Post Road Magazine – Issue #08 | Spring/Summer 2005


Device for Burning Bees and Sugar + It’s Your Turn to Do the Milking, Father Said, by Mark Wunderlich
Good Science + Heart, by Stephanie Pippin
The Wings of Butterflies + The Eyes of Fish, by Jude Nutter
And the Ship Sails On + Beckett’s Endgame, by Joel Brouwer
Servant + Servant, by Emma Ramey
Excision + Limb Replantation, Failed, by Ander Monson


Daniel Hill: Paintings — Introduction by Lacy Schutz
Angie Drakopoulos: Paintings — Introduction by Ian Bickford


Some Stories Are Parables, But, by Brian Lennon
August, by H. H. LeCraw
Flap, by Rick Moody
Travelogue, by Vincent Standley
The Smile on Happy Chang’s Face, by Tom Perrotta


Yellow Pajamas, by Derek Lance Furr
Two Birds, by Jim Dameron
Hitting Harmony, by Nathan Ihara
Blue Window, by Liesl Schwabe


Scenes From the Life and Times of Little Billy Liver, by Dennis DiClaudio


Streetstyle: Skateboarding, Spatial Appropriation, and Dissent, by Taro Nettleton


An American Memory and I Am Zoe Handke by Eric Larsen — Virginia Holman
Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint Exupéry — Pete Hausler
Parts & Pieces: Sven Birkerts, A. Manette Ansay, Steve Stern, Christopher Tilghman, Elinor Lipman and Amy Hempel — Risa Miller
Inside the Sky: A Meditation on Flight by William Langewiesche and Stick and Rudder: An Explanation on the Art of Flying by Wolfgang Langewiesche — Maria Flook
Headless by Benjamin Weissman — Amy Gerstler
Heed the Thunder by Jim Thompson — Neal Pollack
Lucy Gayheart by Willa Cather — Mary Morris
Some Things About Kevin Brockmeier — Thisbe Nissen
The Life to Come and Other Stories by E. M. Forster — Christopher Castellani
Truman Capote, Richard Ford and John Irving Lewis Robinson 155 Stones for Ibarra by Harriet Doerr and Of Kinkajous, Capybaras, Horned Beetles, Seledangs, and the Oddest and Most Wonderful Mammals, Insects, Birds, and Plants of Our World by Jeanne K. Hanson and Deane Morrison — Gwendolen Gross
Words—Lean, Lyrical, Authentic—Bring Children From Shadows — Rachel Solar-Tuttle
Stories in the Worst Way by Gary Lutz — David Ryan
Morvern Callar by Alan Warner — Jaime Clarke


Litany: Warnings — Amy Kreines
Reminiscence: Joseph Brodsky — Sven Birkerts
Index: The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald — Tom Murphy
Essay: Losing the Virginity of Time: The Literary Coordinates of Bruno Schulz and Isaac Babel — Ryan Boudinot
Interview: Elizabeth Searle — Sherry Ellis

Post Road Magazine – Issue #07 | Fall/Winter 2004


A Confederacy + Mr. Sweatner’s Parade — David Daniel
The Nineteenth-Century Novel + The Nineteenth-Century Novel II — Eve Grubin
A Hunger So Honed + Self Portrait as the Letter Y — Tracy K. Smith
The Lais of Lost Long Days + Stripped from the Waist Up, Love Olena — Kalytiak Davis
Cellist + Dogs Resembling Their Owner — Peter Jay Shippy

Three Months, No Kidding + Salt — Alison Stine


Sea Monsters — Kate Crane
The Middle-Aged Man and the Sea — Larry O’Connor
Third Street. Stambaugh, Michigan: Late Spring, 1972 — Chad Faries
City Storms — Jeffrey M. Bockman


On the Aesthetic Agenda of the Antiwar Movement, by Lori Cole


Mary Armstrong: Paintings — Introduction by Claude Cernuschi
Stoney Conley: Paintings — Introduction by Claude Cernuschi


Dream Children — Edith Pearlman
Since It’s You — Peter Brown
What We Do — Mat Johnston
Untitled as of Yet — Sarah Nankin
Activist — Andrew Richmond


