I picked up my phone and dialed the number. The phone rang for a long time. While it did, I wondered about Cyril the way I used to wonder about Elijah—who was this person who knew things I would never know about the person who created me, who I used to live inside of. I wondered if Cyril knew the child who had called me, if their paths had ever bumped up against each other in the strange, faraway city of Phoenix, even in some minor, peripheral way—in a crowded store or at an intersection, the child passenger and Cyril driver mere feet away from each other but unreachable within their individual vessels, each of them contained inside of distinct vehicles accelerating away from each other. Or maybe in some larger, deeply intimate sense: maybe the child was their neighbor—their friend—and my mother, Cyril, and the child were all together right now, staring right into the Arizona sun, blinding themselves against the glare of the fact that all of them would one day burn out too. I wondered all of this until the ringing stopped, and I thought that I had been disconnected, but then there was a rustle I couldn’t discern, silence, and then breathing. 

“Mom?” I said. 

A man’s voice answered. “No. I’m not your mother,” he said, and hung up. 


Later, I texted the stranger. 

I did it, I wrote. What you said. 

How did it go? He responded immediately. 

Not well, but I think maybe it needed to happen, I said. 

He didn’t say anything to this, so I wrote again. 

Would you maybe want to meet up sometime? I asked. 

I waited a long time for him to write back, watching the three dots that signaled he was typing ripple and then disappear, and then kept waiting in their wake, the silence underneath the last thing I said. I waited and waited. It was only recently that I stopped waiting, for the stranger, or anyone else. 

Nikki Barnhart is an MFA candidate in Fiction at The Ohio State University. Her work has appeared in Juked, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. “Best True Love Stories” was originally named a finalist for Cutbank’s 2022 Montana Prize in Fiction.

It Is Illegal to Enter the Graveyard

Ben Loory

It is illegal to enter the graveyard if you are not dead. That’s the way it’s always been; that’s just how it is. When someone dies, we put them in a coffin and push it through a hole in the gate. And when we come back and check the next day, we can usually see the new grave.

But sometimes it doesn’t work that way; sometimes the coffin just lies there. And sometimes—and this is even worse—it inches back toward the gate. And when that happens, we know what’s wrong: whoever’s in the coffin isn’t dead enough. So then we have to get a stake and a hammer, lasso the coffin, and drag it out.

This happened to me once with my very own mother. No one else would even open the lid. It took me hours of kneeling there, praying for strength, before I did.

And when I finally did lift the lid up—hammer and stake raised in my hands—I gasped when I saw: she wasn’t even there.

The coffin was empty. 

My mother was gone.

As far as we knew, this hadn’t happened before—usually it was just the matter of the stake. But this was something else entirely.

Where could she be? someone said.

But none of us knew—least of all, me—so finally, we all just shook our heads. And in the end, we simply poured gas on the coffin, lit a match, and watched the smoke rise up.

I don’t even remember the rest of that day—it was like that smoke became a fog. I have no idea where I went, what I did, or how I even got home. 

But that night I found myself in my mother’s room, just standing there in the dark. I was looking at the bed where she used to sleep. Then I looked at the pictures on the wall. And then I found myself walking to the window, staring out at that moon in the sky. And then, as I watched, something like a cloud—something like one— came floating by.

For some reason I thought that cloud was my mother. I know, it doesn’t make any sense. But I did—I was certain, I didn’t have any doubt—so I opened the window and stepped out.

I followed that cloud up and over the hedge, and then across my neighbor’s lawn. It was too high to reach, though I leapt and stretched.

I had to run—the wind carried it on.

I ran and ran through the streets of the town—after my mother, my mother the cloud—until finally I came to the gates of the graveyard.     

And they opened, and I went inside.

And once inside, it was like the cloud spread out—it became a mist all around. I didn’t know where to go, or what to do.

And that’s when I heard the song.

It was a quiet little song my mother used to sing to me as a lullaby at night. And I followed that song to an open grave and looked down.

My mother was lying inside.

But Mother, I said, what are you doing here? It’s cold out; you’ll catch a chill. 

So I climbed down into the grave to lift her up.

And next thing I knew, we were home.

We were sitting there quietly at the kitchen table—just as we always sit there now. And we’re drinking our tea, and eating lemon cookies—just the two of us, her and me. 

And we talk about this, and talk about that, and we look at old picture albums, and remember things that happened to us—or people we knew—and reminisce.

And sometimes at night, when my mother nods off, I push back my chair and go out. And I walk through the streets of the sleeping town.

I walk past the windows, gazing up.

And sometimes I go and I knock upon a door—or I tap on a windowpane. And I stand there and listen, and if I hear something—even a rustle—I tap again.

Hello? I say, in a faraway voice. Remember me? Would you mind if I came in?

And I can hear them then, on the other side, scared.

But then the door creaks back, and I go in.

Ben Loory is the author of Tales of Falling and Flying (Penguin, 2017) and Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day (Penguin, 2011). His fables and tales have appeared in The New Yorker, Tin House, Fairy Tale Review, and READ Magazine, and have been heard on This American Life and Selected Shorts. He lives in Los Angeles, California.

César­ Aira’s­ An­ Episode­ in­ the ­Life­ of­ a ­Landscape­ Painter

Alena Graedon

We’ve grown a lush affection for the language of transformation. This hummus literally changed my life, we might say. Nothing’s been the same since I bought this new neck pillow/visited Spa Castle/watched The Wire.

            But how many things really imprint our existence? A handful of calamities, a few great loves. If we’re very lucky, sometimes a work of art knocks us on our backs and drags us through the dust so that we arise as different selves.