Note to Post Road Readers — Jonathan Ames


Middlemarch by George Eliot — Donna Morrissey
The Savage Girl by Alex Shakar — Henry Presente
Italian Days by Barbara Grizzuti Harrison — Karl Iagnemma
Plant Life by Pamela Duncan — Lynn Pruett
Antarctica by Claire Keegan — Michael Lowenthal
Robert Walser — Kevin Canty
Open Doors by Leonardo Sciascia — Peter Orner
Michael Byers and The Coast of Good Intentions — Roy Parvin
True Grit by Charles Portis — Tom Franklin
Three Australian Novelists — Sabina Murray


Index: Lolita A-Z
Interview: April Bernard — Reb Livingston
Reprint: Henry James on Turgenev

Post Road Magazine – Issue #06 | Fall/Winter 2004


Selling Out: Consumer Culture and Commodification of the Male Body, by Eric Tyrone McLeod


Notebook + Bones, by Aaron Baker
The Stray + Pulling into Morning Sophie, by Cabot Black
Estimated Drift + Its Owners Became a Dim, by Margaret Funkhouser
Gleaners + Scarification, by James Hoch
In My Dream I’ve Become a Great Trumpeter + The Fish Hawk at Sanderling, by Sebastian Matthews
The Simple Machines + Happily Ever After, by Laurel Snyder


The Empirical Society, by John Moran


Michael Ayala: Photographs Introduction by Tim Malzhan


Animal Hater, by Samuel Ligon
What Our Father Is Here To Tell Us, by Peter Markus
The Artist and His Sister Gerti, by Christine Schutt
The Business of Leaving, by Felicia C. Sullivan
Well-To-Do-Person, by Diane Williams
What God Sees, by Scott D. Pomfret
Desembre, by D.E. Steward


Waiting Room Stacia J. N. Decker
Divers Weights and Divers Measures Patrick Madden


A Sorrow Beyond Dreams by Peter Handke. Translated by Ralph Mannheim — Richard McCann
The Emperor by Ryszard Kapuscinski — Steve Almond
The Rose of Tibet by Lionel Davidson — Barry Gifford
Mrs. Bridge by Evan S. Connell — Joanna Hershon
P.G.Wodehouse — A.E. Hotchner
Sacred and Vulgar: The Influences of Flannery O’Connor on the Illustrations for the Pennyroyal Caxton Bible — Barry Moser
All Souls Day by Cees Nooteboom (and other books that yearn) — Ben Schrank
Revisiting Old Flames of Literature — Mako Yoshikawa
Recommendations — Alex Beam
Why Did I Ever by Mary Robison — Lise Haines


Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses — Mark Twain
Journal: Berlin, July 18 – August 11, 2002 — Josip Novakovich


Post Road Magazine – Issue #05 | Spring/Summer 2004


Hip Hop High: Mainstream Black Culture in the White Suburbs, by Lauren Sandler


Twin Cities, No Sign + Before, by Jenny Browne
It’s Late Here How Light Is Late Once You’ve Fallen + Elegy to the Last Breath, by Katie Ford
Shadow of the Valley + How To Get The Love You Want, by Sarah Fox
Graffiti + The Chain, by Brian Komei Dempster
Marginalia + Divination, by Claire Hero
Closing Time + Quarry, by Elizabeth Scanlon


Beyond Recognition: A Monologue in 12 Sections, by Norman Lock


The Ciné, by Barry Gifford
Scar, by Robert Lopez
Hot Waters, by Paul Eberly
Easter Weekend, by Kenneth Cook
Sugar, by Nelly Reifler
Bargain Donuts, by Chloe Bland

Apology to Henry Aaron, by Steven Church
A Letter to the Bionic Man, by Ashley Shelby


Takahiro Kimura: Destruction and Construction of the Human Face
Introduction by Chris Elam


John Griesemer on Ernest Hebert
Julia Alvarez’s Recommended Reading
Julianna Baggot on Mary Morrissey, Olena Kalytiak Davis, and Marisa de los Santos
Janet Fitch on The Memory Room, by Mary Rakow
Elizabeth Graver on A Good House, by Bonnie Burnard and Blindness, by José Saramango
Edward Hoagland on The Circus of Dr. Lao, by Charles G. Finney
Tim Parrish on Head, by William Tester
Michael Moon’s The Memoir Bank
Stewart O’Nan on The True Detective, by Theodore Weesner
Tom Perrotta on Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, by Mario Vargas Llosa
The Holy Bible: King James Version — Mary Sullivan


Interview: Jonathan Lethem
Digression: Listerine: The Life and Opinions of Laurence Sterne, by John Wesley Harding

Post Road Magazine – Issue #04 | Fall/Winter 2003


Collateral Damages: Contexts for Thinking of the Liberation of Jamil Abul Al-Amin (H. Rap Brown), by Jeremy Matthew Glick


Cathedral Parkway Subway Grate + Our Summer Jobs, by Stephen Burt
Room + Extend, by Saskia Hamilton
Traducendo Brecht Fortini, Franco. “Traducendo Brecht.” Una volta per sempre. Poesie 1938-1973. Torino: Einaudi, 1978. Trans. John P. Welle
The Difference between the Need for Consistency & the State of Expectation + Definition of Weather, by Matthea Harvey
Sonnet + Our Will. by Eric Lorberer
35 What They Talked About and What They Said + De Chirico Shaving, by John Ruff


Two Monologues, by Will Eno


Josh Dorman Drawings — Introduction by William Corbett


Small World, by Jan Hodgman
The Shack of Art and Healing, by Oona Hyla Patrick


Gentility, by June Unjoo Yang
A Huge, Old Radio, by Ander Monson
Paternity Within the Limits of Reason, by Diana George
Why, by Toby Leah Bochan
Last Last Last, by Nicholas Montemarano


A Selection — Mary Jo Bang
Jane Hamilton — Melanie Braverman
Cool For You by Eileen Myles — Hillary Chute
A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclean — Nicholas Dawidoff
Bell Canto by Ann Patchett — Mary-Beth Hughes
Secret Life by Michael Ryan — Alden Jones
Blood by Patricia Traxler — Margot Livesey
My Life and Hard Times by James Thurber — Fiona Maazel
No Wedding, No Cake: Moseley and Mutis — Askold Melnyczuk
Oklahoma on my Mind — Alison Moore
The Bone People by Keri Hulme — Margot Schilpp
Black Tickets, Then and Now — Elizabeth Searle
Sheepshead Bay by Ed Barrett — William Corbett


Translation: Rhapsody for the Mule , by José Lezama Lima, Tr. G. J. Racz
Dance: A Poetics of Risk, by Ann Darby
Journal: Teaching Korea, by Lavinia Spalding
Document: Last Will and Testament of Samuel Johnson

Post Road Magazine – Issue #03 | Spring/Summer 2002


The Sweater, The Pair of Shoes, and the Jacket, by Rebecca Curtis
Vegetable on the Hoof, by Chris Offutt
White Square, by Brian Evenson
The Museum of Speed, by Len Jenkinson


A History of Kansas + Scenic Overlook, by Jennifer Kronovet
From The Lichtenberg Figures, by Ben Lerner
Why Sleep + Ocean is a Word in This Poem Cate Marvin 44 Rabid Dog + Looking at Satan, by Sarah Messer
In A Certain Place, At A Certain Time + The Prince, by Kate Moos


Responsibility, Justice, and Honesty: Rehearsing Edward Bond’s Saved Ken, by Rus Schmoll


Karoo by Steve Tesich, by Thomas Beller
Bruno Schultz and Bohumil Hrabal, by Myla Goldberg
The Alphabet in the Park: Selected Poems of Adelia Prado Translated from the Portuguese by Ellen Watson, by Steve Orlen
O.Henry, by Michael Snediker
James McMichael, by Robert Pinsky
Five Essential Modern Short Stories, by Jaime Clarke
Dangerous Muse: The Life of Lady, by Caroline Blackwood,
by Nancy Schoenberger, by Liam Rector
Winton, Munro, Berger, by Frederick Reiken
The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa, by Anne McCarty


Why Baltimore House Music Is The New Dylan, by Scott Seward


Wildwood: Nelson Bakerman


My Word: Memoir’s Necessary Betrayal, by Lee Martin
Moving Water, by Kevin Holdsworth
Shouting Obscenities at George Bush the Younger, by Olisa Corcoran


Letters: Letters Home from the Pacific, 1944-46, Francis Arthur Flynn: Compiled and Edited by Rick Moody
Travelogue: What is the Color of Hope in Haiti? by Jason Wilson
Biography: Extending Harry Crosby’s “Brief Transit”, by Edward Brunner