            An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter—a novel small enough to store in your pocket, like a map—is so vital and voluptuous and bright that it almost seems as if it sprang from the head of a god, perfect and fully armed. (Maybe it did, in a sense: its author, the Argentine César Aira, has published dozens of books, about two a year. He’s said to hardly revise. In the book’s preface, Bolaño calls him “a nun among the Discalced Carmelites of the Word.”)

            This was my first taste of Aira’s work. I consumed it like a penitent taking the Eucharist after a long fast. That may sound melodramatic, or worse: disingenuous. I’m not even Christian. But that’s the point. Reading it was so startlingly metamorphic that to try to describe how it affected me, it feels necessary to grope around inside an experience that’s alien to mine.

            The power of beauty to transmute is also a notion central to the book. Its titular painter is Johan Moritz Rugendas, a real 19th-century German landscapist. As a cog in the vast colonial project of expedition and “discovery,” he traveled widely in Latin America. The appeal of his works was twofold: they were exotic, but they were portraits of nature tamed: “in so far as they had value, [they] stood as records of [human] permeation.”

            Applying a procedure from the painting genre termed “physiognomy of nature,” Rugendas’s depictions carefully taxonomized and hierarchized wild specimens. Yet while he primarily painted vistas, he longed to see an Indian raid. Indians, after all, were wild specimens par excellence; “[he] would have paid to paint one.” (Or so Aira imagines. One of this novel’s marvels is the way its form mirrors content. The book is an alloy, a mixture of history and fiction, and the chimerical compound is effulgent, and seems somehow purer than either of its constituents. The result, of course, is that in this novel about transformation, reality itself is transformed.)

            In fact, Rugendas came from a family of painters, and it seems that his desire to capture active battle scenes was bequeathed by his great-grandfather. Unluckily for Rugendas, he may have inherited something else: the fate of mutilation. His progenitor took up painting only after losing a hand, which left him unable to make clocks. Johann suffered something similar, although his disfigurement—brought about by the “episode” at the novel’s core—was far more extraordinary. The real genius of the novel resides in Aira’s imagining of the episode and its aftershocks.

            Well before Aira describes the book’s defining event, he presents a tantalizing possibility: that “[t]he secret aim of [Rugendas’s] long voyage, which consumed his youth, was Argentina: the mysterious emptiness to be found on the endless plains at a point equidistant from the horizons. Only there, he thought, would he be able to discover the other side of his art.” He’s trying to reach that mystical place where reality dissolves, art defeats artifice, and heaven meets earth. “The clouds came down so low they almost landed,” Aira writes.

            It’s at this impossible point where one can have access to the other side. And where “something would, [Rugendas] thought, finally emerge to defy his pencil and force him to invent a new procedure.” Getting there was his hidden goal—and one he managed fleetingly to achieve, if at an extravagant price. He paid “with everything else in his life.” He paid by becoming a monster.

            Rugendas’s transformation takes place, as promised, on the Argentinean plains. He and his companions have tried to reach San Luis for days, haunted by elusive buzzing and a barren landscape. Finally, their guide reveals the source: locusts. Anxiously, he admits, “The biblical plague passed [this] way.”

            Without vegetation, the riders’ starving horses are soon on the point of mutiny, and Rugendas decides to ride as hard and far as he can in search of grass, telling his friend to ride the other way. His friend is reluctant to split up, but Rugendas, disregarding him, gallops off through the salty heat.

            Soon, the weather abruptly shifts. Rugendas is enthralled by the altered sky—“He had never seen such light. It was a see-through darkness”—and thinks, “At least it will cool off.”

            The next moment, something happens that changes him completely, and in a way that not even a biblical plague could portend. His encounter with the divine—with beauty, genius, grace, nature untamed, “the dreamed-of center”—is more pagan, harking back to confrontations with classical gods, who had the power to turn humans into deer, cows, spiders. “The body is a strange thing,” Aira notes, “and when it is caught up in an accident involving nonhuman forces, there is no predicting the result.”

            French symbolist Alfred Jarry is supposed to have said, “I call monster any original inexhaustible beauty.” In the case of Rugendas, an encounter with original, inexhaustible beauty made him monstrous. “Beauty is unbearable,” wrote Camus. It “drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time.”

            And yet, after Rugendas’s accident, he didn’t lose the ability to paint. If anything, he improved, learning to harness his altered (and constantly altering) state to bring himself closer toward unfettered knowledge and truth. This compensatory gift in exchange for mutilation “was another proof of art’s indifference; his life might have been broken in two, but painting was still the ‘bridge of dreams.’”

            Literature is a bridge, too, of course: between discrete consciousnesses, disparate places and times, finite experience and infinite imaginary lives. And in Aira’s Episode, it’s a bridge between artifice, art, and a glimmer of reality. In his words:

Direct perception [is] eliminated by definition. And yet, at some point, the mediation [has] to give way, not so much by breaking down as by building up to the point where it [becomes] a world of its own, in whose signs it [is] possible to apprehend the world itself.

            The Eucharist’s power derives in part from being shared. May this book break your fast, too.

Alena Graedon’s first novel, The Word Exchange, was completed with the help of fellowships at several artist colonies, including MacDowell, Ucross, and Yaddo, and is being translated into eight languages. It was a New York Times Editors’ Choice pick and selected as a best novel of 2014 by Kirkus, Electric Literature, and elsewhere. Her nonfiction has been published in The New York Times Book Review and The Believer magazine, among other publications. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.